What are your thoughts on the Joe Rogan Experience with Sargon of Akkad? It was a pretty good episode. Its hilarious how Joe tries to be more critical with the Right Leaning Guests than any other type of guests, even though you know deep down Joe is more right leaning. Its so obvious Joe is just trying to cover his ass since he is basically a Hollywood elite in a sea of leftists. Its funny when he tries to take a hard line against Sargon, like when he says "let me finish you fuck" lmao. Then he gets him to stay longer and says they will pay for his new plane ticket, and then its almost like the rolls reverse and Joe is bringing up topics like Golgepi Teppi and Sargon is just totally calling everything Joe brings up bull shit..
What are your thoughts on the Joe Rogan Experience with Sargon of Akkad? It was a pretty good episode...
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they both should be gassed. sage
>ts hilarious how Joe tries to be more critical with the Right Leaning Guests than any other type of guests
He knows people on the right can handle it. The right wing media won't go after him unless he really deserves it, he sets a toe out of line with the left and they'll call for his head.
he will bring up a right leaning point of view, and then make sure to clarify thats not his point of view but hes just bringing it up for discussion
lol .....fag
Joe is a lefty who thinks he's a centrist. The only things he follows are "muh guns" and "muh meat" and "muh alpha chimps." The only reason being he is insecure about his masculinity not because of his political convictions. On everythin else, he is a lefty
>Golgepi Teppi and Sargon is just totally calling everything Joe brings up bull shit..
Yeah at that point they were literally two spurdos spurding at each other.
He tossed nerf balls at Moshe and his pegger while grilled (rightfully so) Sargon.
God that was a hard podcast to watch. "I don't think CNN is left leaning" How out of touch was (((he)))?
Sargon is a centrist, though. He's stated that multiple times.
yes, but alot of his points are actually right, centrist is basically what a moderate right winger calls themself to make lefties not hate them as much
Joe is really into Golgepi Teppi and such because of previous repeat guests Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson.
sargon isnt a very god conversator, everytime joe rogan raised a point he instantly started saying "yes" "of course" so i couldnt hear what the fuck they were sayin
Sargon sounded fedora as fuck
aka cuck
yes i know im familiar with those episodes, i actually think its fascinating, my point is, Joe was calling a bunch of Sargons points bulls shit in the beginning, and then towards the end Joe is bringing up things that he is interested in and cares about and Sargon was just saying its all bull shit basically even though he didnt know much about them. I just think he was disagreeing with joe for the hell of it, to piss Joe off
I like both, but Sargon could have done better. I understand why he hates Anita, but to anyone who doesn't know the history with her he probably sounded quite whiny about it, creating an awkward tension with Joe
his last 3 podcasts have been utter shithouse. He's slipping.
I think Joe actually agrees with Sargon about feminism and Anita being crazy, he just had to go out of his way to make himself seem like he disagreed so that he didnt have a feminist shitstorm on his doorstep...Thats the point of my whole post really is that Joe goes out of his way to make himself look more left leaning that he really is
>Golgepi Teppi
fucking retard it's Gobelki Tempe. i thought it was pretty funny that sargon showed he was a close minded fagget by trying to argue with joe about the historical timeline. laughed pretty hard thought he was smarter than that. joe schooled his fat neckbeard ass
Yeah, the Graham hancock/Randall Carlson podcasts are highly recommended for all anons to watch.
I gather Sargon is an e-celeb because he rails against SJWs - but I don't know why I should care about him even after listening to the podcast. He just bitched about SJWs and then pretended to know everything about history without actually dropping any knowledge.
>Sargon of Akkad
Leftist. Deserves a bullet to the neck.
There's nothing to say it was an average joe rogan podcast. Two guys shooting the shit.
Joe isn't political to the extent that sargon or losers like you are. He plays devil's advocate a lot. Its an conversational tactic to get more put of the guest. That's why his podcast go so long. Hes only vehemently passionate about 3 things. Comedy (which he sucks at), dude weed, and ancient civilizations. Anything else he'll let His positions flap in the wind depending on the guest. It makes an interesting podcast.
You're acting like there was some intellectual jousting taking place in that podcast. There wasn't. Sargon was his usual autistic self. Joe was his usual dude bro self. That was it.
This. If anything he's lower left quadrant. And you know what those have coming...
Joe is a leftist bitch.If you have to pretend to be a feminist to not piss feminists off, youre a huge cuck.
I want Ben Shapiro on, you think he could make Benny boy laugh?
