be honest here my fellow german posters, why do you keep coming here?
I quit posting on Sup Forums a while ago because I thought the whole kraut bashing was just a period meme that would disappear after some time.
But infact it has become worse.
So why do you keep coming here?
You know 9/10 Sup Forumstards here hate us with a passion whatever we do, right?
Be honest here my fellow german posters, why do you keep coming here?
What are you talking about? Germany is super popular on Sup Forums. Well.....mostly nazis, now that you're cucked of course you're going to get less respect.
Just hide your flag faggot like the cuck you are.
Stop being a giant shekel pussy and let's join together and finish our shekel killing mission.
t. calls them subhuman niggers in the next g20 thread
>loving nazis =/= loving germany
this also doesn't answer my real question.
this is also a major part in the problem. deutsch flags have become unbearable.
Why hate on americans for example? They are the only ones that slightly respect us.
>inb4 stop sucking burger dick
Change your fucking flag then you cuck or het the fuck off Sup Forums you sensitive, whiny little kraut bitch.
damn son
Fix your country. Germany is filled with Antifa traitors, niggers and sandniggers
Look at this shit
>kraut bashing
name one country that doesnt get bashed here
>inb4 canada
>So why do you keep coming here?
when nothing's good on /tg/, i skim Sup Forums for any major habbenigs
>9/10 Sup Forumstards here hate us with a passion whatever we do
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
did I say something wrong?
Because the whole German media is FAKE and extreme left and mudslime biased. Also here you get archives of most german fake satire outlets
They dont hate us. They're sad because were (YOU) fucking pathetic. They bully us because they want to help us.
But they are right to bash us (only they are just as bad of).
I can also easily hide my flag if i wan't, so that is not even a problem anymore.
Kraut your people are behaving worse than fucking niggers. You have no right to critisize niggers from now on.
>9/10 Sup Forumstards here hate us with a passion
not much different than being right-wing in germany, 9/10 germans will hate you for that with a passion.
Here i can at least say what i want.
Being overly sensitive, trolling under EU flags and spamming pro EU shit does not help. Bashing every EE country as some sort of inferior post apocalyptic land does not help. Most of your country's citizen voting for people and measures that will lead to either european extinction or another huge war is not helping either. The stereotypes I learned about you germans in my childhood were worth of respect - hard working, firm, masculine, authoritarian, serious, perfectionists. The reality over the years is that all you are is cucks, numales, feminists, antifa marxists, shit fetishists and disgusting sexual apes that think everyone east of them in Europe are maggot food for the almighty german God. It ain't helping kraut. And let us not forget you are well on the way of becoming a caliphate. IT DOES NOT HELP KRAUT.
PS: Romania gets bashed with muh gypsi almost all the time, you don't see us crying around.
fuck off Adolph
My flag will transform into an american soon.
Why you even on Sup Forums, you dirty baal worshipper?
That's nice.... keep Germany german
your country is a mess and third time destroying Europe,Hans.
fuck ´em
...? I was born in Germany
Non of your business Adolf. Focus on your cucked disgusting country.
What are you taliking? American anons with muh Germanic heritage suck German dicks every time on Sup Forums and post Germany memorabilia, etc.
I just hate Merkel, Schultz and some ""New German anons""" - mostly Turkish Germans that LARP as EU shills and make D&C threads.
You better vote Republican, asshole...
Noone hates the Swiss
Who asked for your opinion you lowlife scum? Gtfo this board everyone hates you
everybody loves us. U jelly?
You fucking turbo cuck, Americans are the biggest degenerates and one of our primary enemies when it comes to the international culture war.
The only reason they are bashing you on this site is because of their massive, mind-numbing ego and their numbers.
What else is there to vote for?
fuck off Hans, your empire gonna fall soon
>ask Germans why they still post here
>get mostly butthurt foreigners
made me think
I too, think the kraut bashing shit is getting kind of old.
>hurr durr time to destroy Europe for the 3rd time xD
You know North Dakota doesn't actually exist right?
Well I have stopped giving shit to Germans now. I actually feel bad for you guys because I've never encountered a more defeated and deflated people in all my life. I'm actually sorry we left you suffer so long.
