Climate change is a hoa...
Climate change is a hoa
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Prove causation, not correlation, then I'll take you seriously
>You could post deviant temperature from 10000 years ago and get different results
>If we've gone up 1 degree in about 100 years then why do we think 1 degree by 2100 is something that will end the earth?
>140 years
what would you consider proof?
i'm not exactly a "denier" but it'd be a bit less disingenuous if you showed the thousand(s) before 1880
now lets roll back to 4.5 billion years ago
how was the earth's temperature back then?
What will happen to this thread:
>Niggers storm in and post charts showing how much the earth temperature changed in the last 100 million years
>Always fail to mention that the temperature differences in their charts were not changed within 100-200 years like we have now but rather thousands of years
>Extremly temperature differences always had a cause that can be determined by the sun, vulcanos etc except for the rising tmeperature now
In other words people saying:
are dumb idiots who cant realize how fucking wrond they are
Climate progress is real. No one disputes that. What is disputed (and not real) is that it's man made.
As much as the earth is not the center of the universe as much humans can not change the climate.
Typical leftist hubris
Halt all man made Co2 emissions for a day, measure the result.
a causal relation between human activity and temperature increase.
We know natural climate changes occur over thousands of years
We know the earth is getting warmer since about a hundred years
We know the industry became huge about a hundred years ago
this. show me the last 15,000 years you stupid piece of shit. that shows some inconvenient truths though so you won't
I'm all for the climate change meme if it means advances in green energy tech. Unfortunately the left are sadists and only push the climate change narrative because they want to punish industry.
>he thinks it'll end the earth
It won't. It'll have drastic complications with weather, sea levels rising. Basically any low lying place will be under water, creating millions & millions of refugees. Pull your head out your ass America, we don't need more refugees.
The earth has never gotten warmer before?
a days worth of Co2 is so insignificant, you wouldn't see a result
can you be a bit more specific on how that can be proved / what kind of proof you would accept?
Wow 1° difference in mean temperature. We're all going to die! There's no way that temperature could change by 1° in 150 years unless we did it.
Buy my green tech. Buy my leftover carbon emission credits. Import immigrants who will reduce your carbon footprint by, uhh, being brown... don't be racist!
Nice axes
Soooo youre telling me the temperature is increasing as the ice age is ending???
It has
But like I said
Natural warming is a VERY LONG process
I literally learned that in high school, global warming deniers are beyond retarded
It would take a very stubborn autist to deny man influence on the current warming
WOW! That's a fancy looking chart with a lot of colors! It must be true now! Look at this chart guys, look at all the government funded science data we've just been shown in colors! Forget the fact that the government will only fund scientists that give them the results they want, THIS one is the real deal.
500 million years of climate change
I thought only americans were this retarded
>claiming to have temperature data that old
>0.5 degree difference
how insignificant can a days worth of 21st century pollution be if 365x200 days worth of it supposedly got us this far without any external factors like natural warming and cooling cycles?
The number one reason I don't believe in climate change is this:
Supposedly, it started once humans started using fossil fuels like oil and coal. But in the 70's, the government scientists were SOOOO convinced of global cooling, that they were actually afraid of another ice age. So they were looking at the SAME fucking data scientists are looking at now, but they were seeing a massive cooling trend across the globe. Yet scientists today, are now claiming that there has always been a steady increase in global temperature since the first uses of fossil fuels. How can scientists only a few decades apart have complete opposite views on simple temperature. Someone is lying, and scientists should not be universally trusted without questioning their motives. Like how they only continue to get funding if they produce desired results.
How can you possibly know natural warming is a very long process when we've only been measuring global temperatures with real accuracy for 100 years?
Oh, check it out.
Another model that conveniently starts at about 1850/1890.
How convenient for the ideologue supporting anthropomorphic global warming theory.
It would be nice if some of their models went back before 1850, but I guess that just wont happen.
You're not even doing anything about the fake refugees now, when the climate ones show up you will have no choice but to bend over and take it with no lube
>why is 1/73000 a small number?