Who the hell watches this? I decided to check out what the fuss about his show was about and couldn't take more than ten minutes of this. The host is completely uneducated and unintelligent, the only thing I've heard him saying was some borderline retarded stoner crap. You could've spend the time you wasted watching this crap by reading a book.
nice flag and shitpost you fucking sperg
Watching his Fight companion is funny and his Alex Jones podcast was amazing
I was just thinking about shapiro going on the podcast last night
i thought joe wasn't so happy to have sargon on, and sargon went on and on and on about that bitch sarkisian
Would be literally the best since Alex Jones and the companions have been average this one today will be ljepa
Ben laughs on his show all the time. He just doesn't laugh often during his tour speeches because if he had to laugh at retarded leftist apes he wouldn't have time to do anything else
Never watched his show just snippets is it worth it because the clip I watched was about Star wars and I don't like stuff like that.
i was thinking about this today.
yea joe notices when he is intellectually level and can swing some wight like with Sargon but knows when to shut up like with Jordan Peterson.
the most irritating thing in this episode was Sargon sounding like a little bitch just complaining about people that were mean to him. the exact thing he is angry at these people for.
i honestly felt like i was listening to a 12 year old girl bitch about her friend
Sargon was annoying and boring everyone with his petty eceleb drama. He kept name-dropping gay little youtube names without explaining who they were or giving context. It was extremely cringey and annoying. If anything, Joe went out of his way to be patient with him.
> she called me a garbage human x 1000 times
t. Sargon of akkad
retard its actually Gobekli Tepe dont correct me and then be wrong yourself numbnuts
Rogan is a pothead faggot that doesnt want to offend his Hollywood friends so he always backs down. Carl Benjamin makes a living pointing out how stupid the left and feminists are by saying "WHUT?" its really not hard to pick on a retard. these people are just stepping stones to true enlightenment
nice google search. its been a while since i read the book or checked in on any updates on the site
Can confirm that my fellow Nazi is a fag. There's always a fag in hiding in each squad.
I was not surprised to discover while watching this that Sargon is just another cookie cutter European anti-theist.
Also, the amount of Dunning-Kruger Sargon spews during the whole talk is suffocating. I would say that he should just stick to what he knows, but he believes he knows everything. So, there's that.
it was ok, but Joe is out of the loop on a lot of things Sargon was talking about.
like a kid talking about pokemon with their parents.
It's basically impossible to get mimosa hostilis root bark now thanks to Joe Rogan talking about DMT and a bunch of dumb fuck high school and college kids got busted extracting it because they are fucking retarded. Fuck him. Everything out there now is inferior.
honestly, I want Moshe to get as much public exposure as possible. I want people to associate the left and all they stand for with his Jewy face. I unironically believe that he's one of the worst thing to happen to the left (on the cultural front). I wonder how many people he's personally converted to our cause. he's such a soyfaced faggot, I can hardly believe our luck
>Golgepi Teppi
wtf lol i never heard of this before
This desu
Right wing view points stand up to strong criticism and critical thinking, left wing view points do not.
sargon of akkad looks like an ugly shitskin
who listens to him and why
Joe Rogan is a bit of a closet lefty sure he likes MMA meat hunting and other but sometimes he sounds like a hippie and sargon is a liberal ideologue never change from liberalism is the best
The last 2 episodes were bad and boring and they got thousands of dislikes and amusing comments on YouTube. I wonder how much time rogan spends reading the feedback.
killyourself waste of a get
>another wasted get
>its a fucking joe rogan get
>implying rogan can read
rogan btfo lmao
But seriously, what a waste.
>It's basically impossible to get mimosa hostilis root bark now
>MFW I have multiple pounds of the stuff
>MFW I have several points of extracted DMT
>MFW you're too stupid to find root bark on the internet
>e-celeb post steals the get
what a fucking fail at life
shit episode.
Sargon is a faggot meme.
>you will never see a good get within your lifetime
>wasnt a leaf that wasted a get for once
Thank god
Nigger. Jew. Faggot. Kill me. I'll be waiting.
>Sargon you are acting like a nigger right now
What did Joe Rogan mean by this?
Completely agree. JRE used to be good and now it is leftist trash spitting Muh Russia
I was really impressed with the Josh Barnett interview. It was great hearing an MMA fighter talk about hierarchy, Communism's failings, Nietzsche and the Frankfurt School.
So this is the will of God, really makes you think
He always claims he doesn't read the comments but you know that faggot screams the bad comments at himself in the mirror every morning
At least it wasn't a leaf.....
Checked but wasted.
Dorian Yates is on this month. Pretty hyped for that. Bored with all the SJW / SJW hating guests we have been getting lately.
>Quadroon of Mossad
Fuck off.
What did Kek mean by this?
Joe Rogan can be entertaining, but to say he's really /ourguy/ is just not true. It's extremely obvious that Joe largely just nods his head and agrees with whatever guest he has on, whether they're leftist or right-wing.
He really went after Sargon though, which I liked. Sargon was so fucking annoying with that Anita shit, he did nonstop videos against her and chimped out when she called him a "garbage human"(pretty tame insult too).
KYS faggot
It was self explanatory.
it was two alphas sitting in a room. The conversations they had were good (except the harping on about Anita) and they seemed to get along, but you can tell Sargon isn't used being interrupted or having a two way conversation.
Their conversation styles clashed, Joe let it happen for a while as he is now an experienced interviewer, but it bugged him, which is why he snapped at Sargon later about 'not letting him speak'.
I actually thought Sargon had been invited because of the Anita thing, I guess it was an unhappy coincidence. Two more weeks and it would have been a much more engaging podcast, mainly cause Joe didnt really give a fuck about two youtube personalities fighting. I think they get along though and probably agree about most things SJW related.