I'm not american enough to get that joke, sorry
I'm German and I hate most Germans nowadays because they're cucked as fuck and can't handle any banter/become immediately asshurt.
I literally got no problem with people hating on modern germans since they deserve it.
You are lucky that hitler is dead, you Cancer of humanity.
This is just part and parcel of posting in a multicultural imageboard.
It's like Bielefeld not existing
>triggering the mountain jew
How about you take a toblerone and shove it up your ass you greedy piece of shit. Swiss people always hide in their mountains when shit goes down, you're all little cowardly cunts.
The kikes will pay
Fuck off Heiko! Just because you can't stand some internet banter doesn't mean others can't.
>They bully us because they want to help us.
This, we're extra hard on Germany and Sweden because we don't WANT them to fail. When your friend starts putting on weight at an alarming rate, calling him out for being a fat fuck isn't hate, it's an attempt to wake them up and force reflection preceding change.
If there is one thing that's reliable its Krauts randomly picking fights with countries that could give zero fucks about them.
Yes we are the enemy and not the Jews who fucked you over with two world wars, a Communist rebellion and the breakup of half your country and utter humiliation on the world stage. Yes the guys who want to sell burgers and phone apps truly are the Germanic nemesis.
> bully to provoke back to vigor
That's true, but I fear it can be pushed too far. People's morale might pucker and collapse. I saw one German several months ago who that happened to. I don't think his self-country-hate was ironic, he'd really bought it all, I can't believe it was the Sup Forums stuff, though that didn't help, but the educational and media indoctrination. Was very sad.
>What are you talking about? Germany is super popular on Sup Forums.
Uh, no. Wtf are YOU talking about? Germans have the second most cucked country on earth, and they're doing fuck all about it. Fuck Germany, and every one of their shit skin refugees.
One of the few who gives me a slight hope for germany
You Germans are some of the smartest, most thoughtful posters on here - don't go anywhere.
Imagine how many Cheesefuckers from your shithole flatland have travelled to Hamburg beforehand. You sort your filthy hole out and we do our own.
>Implying those comments are not well deserved with all the shit lefty pandering that goes on over here in Germany
>I quit posting on Sup Forums a while ago because I thought the whole kraut bashing was just a period meme that would disappear after some time.
Maybe you should just stop spouting irrelevant shit, or say retarded things.
Why are you going to North Dakota of all places? It will give you a break from muslims and blacks though. Not sure about beaners - they're everywhere.
>shittalk from a country that will be Atlantis in a few years
Begone flowerboy!
I hate them
Everyone hates the Swiss. Fat chocolate munching fucks.
Nah there's not really any mexicans here. Not really much of anything tbqh.
Shut up and stay active.
Continuity and discipline wins the day
>2nd strategic echelon - The Shitposters and Dispatchers - Bandenkampf tier:
>You're user. You don't facefag, but you're still out on the streets as well as active online.
>You attend rallies, marches, speeches, conventions but on a low profile.
>You document the movement on as much channels as possible and maintainable.
>YOU DO THE FUCKING KRAUT/POL/ for instance :D if there's none up ATM!
>You PHYSICALLY REMOVE any and all leftist AgitProp in your neighborhood on a regular basis.
>You might as well make suitable memes print-ready and order or self-print stickers and/or posters
and occasionally troll the shit out of Antifa propaganda with it.
>Stay inside the grey-zone of bill-posting, though! Identitarians have been indicted under graffiti charges
plus the usual Volksverhetzung for simply posting small patriotic stickers. So there is certain risk.
>You also will filter the output of this here primordial soup of Meme Magic, take the most appealing
and spread them through Kikebook, Twatter and every other online channel available, like AfD Chan f.i.
>You also, if you can afford it, support the 1st echelon financially. Via PayPal, Patreon or even cash Shekels.
Because I hate my country too and because I am not easily triggered by 56% white amerilards on the internet?
do it again bomber harris
Sunflowers. I was impressed to see fields of them along I-90. So sweet and innocent :)
do you actually believe this?
I mean I would appreciate it if it was true but it really isn't.
You invented the Kuckucksuhr.
We invented basically everything.
Kuck-kuck. Kuck-kuck.