>what is record keeping?
not even 100 years. I'd say less than 70 years. Even temperature readings made in the 30's are still disputed today
Here's an example from the 40's. Don't mind the location goy, they have it rough out in israel
>single degree deviation from mean since 1880
>The scale only goes up to the current all time high to eventuate the scary colors
>I'm supposed to believe that temperature measurement in 1880 was as accurate as the systems we have only had in place since 2000 with wide use of GPS and weather satellites
Daily reminder that these numbers are all based on ground based measurements from inaccurate third world stations that have to have their data (((adjusted))) because it doesn't fit the narrative to use the highly accurate satellites that can measure the temperature of a fly's fart.
So whats to be done about this shit anyway? Is there a way to cut down on this that doesnt involve invading India and China and forcing them to abide and also forcing everyone to live in 1700's-esque conditions? Or do we continue on as before, just make sure to give more money to papa governkent to soothe our guilt?
this lol
My point with these posts
Ok you fucking morons. Say this is totally a hoax. And ((((((they))))))) are pushing it so you buy whatever (((((energy efficient)))))) garbage they are throwing at you.
But just what do you have against clean/renewable tech? Do you want to suck off the arabs for eternity for muh oil? Do you want the government to keep spending trillions and sending your soldiers to secure that oil? Do you want to bend your ass to schlomo shekelberg for eternity so you have a shitty little ally in the area so you can have your oil? Do you want to wear fucking masks on the street so you don't die of fucking lung cancer and your eyes don't burn the fuck out like the ching chongs? Do you want your tap water to look like piss?
Your mentality is not far from that of Haitian niggers who just squandered their country to no end. Or gypsies that get government housing and sell every brick and spend that shit on heroin, then blame the government for being racist and not giving them gibs.
so will you mate, we're all in this together retard.
1. Less than 1 celsius increase (wow, its fucking nothing)
2. We are going through a natural warming cycle
3. The only reason the kikes care is they can mess around with carbon credits. I heard some shit that they are now gaiming carbon credits by abortions. Sickening.
This level of retardation is possible only in US
They are lying. They manipulated the Data.
The warmest decade was the 1930's. Don't believe their lies!
Oy vey, our temperature measurements don't show any strong sign of warming. Lets just go back and change our measurements to get the results we want!
t. "scientist"
Didn't you just get btfo'd earlier??
Hockey stick is a lie faggot.
Sadly what he described is actually painfully accurate to what some people say out in California.
>lets only look ath the data from 140 years
huh mks u tink
No-one is against clean energy you litteral retard. Nuclear is the way to go. What we care about is when they say westeners need to habe less kids but m'bungo in africa can habe 9 because they dont have a "carbon footprint", or when they use it as an excuse to take in "climate refugees".
> be me
> live in a second world illiberal democracy
> filthy rich capture a part of the shoreline
> 20 years of glad bal warming later
> rising sea wipes the walkable beach
> local government forces the Richie's to forget the land they illegally captured
True story.
Leftists are able to argue honestl-
Look at that, WWII raised the global temp and it peaked when the nukes were dropped. Hmm. Maybe all the bombing in the middle east and elsewhere is having an effect.
Also, CO2 emissions only have an effect on the climate years after due to the laws of thermodynamics. If you're too big of a retard to understand how atmospheric chemistry works you shouldn't really be forming your own opinion and leave it to the scientists.
You sure are gonna enjoy having a fucking nuclear reactor under your ass while driving.
> global
> forfeit
Fuck phoneposting
Ever heard of a battery you absolute mongoloid?
