Why do so called progressives hate the family unit and white people so much
Why do so called progressives hate the family unit and white people so much
Jews, of course. None of this would've been possible without their monopoly on propaganda.
They hate the west and all its values. Its spelled out pretty clear there.
because these things lead to prosperity and that is the opposite of what they want
the main issue is that they loathe themselves.
Basically they are selfish people. Progressive thought says you can do what or be what ever you want with not thought to society as a whole. While conservatives may make financial choices that are "not in society's" interest they make life choices that are not. And life choices last much longer
You've got to be shitting me
White guilt.
fpbp opiaf
Christman is by far the most repugnant member of (((El Chapo Trap House))). And his fans are equally disgusting. They're the only people I've met who will flame you for being successful because they idolize someone who takes pride in being a gigantic loser and they fund his lifestyle without a hint of self-awareness.
Christman is Jewish?
This, they hate themselves and have a strong desire to be shamed and dominated. Comes from a lifetime of having propaganda shoved down their throats.
>fails at everything
>ugly as fuck
>probably has diabetes/organ problems from horrible diet
>can't sexually satisfy wife
>scams his way into contractually attaching himself to felix who is the only funny and creative member of the (((show))) and now he's milking that goose for all it's worth.
>now makes $270k a year after doing nothing but jacking off his entire life.
oy vey capitalism is bad goys
I always feel like this is the invisible hand of Darwinism at work. These people, who are also overall undesirable, remove THEMSELVES from the gene pool. This applies to faggots, furries, autists/downies, liberals, betas, etc
There is a God, and mental illness is his game
i feel bad for anons who have to deal with progressive trash u have my sympathy if you live in an area infested with this scum and an ally in your hatred for these traitorous fucks
t. living in a rural area by choice
man is a jewish suffix yes
But the third world masses support the traditional family unit.
How is it that his wife looks younger than most o his daughters?
If by "traditional family unit" you mean the kind where the father goes off to prison while the mother raises the kids alone.
Christmas isn't Jewish. He's a goy from a Ohio.
>slightly overweight
next thing you know offering up your child for vampiric torture will be the new hip virtue signal
you can't v signal harder than that, letting a Jewish man vampirically destroy your child
>not marrying a Latin American woman and having a traditional family with her
>not having 5 children
Because his wife's not in the picture, those are all daughters.
Stop right now.
-man is a GERMAN suffix that some Jews have. Also, a Jew would NEVER have the prefix Christ- in his surname. Your jewdar is weak asf.
Have a tip: if you want to know if a last name COULD be Jewish, google "Rabbi ______" (with quotes). There are no hits for a Rabbi Christman.
Absolutely true--even true for Jews. They hate themselves so much they need everyone to die. Isn't that nice of them?
Gen X here, and I cringe because I was almost this bad at once. Only difference is that the stupid shit I said/thought isn't on the internet forever, where it's likely some radical right-wing government will eventually start hunting "deep cuck" members of society.
Read Alinsky if you want the answer. It's about subverting the traditional culture so that leftists can gain political power and money.
Is the more German suffix that rarely gets used by Jews.
It's the new emo. Just a bunch of self-hating faggots except they attack their identity rather than their body and feelings.
It's because the pictures is so zoomed out and the resolution isn't very high. If it was a better her age would be much more visible.
That's what progress is. Progress is equality. Progress is entropy.
because they're all his wives and his daughters
If there are any third-worlders here, please fulfill his request.