Yes it is very pretty :^)
that one out of ten will be somebody that respects us and for that one person we must show presence, must spite all the rest. if we are seen as wicked and evil by most of the people here, then so be it. let us be the savior of all evil then.
>goyim are all the same..
Nice try shlomo. We aren't having a heared time to figure out, who is doing the divide and conquere behind the kekistan, fag or nazi flags.
A lot of us have more German ancestry than many of the cucks in your country, we want to love Germany but when we see what's being done to it we can't help but hate on Germans.
Fucking bring it... It'll be a bloodbath, but at least it'll show you still have a fucking spine, faggot
Have a (((YOU)))
>But infact it has become worse.
Woah! Dude! It's like actions have consequences!
Explains why the US citys are such rotting hell holes and yet the far out Suburbs and the countryside are often excatly, how you would imagine a perfect white homeland.
Stop letting the hebrew trick you whites into killing each other for them
I know we don't always get along kraut, I know that if that kike churchill hadn't been so salty we'd still have our empire and you would still have your reich - but I still respect some of you.
I think a lot of people, myself included, are mean to krauts with the hope they'll get over frustrated and go full 14/88, gassing turks and other muzzie invaders on the streets
Why would I stop coming here because a bunch of subhumans talk shit?
I'm a German Christian and proud of it. I don't have a problem with us taking in refugees from war ravaged countries either. It's the decent, the right thing to do.
However, economical refugees are a different matter. But since our government agrees with me, we'll be rid of those again in a couple of years.
Sup Forums likes to roleplay as being Christian and moral, but they'd turn their back on people in need. They're mostly screeching autists who want to be edgy. You shouldn't let it bother you.
seriously I hope you wessi scum get erased by Ali and his friends
t. butthurt saxon
Ever heard of TOUGH LOVE?
We deserve everything thats coming to us. It's about Time german Shitposterss take some responsibility. Americans and British showed us that IT CAN BE DONE.
So do your fucking part and redpill any way you know how. If you know how to create contemporary germany related memes , then fucking do it.
If you just know how to post memes en masse on Social Media then fucking do it.
If you know how to provoke Lefties and make them look stupid then fucking do it!!!!
>I quit pol because they bullied me
What a fucking fag try a mexican or Indian, Brazilian flag you get a lot more shit. Have you any idea how many idiots tell me to go back to Mexico even tough they're seeing my flag...
Fucking pussy
Most of the time when I see a German flag it's shit posting some faggy liberal shit. Same with swedish.
Not even sure anyone from Sweden actually comes here and it's all just proxies
>be honest here my fellow german posters, why do you keep coming here?
To shitpost. Like i care about the opinion of
>le kekistani american xddd (pic related)
who has hos education from Sup Forums. God, these idiots think, that Germany is communist.
>can't take the banter so he quit.
You don't deserve to have germanic genes, newfag.
Most of Sup Forums is from the Anglosphere so if you go against Britain or any other Anglo country then they will hate on you. New Sup Forums will unironically say Germany was in the wrong in WW2 because Britain declared war on you. Anglo propaganda has made a bigger impact than you think over the past 2 years
(((anglos))) are truly the enemy of white race.
eye dunno X-DDDDD
Ms Harris, c-can you p-please do it again?
You're making me sick
You can either hide your flag, or better yet take a stand! Change you country! From cuckistan to something that you can be proud of
>The kikes will pay
oh the irony
>too ashamed to use his disgustng Kraut flag
Evil Germany is a lead player in globalisation.
Happily this time Germany will be destroyed forever.
Germany is not a real country like France or England it's a Central European meme made from lots of little countries that only existed for 40 years before starting 2 world wars, loosing both, becoming half communist and now shitting up the place with trillions of niggers and Pakis.
Goodby Germany, no one will miss you when your dead, and that will be in just a couple of years now thanks to Merkel. You are evil scum and will be only remembered as evil scumbags.
everybody hate each other in this place, that is why we come here, if you are looking for salvation, there isnt any here or anywhere else, the sooner you understand this, the freer you will be
Fuck off commie
>You know 9/10 Sup Forumstards here hate us with a passion whatever we do, right?
Or, you know, just stop sucking globalist cock for a change and see if the sentiment changes
Fuck off, Kraut.