>what is urban heat island
>what is inaccuracy of GissTemp and UHCN
>what is data manipulation
>what is natural albedo
>what is the fucking SUN
You don't seem to understand just how clean oil and fossil fuels actually are. There have been huge improvements over the past few decades to make them clean. Just like how smog in the busiest cities doesn't exist anymore, because cars have become much cleaner. Just because something runs on batteries doesn't make it "clean". They're making incredibly toxic items, and that toxicity doesn't just disappear, it stays there forever. AND not to mention, where the fuck do you think the energy comes from to power these teslas? Here in the US, it comes from fossil fuels. So while those people are feeling all high and mighty about their green car, they forget that they're just driving using power from the same place as the diesel truck next to them. And secondly, how much energy do you think goes into these cars? It's the equivalent CO2 production of using a gasoline car for 8 YEARS. 8 years of driving that tesla around will just start to break even with the Co2 production of a gasoline car. Think that lithium ion battery will last for 8 years? tell me how long the battery in your phone lasted for. Then imagine having to get that replaced after 5 years of normal use. In 5 years time, that "green" tesla just output the equivalent of 16 years of Co2.
Green energy is a nice though, especially because it might mean its more inexpensive that it is now, but to think that it's dirty is wrong. With the exception of fucking china, but nothing you can do about that.
I agree with your point, but I do not appreciate being taken for a fool. New energy technologies are a good thing, just don't try push them using fear and lies while simultaneously profiting from the fear and lies.
See thorium
Also consider the following. Shit hole North Korea has been using nuclear power since the Soviet days.
Funny how we don't hear about any accidents from them.
Makes you think.
Thorium is a meme. The best option is hydrogen or battery.
But yes, 1st world nations don't have nuclear disaster (see sweden). We fucking detected the leak from tjernobyl before anyone else did. Obviously communists cant handle a nuclear power plant, nor can gooks or niggers.
Data manipulation by who? NASA? Multiple government agencies around the world?
Why can't you just accept what is being said by the experts?
You realize that nuclear is the only option right? It's the only readily available energy source that produces 100% of the time, with no byproducts, and takes up minimal space. It's the best of all worlds. And I'm sure if they thought really hard about it (aka get funding) they could figure out good uses for the spent fuel.
there's a nuclear power plant just up the road from me here in california. Mitsubishi fucked up making the new turbine for them or some shit, so rather than making a new one, they just shut down the plant, took the unspent fuel and just put it out on the fucking beach. Yeah, you read that right, there is unspent nuclear fuel sitting right out on the beach in california. Because that sounds like a much better idea than just fixing the turbine and getting massive amounts of power
These same "experts" say cutting of a kids dick is a smart move. You would have been the guy in the 50s who got a lobotomy because shlomo finkelstein said it was a great and safe procedure.
Yes, but 1° on global scale isn't small thing.
I know most of scientists are ideologists these days but man-made climate change is real.
Lignite and oil are biggest pollution causes.
You should focus on alternative energy sources like nuclear or hydro.
I always wondered about thorium just being a meme. What's the short coming?
My point with North Korea is more that it's not nearly as dangerous as people make it out to be if even best Korea can manage to not fuck it up. Negligence is the only danger.
because those experts have alterior motives, which is to feed their families. If a scientist puts out data saying that there isn't evidence of warming (which you'd expect there to be at least a few based on chances of temperature fluctuations) they wouldn't have a job anymore.
its not as small as youre making it out to be you disingenuous little faggot.
I think this video really sums up the financial element of pushing man made climate change. I have no doubt Neil DeGrasse Tyson has shares in new energy companies. Look how he wags his tongue in anticipation like a greedy money hungry dog in this debate:
I'd like to see the explanation of the ice caps being bigger than they've ever been before, and how global warming causes that. That should be some good mental gymnastics
Skip to 4 mins
Yes circumcision and the lobotomy were both proven false over time, climate change has not.
EXCLUSIVE: Study Finds Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Climate Data
Factually incorrect my dude
Read the thread. We don't use the satellite data in these measurements because it's inaccurate* (read: doesn't fit the narrative). Instead they rely on a composite of various weather centers throughout the world, many of which are highly inaccurate. To correct for this they end up (((adjusting))) the data to be correct.
