Brit/pol/ - SMASH CAPITALISM edition
>Reminder /OurGal/ Is running in the upcoming UKIP Election

G20 Face to Face talks today

>May to press G20 on terror financing even though shes in bed with Saudi Shitrabia

>Trump and Merkel shit talk eachother at G20

>The retired judge who will head the Grenfell Tower inquiry "lost the room" when he met residents and survivors, according to a community group member.

>UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market because they need more poles to work illegaly and fuck up the working class

>UK starting salaries jump as Brexit vote hits staff supply - REC

>(((Pope))) hopes to have Charlie Gard sick child to Vatican to join his harem of young boys.


>UK house prices finally falling

>Uck spreading STD's

Other urls found in this thread:

>PR firm Bell Pottinger apologises over S Africa campaign

Emily Fermor, an elected Lib Dems councillor and MP candidate in the last election is a consultant at Bell Pottinger, promoting white genocide and racial divisions in South Africa. So much for those liberal values.

>Fermor is a consultant at Bell Pottinger. An Oxford graduate, she joined the firm last year and is a councillor on Maidstone Borough Council.

>having hope

>no news of UK in g20
>s-soft power




Either filter him or ignore him, pick one.

Has nige said anything on AMW yet?
I fear the tory-lites could wheel him out if she gets big

This heat is pretty mind-numbing desu, hard to do anything other than laza about.


Anonymongs go through a lot of effort to cover up their insecurities.

Lads lets all rate the BBC news app 1 star like the burgers are doing with CNN. I'm bored and sick of their propaganda bullshit.

There were meant to be thunderstorms forecast for the area last night but nothing materialised.

I feel cheated.

Seems a great way of misdirecting your energy.

Forget what you have found, delete it off of yuor PC and get on with your life


it will achive literally nothing
spamming gas the kikes in a twitch chat will make more a difference

How is this even remotely worthwhile news?

That's a new tier of LARPing


Lads I missed it last night but I is this week's QT worth a watch?

for all the good it will do


Yeah it was a really good episode.

In that interview he later goes on to say he doesn't really know who that is but he should win anyway. Clearly watched a zeitgeist tape in the past week.

Who /watching the tennis/ here?

I thought of a fun idea that might make brit/pol/ more entertaining for a short while but I don't know what you'll think of it.

We find online customer support chats for websites like Argos and PC World, share the links here, then we all go into the chats and try and persuade the customer support people to the side of far-right politics, then we post screenshots here for shits n giggles.

Excellent cheers. Just seen moggy is appearing so that seals it

Yep. Reminder that bedene and konta are simply not British


They just cut off the chat. Waste of time.

>everyone just stares including the staff for 5 minutes

embarassing desu.

>Protesting against capitalism while wearing clothes that were provided by the capitalist competition

lel, it won't be long until these people start speaking out against words or some shit.

>wow you paid for something, thats literally capitalism


Excuse me what? fucking lol

what is happening to politics right now
>leader of the opposition trying to dictate when and how elections happen

fucking kek





he's probally a pajeet in a center in india

Fucking hell kek



>wow that thing was produced by workers in a factory working for a corporation owned by investors and businessmen who saw a gap in the market and filled it by producing and selling in-demand products for a profit

They don't make the shirts themselves, nor were they made by communes of tibetan monks or some shit. capitalism gave them that shirt

That is actually pretty funny but it would fall apart if too many people did it/it happened too often.

Does she just love getting her cute little tits out? funny shit

wtf i love capitalism now

how can any other ideologies of making clothes compete?

Why? If it was a UKIP councillor the media would be all over it


Far from it lad. I remember back on either /k/ or Sup Forums when it wasn't quite as shit as it is now, many moons ago trolling the Cabelas website chat amongst others, the more people who joined in, the more exasperated the customer service got and the funnier their reactions were.

A hand-baaaaaaaaaaag



redpilling one by one, don't forget to link to hitler videos.

Based Britain, USA and Russians, eh?

Now enjoy the terrorism cucks


it's almost as if capitalism is the most efficient economic system that is the best at responding to market trends and changes

it's almost as if excessive central planning is nowhere near as experimental or competitive and cannot cater to niche markets nearly as much

tell them hitler did literally nothing wrong, ask them to name what he did wrong

It was a mistake to kill all of those jews, now they have isreal because of it.

>i unironically think there should be disgustingly big gap between ultra wealthy and ultra poor

Post more screenshots Rightly.

People live on the edges of deserts... in any situation where human life can exist (no matter how deprived) it will. Therefore there will always, always be the "ultra poor".

