What did your opa do in the war Sup Forums?

What did your opa do in the war Sup Forums?

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Nip wrangler camps.

Had family in the SS, both were too young to remember much tho

The one was to jong to fight and had just immigrated from holland and the other one refused to fight for the anglos and he openly supported germany

Fought off Wops on the spaghetti front.

Forgot to change flag

One fought Germans in the September campaign, the other was too young to enlist but fought Hitlerjugend with fists, bats and slingshots throughout the occupation.

Shot Japs

> Being 17+
> Faking being too young to remember.

Nice try.

My opa lived under fascism during the war.

Playing high school basketball. My Granddad fought in Korea.

Fought the Japs in Manchuria (Soviet)

Fuck polish and german girls

That's not funny at all, my grandfather died in a concentration camp!

...he got drunk and fell out of a guard tower ;)

They were like 13 at the end of the war, they just said how they thought the planes flying over looked cool and how they sometimes stole ammunition from the Germans and they'd get a comically angry German after them.
Rural area, so we didn't have any Jews here that were missing nor any problem with food shortages, basically very little 'war' happened.

both were too young for ww2, both also killed gooks in Korea though.

Mother's side had one brother KIA, the other two who served died in 46' after driving drunk and wrapping their car around a pole.

Fought on the eastern front against the communists.

wont tell me the full story.
All i got out of him is that he was on a kill list and that he knew this because he has plenty of friends in high places.

Joined the US Navy, worked the radios, almost got killed by the Japs when his ship was attacked. Still had his chunk on shrapnel that he found in his helmet after he hit the deck.

My granddad didn't serve in ww2 just a little too young, he was a doctor in the korean war though.

Bashed the fash, punched nazis

Mine fought in Iwo Jima. Died in '09 at 94y/o.

Sent home some dope-ass "spoils of war" he, ahem, found in the pacific.
3-Bladed sword. And a sword with its bone sheath carved to depict animals in a jungle. And his bloodstained, knife. F.

Killed Germans.


Good thing too, or London might've been speaking German as a second language even though there's nothing pointing towards that being a plan

Manning a water cooled browning machine gun and mowing down waves of nips in the Phillipines.

Got shot by a German.

Was on b52 bomber pow in Germany

One was a stoic Frysian farmer, the other was an Irish commie who spread flyers and partook in a few rallies.

Killed communists.

Drove the Reds back over the 38th Parallel.

One in Airforce flying B52. The other infantry.

Worked under Che Guevara as a notary. Not proud of this.

Top right box.
Was Waffen-SS, too kehehehe
Probably even invaded your swamp in 1940

Killed Commies in Karjala.

Sat on a battleship bombing the fuck out of the Norks

3-edged** not Geneva convention. Comes to a tip.

Mom's dad was a desk sergent
Dad's dad was an MP in an Allied POW camp

One of the commanders of a camp here in The Netherlands. Got executed after the war.

Great was b52 pow regular grandpa was marine in vietnam

One drove Jeeps for officers, entered Berlin with 2nd Armored and got to take part in going through Himmler's house. This is some of the stuff he got to keep. He also traded some Russians his watch for a Walther PPK.

The other drove a tank in Africa for Rommel, got taken prisoner and moved to the states afterward. He died before I met him so that's all I really know.

Fought against Mussolini with the partisan

He was an RAF pilot. He didnt like to talk about it so I presume he bombed a lot of civilians


If this was real he would have been arrested and tried years ago.

pilot of a german spy plane, was shot down 43 in africa and was captured by beduines and sold to englisch soldiers, spend the last 2 years of the war manufacturing tires in England

Killed Germans in the Leningrad front

dad's mom was moms dad, though mom's mom ultimately failed to materialise beyond a baked egg

Fought against Japan as a Marine

tank mechanic

Shoah'd (((bolsheviks))) with the krauts.

Funny you should say that, my grandfather also died in a concentration camp when a guard fell from a tower and landed on him.

>Just .... wow ... consequences.

Camp commander Koch of Buchenwald was indicted and sentenced to death in 1944 by an SS court. He was hanged on the court yard of Buchenwald camp

One Served in the Luftwaffa, 4 Great Uncles served. 1 in the SS the other 3 in the Wermacht though possibly support roles. Unfortunately my Great Grandmother was the last link to that generation and she didn't like talking about it much. I could tell she loved Hitler.

She and her mother and sisters spent years housing Russian Soldiers and had disclosed previously the atrocities she suffered because of that.. I do often question my lineage because of it, but my Opa was born during the war supposedly, before occupation.

Fuck communism

My oma and opa disowned my mom for marring outside of German blood so I can only have one guess

Great grandfather was a horseback guard, my paternal grandparents were both fascists, he was in the army and she was a simple heiling zealot. Nothing too flashy.

My girlfriends great grandfather was in the Wehrmacht, he fought and died in Russia, but my girlfriends is a fucking idiot and doesnt take any pride in it =/

other grandpa was a butcher, lost part of his hand when bitten by a pig, didn't have to go to war because no more trigger finger, spend the whole war butchering cows and pigs

one was fighting off the partisan cunts
the other was in the german army
one great grandfather was building 109s
one was fighting in russia and didnt make it back, pic related


It was camp Erika. Not the Buchenwald one.

