How long before the straight white male race becomes a minority?
How long before the straight white male race becomes a minority?
i hope it comes soon.. I want my gibs.
I heard snappchat radicalized adam Lanza and Reddit feminizes white boiz
That's cool less competition lol
within 50 years.
>blame jews for promoting racemixing
Don't worry, I would ravage her pussy so hard, and re-populate Europe my friend
did you think anime turning people gay was just a meme?
I think you mean its boipucci, with the boiclit above it
7.5% of the worlds population, we already are
>the straight white male race becomes a minority
what percentage of america is made up of straight white males?
It's alight, our new Chinese overlords will treat us with more compassion than their new black slaves. They're already colonizing Africa under the guise of altruistic endeavours whilst simultaneously superseding the local farmers with Chinese workers.
I just googled the image and now I feel filthy, what to do boys?
Always look at the feet, boys. You can always tell by their feet.
masturbate to boipussy obviously
A very long time > Report not Political
take the tranny redpill
All white males should just become trannies desu. Life would be easier for you.
Follow your flag.
Less than 2% of the population consists of men who have sex with men.
I'd be his boyfriend. Good taste in vidya.
No, I feel really like shit now. No wonder why people hate trannies.
take the puccipill
I raffed out roud. Grew up in ATL in the 1980s. This has been the case for many decades before I was conceived.
Traps aren't gay. God not only permits but encourages trap harems.
Have a wife to raise your children and a harem full of traps to fuck in the ass while your wife is busy.
It's what God wants you to do. Think about it, those "men" dressing up as women wouldn't have been anything but cucks anyways
no redpill goes down easy friend, you should know this
thats a tranny, isnt it?
>no wonder people hate trannies
You're right, people are weak and project their own inability to cope with their personal insecurities out on other people, commonly in the form of superficial belittlement. You're a fucking cuck dude. You can't even allow yourself to naturally be attracted to something without the validation of socially conditioned idiots to tell you it's okay. That is goddamn pathetic