Meeting Peter Hitchens one on one in early October as things stand, anything I should ask him after I've gotten what I am supposed to get from him (that won't immediately cause him to leave)?

I'm currently taking a shit and watching joe rogan, you guys can do it, I posted the chat link

>I unironically think you can objectively define "Ultra rich" and "ultra poor"

Book signing?


No - don't really want to go into it too much, but it's work related.

I want a "Makes the CBI shit itself" Brexit

>i unironically think that nobody should be wealthy because we all can't be wealthy

user, post your master manifesto that will save us all from le ebil banksters

Ask him how bad things really are

Ask him if one of the thieves was saved.

This Charlie Gard thing is the essential commentary on modern Britain

>facts are shunned
>the minority of logical people are hounded & silenced
>majority do not care if he's a nigh completely brain dead sack of meat kept alive by machines only that he will die naturally and not live as a completely inanimate sack of meat on a machine (as if that's "life")

It's honestly pathetic and the parents need to be sterilised. The father here is a massive fucking pussy who has let his wife run amock with feelings and wasted millions of pounds. The modern male I guess, logic & reason are second to feelings and comments from strangers on Facebook. Control your woman folks or you end up like these two -- a pair conpeltely devoid of dignity

historical politicians you'd be most likely to vote for

would you ever stand in politics, either as an independent or for a party

Is fucking your daughter the ultimate redpill?

>someone with 3 billion dollars in the bank totally isn't that rich

not what i said

but pic related anyway

geography matters not to our country though does it?

Define "ultra rich" and "ultra poor" lad.

ask him where he wants us to migrate

Ask him if he has any criticisms of fast food or popular music.

Fair enough. It depends on how far you are willing to go, I think you might be able to get away with something like "what/who do you think is the force behind the push for mass migration?" I doubt he would mention the Jew unless he had considerable amounts of alcohol in him but it's worth a shot to see what he'd say.

An ultra poor is someone with so little money that they can't afford to even buy eye moisture so they have to use their sleeve to rub the crust off their eyeballs.

someone who can afford to waste money is ultra rich

someone who can't afford food or a homeless person is ultra poor


Of course not, you are supposed to trade your daughters to other mens daughters and take them as your wives to make more to trade again, the boys are used as workforce

It's not like they couldn't use a fake name


Maybe he'll just mention Mandelsons admission that he sent people out to look for migrants, which would be a fairly safe answer.

Define wasting money.

Also the purpose of an economic system isn't to feed and clothe people.

Sure, but the desert thing was kind of metaphorical, you can imagine the economy as land able to support life, people will live at the fringes of that economy on the border of "not enough to live".

JRM to ukip
he seem to go against the party line in QT and used "I" and "me" alot like he wants to be leader

"wasting money" is something nobody can afford to do by definition. If you waste it, it means you could have spent it better but made a poor decision

And the number of ultra poor people in Britain is very low, most of the poor people here have far too much food and are overweight.

Also, fascist and nazi ideas were not socialist in any real sense of the word. It was just a ruse to win more support and get rid of the trade unions so actual commies couldn't gain a foothold.

Lol good stuff

I know, it's fucking annoying. Apparently there's yet another application being made to the court

You know, I never used to like summer. Always whinged about the heat. Now I bloody love it, even if I do feel like I've just been picking cotton for massa if I decide to do gardening in this weather.

>the purpose of an economic system isn't to feed and clothe people.

of course it isn't in the social democratic capitalistic economy

its not like theirs laws and shit i doubt they could do that

> socialist in any real sense of the word.
depends which definition you're using

wasting money really is anything you don't need for living, disposable incoming maybe i was looking for.

mussolini facism was closer to socialism
Hitler just said what he thourght would get votes

There's no laws preventing someone from pretending their name is Steven

>its not like theirs laws and shit i doubt they could do that
As if Patel from Jaipur gives a fuck about laws in England

>As if Patel from Jaipur gives a fuck about laws in England
no but im sure they would need to comply with UK law, no?

and the company operating in the UK would need to abide by them

you sure?


>no but im sure they would need to comply with UK law, no?
Who is going to check or care whether an internet customer supporter worker on the other side of the planet is faking his name?

>of course it isn't in the social democratic capitalistic economy

You mean the open market economy. The purpose of an economic system is to distribute scarce resources that have alternative uses. Open markets have proven to be the most efficient at doing this.

saw an pregnant woman on the train today and gave my seat up for her

she was just fat