My grandpa was a merchant marine in the South Pacific during ww2

My Great-Grandpa fought as a marine in the Pacific theater, I'm not certain, but I remember hearing about how he was part of an absurdly bloody battle, as in >90% of people killed kind of thing.

By the time I was born it was such a long time ago and he was in his late 90s so I didn't really know him very well. I've met other's who fought in the war that are marginally less senile, but it isn't the kind of thing they like to talk about.

I wish i knew. I was bluepilled back then regarding nazis and ww2. I also didnt want to bring back any bad memories. Now my grandparents are dead and i cant ask them anymore.
Spoke with my mom a bit and basically got the reply "user, you dont deny the holocaust, do you?" I asked her what my grandparents said and she said they claimed they didnt knew about the genocide but thinks its just an excuse. I really like my mom, best i could wish for, but feel kinda sad she believes (((them))) more than her parents

He was a doctor and a farmacist witnessed his town raped and pillaged by Russians...good times,the good guys won.

They were a police officer. In charge of interning RAF and Luft-Waffe pilots.

Am a kraut by the way, well, a krautkebap to be completely honest

My great uncle was the gunnery lieutenant who commanded the battery that sunk the Blucher in the oslo fjord. After that he helped found the Norwegian resistance then spent the rest of the war helping the brits smuggle sten guns into Norway.

There were no 13 year olds in the SS. Unless you mean the Hitler Youth.

Sniped nips

Served in the pacific, he carved everywhere he fought on his plastic cigarette case

one lost his leg in france from some tank shrapnel, lived to be 85. and then my other grandpa was shelled at iwo jima and always drank a beer before breakfast lel

Pilot in Kondor Legion during Spanish Civil war
flew in Poland, France, UK.
Died as a foot soldier defending Berlin.

Grandpa grew up under german occupation.
The winter in 44-45 was the hunger winter and most people suffered during it. He told me they took wood from between the trams and train tracks to burn for heat and they ate tulips because there wasnt allot of food.

His father was arrested for stealing potatoes from the countryside and the germans made him cut and clean the potatoes and they took his bicycle and then they let him go.
Bicycles where very expensie back then It was the worth of a car back then.

My grandmothers family ran a black market for supplies and they made their own alchohol.

My other grandmothers family smuggled potatoes.

My other grandfather illegally butchered a cow and he with some other where supplying all the people in the town with some extra meat.
And the germans told him to stop but he ran away and they shot him in the leg. The bullet went throug his leg and shot through his wooden shoe and that split in half.
To his dying day he was mad at the germans for destroying his wooden shoe (clogs)

Killed ruskies in Finland
Was My greatgrandpa though

>That build.

Was he part Laplander? They're the only race I know with such narrow shoulders.

On my fathers side, he was 9 When the war started.
On my mothers, he was born 1946

Lets keep it serious please. Mine actually died in Auschwitz and his last words supposedly were "Shit! The russians are coming!"

he was a gunner on a ship in the Pacific


"Koch was executed by firing squad on 5 April 1945,[2] one week before American allied troops arrived to liberate the camp."

Died in the RAF 2 weeks in service on pop's side, fought brits in original Irish struggle on mums side

arctic convoys on HMS Kent

the other one worked in a factory and was not allowed to enlist

Fighter Pilot in the Royal Air Force.
Hurricane and Spitfire.
Shot down a few Nazi aircrafts.
Also survived a good number of emergency landings /crashes.

Also, Opa was quadrilingual, could speak fluently in English, French, German and Russian. They sent him to Berlin after the war.
Special ops shit.

Sadly, he died in a car crash, after all of this, and I never knew him.
My father said that he didn't speak about what he did in Berlin since it was confidential shit.
But what he did tell my father are the operations that were canceled. Like selecting a few inmates/criminals to do some dirty job for them.

Dad also said how he came back from Berlin with additional scars. Not scars from airplane, scars from bullets and/or knife.

Never knew him, but I still look up to him

Sunk jap battle ships, other one was part of the occupying force of destroyed Germany

Wow good eye. Hes finnish, yes.

fought (politically) against the communists in Brazil
survived a bunch of assassination attempts, died of natural causes a few years ago
the other one was a pilot in the US Marines, but didn't enter service until Vietnam, posthumously earned a purple heart when he was shot down on a SEAD mission
my great-grandfather on that side of the family was also a pilot, flew a Corsair in the Pacific Theater
and here I am, the progeny of commie-smiting greatness, shitposting on Sup Forums on a Friday afternoon
I'm definitely not living up to my family name

fought against soviets, got captured, most likely killed.

You could say he's a thinnish.

We can smell our own kind.

t. Spurdoburger.


My grandpa was too young and my great grandpa was too old. :(

Ironically, he had to flee to Germany with his parents because the soviets were going after them, have some family who was in the SS because otherwise, they would stay in their home country and get killed by soviets
Of course, they never teach you about this is school

One granddad was a naval gunner in the Atlantic, another one was in the Afrika Korps, got captured, spent the rest of the war in a POW camp in Oklahoma, married a nurse, and became a US citizen.

But I thought your people were in the Levant for the last 5,000 years?


My familiy members were mostly Landser, one was an engineer in the arms industry and one sat in a camp for being in a trade union.


My great grandpa was an italian who deserted the army and fled to mexico

I think he was in the air force

Nothing. He was born in '43.

However, my Uropas fought in Russia, were captured and killed by the Russians.

Killed you.
And was gassed later on.