Strayan on holiday here in Poland.
Why are Polish people so unfriendly? They never smile and dont like small talk. Are they autismo or something? I hope the rest of eastern europe has friendlier locals.
Are Polish people autistic?
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Do you speak polish at least ? Anglo tourists non ironically never make efforts when they do tourism, I'm not surprised people don't like being asked shit in english.
I don't say you shouldn't travel if you don't know the language, just that if you want to "small talk" and make friends a good idea is having at least basis in the language. Otherwise you just act like a tourist : visit, buy, do whatever, but don't talk to locals because they're not an entertainment programmed by your tour operator.
Polish here, yeah I'm pretty much autistic
here in serbia the people are a lot more friendly because they assume you think low of our country, and try to be polite as possible. though usually only the young speak english
>speak polish
most irrelevant language ever
ok you have a point about locals not being our entertainment, but it doesnt change the fact that they are not friendly and walk down the street with a scowl on their face.
Noble Pan don't talk with peasants.
After all Poland has been through it doesn't surprise me they don't want to smile at foreigners.
i might go to serbia but it depends how much time i have. why do serbians think people think lowly of their country? most australians probably have no opinion of serbia, maybe just an exotic country in the east of europe that we dont know much about.
maybe because an entire decade of propaganda and a bombing campaign left some sort of mark on the population, but i'm not sure.
>it doesnt change the fact that they are not friendly and walk down the street with a scowl on their face.
It's like they're doing shit, go to work and other things like that, sometimes they're even busy.
It's not just because they're polish, it's because they're people, they're not in holiday, they have shit to do, they have their problems or whatever.
People always say the same about parisians, but paris is one of the most visited city in the world and you could literally spend your day being asked shit in english, where's this street, restaurant, whatever. It gets old fast.
They are battle hardened people who struggled against communism.
Serbia is the cause of most of Europe's problems for the last century.
They started WW1, which led to WW2 and the occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union and the creation of the EU. They also attempted genocide after the breakdown of Yugoslavia and our government had to intervene...
I had a bad experience once in Poland as a tourist. One night I was out enjoying the pub life in Gdansk, drinking and singing karaoke. There was this polish person who came up to me some time and asked me where I was from. As soon as I said Sweden he got super pissed and started saying some shit about the deluge and how I should go back to my country. Feels really bad, I would rather have you people in my country than all the sand niggers...
You fell for Poland meme. They are unfriendly nothing like in west and they don"t like foreigners (funny tho they jave biggest diaspora). And yes they look dipressed with sad faces
>serbs started ww1
"i have a middle school knowledge of history" is what you just basically said.
>because they assume you think low of our country
>Poland tier = autism
Looks like someone has never been to Singapore.
because you do?
nice rare, also singapore is way too alien for me at least.
Depends where you go, really. If you go to Belgrade, you're bound to come across a few liberal cockheads but most people are polite and genuine. Not because of some American psy-op but because it's how people are raised here.
Jesus Christ, don't they teach you people critical thinking in the UK?
Daily poland hate thread. We gotta mark the time these are made, maybe we can figure out their work shifts
i been to paris multiple times. people are way nicer there. i thought the rude parisian stereotype wasnt true at all.
Had that autistic serb never shot a bullet WW1 wouldn't have happened or atleast not yet. You also got fair ultimatum that you rejected
atleast he didn't call you a cuck
i didnt fall for any meme. i always go to western europe but never seen eastern europe before and thought it would be interesting.
i do like the fact that there are 98% whites though. wish theyd cheer up about it.
Hahah this, fucking Sup Forumstards lmao
I have been to singapore on a Merchant vessel as a deck cadet. Fell in love with a half vietnamese half chinese ""exotic dancer "" named "Sasha" in just two days. Wew. Nice city tho. Very rich. It reminded me of ancient Greece a little, cause its a militaristic city state with a big port like Athens
No, we accepted most of the ultimatum, except allowing Austria to investigate within Serbia's borders, which is an infringement of sovereignty. Also, WW1 would've happened either way.
Don't try Lithuania then. If they are having a bad day, they'll share it with you.
Do we? Obviously I can't speak for all of my countrymen, but we rarely think about Serbia. And when we do, it's mainly neutral. I don't think I've ever heard a British person say anything explicitly bad about Serbia or Serbs.
yes, its unfriendly and hostile and awful
never come here again
forget where it is on map
>never smile and don't talk
That sounds like my kind of people. That doesn't mean that they're unfriendly but unlike us they don't waste their time socializing with strangers and mind their own business.
I reverse image searched that Pepe but I couldn't find the big version, someone drop it please.
>They never smile and dont like small talk
That's a general slav thing.
fuck off we're full
>I hope the rest of eastern europe has friendlier locals.
haha, you're in for a surprise
When speaking to west Europeans about Serbia, it's always either categorised with the other "East European shitholes" or "genocidal barbarian people". On Sup Forums it's "subhuman turkbaby shitskins".
