>racism in America doesn't exis-
Racism in America doesn't exis-
Except one didn't commit a crime. Can you guess which one?
>same look
>same IQ
>same contribution to society
A dog is worth more than any human life
Both are animals. Makes sense.
>One is man's best friend, the other is man's worst enemy
Looks like it's going to the "dawgs"
>tfw you get awarded money for having a cop shoot your family member
imho, win-win sitch to me, bra.
I'm glad it exist to keep you dindus in check.
If you say doggo or pupper you're a faggot
One didn't reach for a firearm lmao
das a pricy niggah
dogs are worth more than monkeys
Awarding money from a lawful killing, that should be criminal
Should have been no money for Dindu
This is so sad, I can't believe the dog only got the same amount as the nigger.
Don't insult the dog like that frogfucker
Nothing wrong with racism. Slavery was a mistake, niggers need to go back.
poor doggo :(
what else would you expect from a muslim?
How did they shave a monkey and get.him to wear glasses lol
True, except the dog cant steal from people, so he contributes a little more
Dogs have personality. Personality goes a long way. Also, I love the nigger logic that you should get money simply because your homiedawg was shot. Nevermind the fact that, in this particular instance, said homiedawg was trying to murder a police officer because he told you to get out of the middle of the fucking road. I really don't care much for niggers, tbqh. That being said, I hope puppers' family is doing alright.
That dog was gonna go to college.
RIP doggo
I don'the get it, was the ape like part of a circus act or zoo exhibit? Is that why people think it's worth more than the pupper?
owners of the dog should be awarded much more
nigger lives are worthless
I feel so sorry for this kid. Unlike Mike "dindu nuffin" Brown.
kys nigger
Back to tumblr, nu-male.
If I had to choose between the two, I would unironically save the doggo
This is disgusting. The dog dindu nuffin, he was a good boy.
Goes to show how the families feel about their lost loved ones.
RIP doggo
Yeah well one time a nigger got a gorillian dollars - end thread
I'm assuming this is some unsourced bullshit making it's rounds on social media, getting blacks and guilty whites all fired up, isn't it?
Snooze in dog heaven, puppo.
Great response, so how do you feel about it? The op topic, not doggo/pupper.
Id rather have a dog than a nigger
>going on an autistic crusade because you don't like a word
I don't know how Brown's family got a cent. Whoever the cucks are representing the police that settled should be hung. His killing was 100% justified.
no mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he robs a store
Yeah it's fucked up a family whose innocent dog was killed only got as much as the family whose nigger son robbed a store then tried to kill a cop did
If they didn't act like niggers, there wouldn't be a problem.
Yeah the difference is that the dog is loyal to the end and was legit a good boy
The nigger was criminal who afte getting shot got all his homies to burn the entire town crying "white supremacist cops!" Even though 95% of nigs get killed by other nigs and more than half of the police force in that city is also black
Fucking anti-dog cops. Can't believe they awarded the nigger as much money.
I'll tell you how. Insurance payout is capped at 3mil. If Ferguson went to court and lost, insurance would pay nothing and city would be on the hook for whatever was awarded. See? Instead of screeching about pupper/doggo, you learned something.
You're right, the Browns should've been awarded NOTHING. Clearly black lives are worth more than others and justice is sold to whoever can burn down the most neighborhoods.
Dog is intelligent enough to be trained. You don't need to use force upon your dog to make him obey. It can not be said about niggers. It is hard to teach them anything usefull, and still you need to use force from time to time to keep them in line. That being said, do not insult doggos.
Also, even if a dog is a shitty dog (if that is even possible) they only get to live for about 14-15 years tops while niggers have a life span of 60-70 years average and they are a burden to economy and society.
>even if a dog is a shitty dog (if that is even possible)
Yeah it's called a pitbull
>Awarded almost the same amount of money
This is, perhaps, the fucking crux issue as to the current largest problem facing the west right now. This fucking mentality right here, that if something bad happens to you, that if you are a victim - that you must be awarded something. Whether it be praise, attention or monetary compensation.
Actually the dog should worth more. In the end canis familiarias is the best friend of the homo sapiens.
Niggers are useless so...
That is fucking bullshit
That dog is clearly worth more.
>insulting the dog like that
Goatfuckers are a menace
not disputing that dogs are worth more but is it true what they claimed in true romance?
I love how the left is slowly pushing "kill the pigs" narrative.
And they wonder why are they loosing every little politcal support they had.
The left isn't left anymore, its a quagmire of SJWs and racist minorities.
Oops. That one's still funny though.
What's the name of this swine?
I bet she's into porn.
fucking true!!!!!
black labs matter
ahmed, please
why does a criminals family get money when the criminal is killed? He was breaking the law..
one if them is a criminal
One is a worthless subhuman, the other is a dog.
A nigger getting shot is just business as usual
A dog getting killed is hella sad.
wouldn't awarding any of the two more money than the other actually qualify as racism ? make up your mind, damn it!
>comparing dogs to niggers
Fuck you
t. dog owner
Come on now the dog is less of an animal then the nigger is. Don't insult the doggo like that.
Both are animals
>even if a dog is a shitty dog
dogs aren't born shitty niggers are though same with pitbulls
Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.
Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time I'm getting the dose right.
Hey man at least dogs have some semblance of loyalty and benevolence. The family of the dog should've gotten much more desu.
Dog's can be trained
Niggers have to take an ass-kicking to understand anything.