The countries with the highest amount of antisemitic views are all Muslim majority

>Pro Islam

Well memed my friends.

If there is an Islamic caliphate, there would almost certainly be, how should I put it, annudah shoah. Jews are statistically highly intelligent people, so why would they push for something like that?

You people need to stop acting like a few liberal Brooklyn hipsters who write for the Huffington Post are representative of all Jews.

So let's hear your arguments for how the Jews are calling for people who want to wipe them out to rise to power.

Other urls found in this thread:ágica_(Argentina)#Pogrom_y_antisemitismo

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand 0 replies.

Stormweenies BTFO by logic. Your fairytale world is bullshit.

Simple when you have all the money and murica to fight for you, then you are free too flood europe all you wish.

>tfw spics are more based than amerilards.

Daesh is created by Zionists and Intelligence Agencies to create Greater Israel.

Your voice is cute. Post tits with timestamp.



Jews are the master race, get over it #freepalestine eurofags

No muslims in Poland yet 45% against the Jews. I'm sure it is also high in Hungary.

Polish people hate the jews for a good reason. We saved them during WWII, risked our lives. And later they smared us.

Jewish people are innocent; rich people are not. White, Jewish; heck, any race really, so long as they have wealth - they will be corrupted. I come from a rich family myself and I know well they don't give a flying fuck about "peasant" poor people. Regardless of the fate of the white race, they will have the money. They will have the power.

Do not forget that black people had slaves too.

No surprise when it says in the Koran that muslims must exterminate the jews

>individuals with anti-semitic views: 1,090,000,000
Oy gevalt, so many bigots

>74% of people have never met a Jewish person.
More like 74% of people have never realized that they were speaking to a Jewish person. There isn't a person alive who hasn't been targeted by a Jew for one reason or another.

There are few things which are inevitable. Death. Taxes. Being manipulated by the Jews.

Every real Europeans dislike jews, it's only because of America they gained a good reputation after WW2.

This could be why Israel doesn't accept refugees, even though they started the flow and actively profit off of them

are you mentally challenged or just shitposter?

france is 10% mudslime by conservative estimates

Most Muslims are nigger tier though. The Jews will always outsmart the Muslims, and mass islamic immigration destabilizes society, lowers the average IQ, and distracts from the Jewish question.

This, and the fact that mass emigration from the surrounding countries will allow them to form Greater Israel.

Arabs are Semitic.

So they are racist against themself?

Proud red, second country with most jewish population in the world.

In case Sup Forums fucks up my flag again for Paraguay or Uruguay, it's Argentina.

We are not the second country with most Jewish population.

And Jews are not welcome in Argentina.
We are the only country in the whole Americas in have ever kill Jews.ágica_(Argentina)#Pogrom_y_antisemitismo