Depends on the area
We're not autistic, we just really don't like foreigners on our soil
>he got super pissed and started saying some shit about the deluge
I know you're memeing, but I'm proud of that man
Kek. Sup Forums isn't the real world, my friend. Don't take this place so seriously.
sounds like autism
Sup Forums likes to exaggerate. all the serbs i met in australia were normal and looked white.
definitely autism
>On Sup Forums it's "subhuman turkbaby shitskins".
We're equal opportunity misanthropes. We hate every last one of you western cuckfags with equal, passive stoicism.
Feel free to visit on vacation, but Poland is for Poles. Yes, even emigracja like me thinks so, because almost all of us will return there one day. I certainly plan to, and I'll bring all my ill-gained shekels with me.
Why hitting Cameroonian guy a bad thing?
>nigger detected.
Yeah glad u enjoyed it. Sadly behind this smokescreen are miserable, anti-social and third world minded citizens... Everything's feels fake and plastic here...
Can't wait to escape this hell hole.
Is Serbia a friendly country to burger visitors /immigtants?
Smiling to other people who aren't your friends is gay and us considered "asking for it". You want to sell me something or something? Why the fuck are you smiling at me?
A-H allowed Serbian authorities to conduct investigation on their soil a few years before that so it was only asking the favour back.
gommunism influences more than just economy
I always wondered why westerners point it out all the time. In my perspective its weird to have a small talk and smile to strangers who you have nothing in common with, When you know someone or do common activity (like riding same bus, buying groceries, going out on a smoke )its completely normal and common in Poland. Do you really Smile and talk with random dudes on the streets?
Honestly I think you should empathise with him.
it's called minding your own business
Your people seem like my kind of people based Poland
just don't talk about politics and you'll be good
also, this
>I certainly plan to, and I'll bring all my ill-gained shekels with me.
good lad
>walk down the street with a scowl on their face.
I don't get it, do aussies keep a fake smile plastered to their mugs wherever they go? That seems even more autistic than not smiling at all.
Just stick to your friends and don't bother strangers, it's really not that hard.
Yet when we complain about Eastern European migrants like yourself, driving down wages, not integrating and contributing to the lack of affordable housing, we're instantly shouted down for being "paki lovers" and denigrating our "huwite brothers". The hypocrisy is sickening.
>because almost all of us will return there one day
Come on, Jakub. Don't kid yourself. You know this isn't true.
>keeps using 'autism' as a buzzword
go back to Sup Forums and dont forget to call your mommy, she might be worried
No one cares about your jew map
He was worse than a leaf, he was, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, an Australian.
>You know this isn't true.
Who would want to spend the rest of their life in your brown shithole?
Agent E-migrant 2294!
u're talking too much,
it shows weak vodka training
polish 'ambassy' will contact your handler
it's your last warning
I'm dark skinned and when I walked in Krakow everyone was nice too me I attempted to speak Polish and people were alright. You are prob autistic and don't wanna insiate a convo
>oi go home polish scum
>WOW you mean you're actually gonna go home??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no way HAHAHAHA
Make up your mind, bong
if im riding the train/bus i will keep in my own personal space and not look/smile at people i think thats normal.
but often in australia random people will talk to each other maybe doing a similar activity like at the park, bar or maybe even restaurant. ive met a lot of friends that way actually- you can basically just go out if you want and meet people if youre not shy.
why do people want to run around flapping their jaw at every person they meet? who gives a fuck about strangers?
>Who would want to spend the rest of their life in your brown shithole?
More than a million of your countrymen, by the looks of it.
>They never smile and dont like small talk
because they are dissatisfied with their country and are depressed by the history. You should understand that people here inherit historical traumas. But MOSTLY it has to do with relative poverty
>Are they autismo or something?
As I wrote - people are nervous, stressed and perhaps are contemplating other things
The only countries that resemble the West more or less are Czechia, Slovenia and perhaps Hungary
>Why are Australians so autistic? They smile all the time and never shut their mouths. I hoped you could go on about without being constantly harassed.
Seriously though, smiling is a cultural thing (we just don't smile unless there's a reason to), but... As far as I know people don't dislike small talk, at best they just don't continue it. Also remember that it's the younger people who tend to know English, older people simply can't speak, unless they're educated.
Poland is noble to the bone nation that is unfortunate enough to be surrendered by absolute cunts who don't play nicely. Obviously, that would make you quite grumpy.