When you're talking about a climate change of a single fucking degree over 130 years I'd argue that small inaccuracies can ruin your data set. Especially when a huge majority of that data was likely collected by hand using visual measurements like Mercury thermometers handled by pajeet that didn't realize his measurements from 1920 would be used to push a narrative on how the Earth is a degree hotter 100 years later.
Several climatologists have come out and said they dont belive it.
One of them being the founder of the weather channel in the us.
>muh 99.9% of all scientists a-agree
No they dont. Keep repeating msnbc talking points you brainwashed little lemming.
Do you think that the scientists putting out data that using leaded petrol wasn't harmful had to feed their families too. It wasn't until a few scientists bit the bullet. And now blood lead levels have decreased.
someone post the temperature stations location collage, I'm too lazy myself
Scientist survive on grant money. There's no money in questioning the narrative.
>libtards in 1950's
"It's Global Cooling!!!!1!1!"
>libtards in the 1970's
"It's Global Dimming!!!!1!1!"
>libtards in the 1990's
"It's Global Warming!!!!1!1!"
>libtards in the 2010's
"It's Climate Change!!!!1!1!"
No, it's just marxists trying desperately to gain centralized control over a massive chunk of the global economy.
Why do we accept that "climate scientists" exist? Pseudo-scientific bullshit. We do not understand how the climate works, we can't even predict the weather tomorrow properly.
>that heating during WW2
And here I thought winter was particularly brutal during the war years, which yet again saved the squatters
Today was 23 Celsius in Toronto. Tomorrow will be 22 Celsius.
I too can use truncated data to fit my narrative.
Hysterical left BTFO.
Many people have come out and said they don't believe in evolution and they were wrong too.
lol I don't watch MSNBC
Interesting image op. I haven't seen a rainfall display of warming before. Nice addition.
Yes, I agree with the conclusions based upon a large number of studies that ask the question if the earth is warming.
No, I do not agree with the proposed solutions.
That is all.
Which fact?
>Global warming causes colder winds
Yeah, okay pal. I'd like you to notice how they changed the word from "global warming" to climate change, so they can now encompass ANYTHING weather related. Cold weather? Climate change! Hot weather? Climate change! Too many tornadoes? Climate change! Not enough tornadoes? Climate change! Too much rain? Climate change! Etc. you get the point
I fucking remember global cooling. Teacher said we might experience a new ice age. I cant take their climate change bullshit seriously when they pushed that fake scaremongering narrative to us when we were kids.
well there you go. The consensus was that leaded fuel was okay, until decades later when a few admitted it wasn't. Aren't you proving my point?
Fake news and fake data make by scientist afraid of losing their gibs. Go shill somewhere else libtard
Lol. If anything, global warming is a religion. Praise the almighty black science man! Abort your kids for carbon credits! Its 2017!
There's actually no such field. It's a combination of various fields that nobody is master in all of just because of time required.
Find me someone that is a PhD in meteorology, geology, marine biology, physics and all the other shit that goes into climate science.
You know that if you pile those rods there is a chance of causing a thermonuclear explosion. It depends on how enriched the uranium is.
Oh yes, the nefarious conspiracy by the world's scientific community to install a communist world government controlled by the UN using publicly available data which can be checked by anyone.
To be fair, that's because warming has dramatic effects in cooler regions as well. For instance, more warmth at the poles results in the jet stream slowing down. This results in more arctic vortexes which cause massive cold snaps. In the antarctic, more warmth leads to more water being evaporated which leads to an increase in precipitation. In the case of the antarctic, more snow.
The allegations of tornadoes and hurricanes though has been found to be bullshit so far. That is, studies have not been able to correlate changes in warming to more intense hurricanes and tornadoes.
Yeah my scary time stories where about the hole in the ozone, which is why I stopped using hair spray causing me to look unkempt and never get laid in high school.
Never again leftists. Never again.
kek stupid confederates
So the earth is billions of years old, but we can judge climate trends from 130 years of data. Lol. I thought liberals were pro science and reason.