Nice strawman. I'm not telling Poles to "go home". I'm merely stating the fact that the overwhelmingly majority of them will stay in Western Europe forever, whether I want them to or not.
t. Someone from country in which everyone looks browner than Turks calls someone African. While you were Turkish for 500 years doing nothing, Portugal held whole world in a colony. Also you have 200 e average Salary. Potrugal has x5 more
That site is bullshit also
Fine hang on, got to dig it up
>tfw australian in netherlands
>tfw toilet has a ledge for your shits
>tfw staircases are vertically winding and cramped
>tfw storm rolled in the other night but was bitch tier
>tfw dutch sounds like sim speak
>tfw consistent 420
Poles are autistic. They will celebrate conquest of Moscow and their conquest, but as soon as they are the game they start crying muh 10 pozillion
Poland is my waifu but if I were to visit I might get mistaken as a refugee :_;
I never smile when I'm walking down the street. What the fuck's there to smile about?
>No one talk to me
>Polish people are autismo
You can't drink
You can't talk
Kill yourself
Don't worry, not everyone can be white, just support, like you would support k-pop band or a sport's team.
>they made Aragorn into a country
Seriously, make up your mind, like the other user said.
But honestly? I like British people. Its the fact that they are already a minority where I am that bothers me. If I never see, or more to the point, smell, another third world soon-to-be martyr, it'll be too soon. And really, why the hell should you be bothered about immigrants who LEAVE after working in your country? We won't be a drain on your welfare or pension system, after all. You got our labour, Poland gets the money. Cheap labour is what you need to sustain your artificially high standard of living, and investment capital is what Poland needs. Its more or less a win-win, though it would be preferable if we could raise said capital in the homeland.
And yes, most of us will leave. Every single family I know has either concrete plans to go back, or simply yearns and pines to go back but cant afford to. The UK has become too dangerous, too unstable, and social trust is all but gone. Don't worry. You'll be rid of us sooner or later.
>Where are you from?
>Nice. Do you like Sabaton?
>Do you know who Sabaton are?
I feel like I'm the autistic one, but I also feel like this shouldn't be allowed.
>but as soon as they are the game they start crying
Ain't we all.
Generally I advise to take everything what you see here with a pinch of salt
Sup Forums consists mostly of ignorants who know jack shit about their own country. Polacks are no different - they'll come up with the most sophisticated brain gymnastics, to tell you just how complex and special Poles are
The reasons are obvious and blatant:
- poverty
- dissatisfaction with the country and that you have to go on with your life in this miserable, destroyed pisshole
- this adds to the obvious sense of inferiority when you confront a foreigner, especially a foreigner from a wealthy country
If Polacks were as wealthy as Spanish, Italians or French, then they would be much more joyful and easy going
It's a Slav thing - also a big city anywhere thing. Mind your own business. I've found that once you've been invited to someone's home in Eastern Europe, you've got a real friend.
>Why are Polish people so unfriendly?
Its polish women. the nagging and bitching makes everything sad and only a litre of woda numbs the pain.
It's just that. They're still butthurt about communism even though it was 3 decades ago and they've received trillions in American and European aid. They just want an excuse to be lazy niggers t bh. They've never contributed anything and never will.
Just like you care about Pandas, elephants, lions, you don't have to be one of them to help.
>expects people to speak his language
>expects people to engage in something culturally foreign (small talk)
I won't even explain how much of an idiot you are. Reading pol really makes me realize how dumb all of you anglos on here are. You really know jack shit about, well, anything but larp as if you were experts. Get fucked.
t. a Russian guy from Latvia
>you've got a real friend
never let a polish girl into your home. its like taking a verruca off to get rid of the whinging nagging parasite. I genuinely understand why polish men look down
I'm an immigrant to Poland. You have to get to know Poles. They don't wear themselves on their sleeves like most Westerners. THey will be friendly, but you have to spend time with them. Moved here 2 years ago. Have nothing but good stories.
Smilling on street is sing of retardation.
Now dring vodka with me and you will see me smiling.
Also we generaly dont trust people unless they get drunk with us.
How do I prepare Kurki (Chanterelle)?
>t. a Russian guy from Latvia
"Show me the way to go home
I'm tire and I want to go to bed.
I had a little USSR decades ago
And its gone straight to my head"
Well, like the Limey said, I can't speak for everyone but the one Serb I know is awesome and I memorized the whole Kosovo je Srbija rap by Beogradski Syndikat. I will admit, Americans never mention Serbia but I don't think everyone really views you as shit.
Scrambled eggs with those sons of bitches is my childhood's delicates. I picked them fresh from the forest and ate them cooked on a camp fire by the lake.
>How do I prepare Kurki (Chanterelle)?
Easy. Open your wallet next to polish girl and the next thing she's followed you home started making it and demanding new flooring and an underwear budget every thirty seconds until you develop a brain tumour. Polish men drink for good reasons...polish women
Kurki in cream sauce.
don't cook them, use a pan for 3-5 minutes and add eggs.