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He'll die before it's 2020
>The final boss is a jew.
Best timeline
Has the penny finally dropped, Drumpfkins?
Good. He's probably the most sane left-winger in American politics, which is sadly not saying much.
God I hope he runs again
God he's the only hope for this god forsaken country, he will continue where Obama succeeded and fix where Obongo failed
good, now does hillary black mail him again and steal the primaries through rigging the polls?
>"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor."
Fuck this kike and fuck you.
he will be dead b4 2018
This was a half-assed attempt at pandering to the "woke crowd". If you actually got to know his politics better, you would see he's not super into identity politics.
Prepare for legalization of illegals
isn't he that old communist who's under investigation by the FBI?
He's right though.
>If you actually got to know his politics better, you would see he's not super into identity politics.
He's a Jew. He wants to destroy identity.
Can't wait for Trump to steamroll that kike
A fucking old (((white))) male.
Why would anyone vote for him when he proved that all he'll do in the face of utter corruption is crumple and fall in line? He didn't even TRY to speak out against the DNC when they blatantly chose Hillary over him, he just recanted every god damn thing he said and replaced it with "W-well I've stood with her since the very beginning, let's start making herstory! #nevertrump #demsarebest"
>The DNC actually fell for the "Bernie Sandlers would have beat Trump" meme
are they going to campaign their coffin? are they going to use an open casket? are they going to mummify him? are they going to parade him like lenin?
The berniebros will bring their constituents right to Ms. Chelsea Clinton like the good little c;uckbois they were last time.
Remember kids no refunds.
The investigation revolves primarily around his wife. I'm sure he's fully aware of the shit she's doing, but the outcome remains to be seen.
I'm not aware of him having any agenda about that. He's not even a bleeding-heart globalist either. He's even quoted as being against open-borders, but no one ever talks about that shit.
Probably because if he has any chance at anything ever, he's better off not slandering the only institution he has any connection to.
Look! Barnies winning again!!!
I just wonder how they'll manage to find a supply of baby foreskins large enough to keep this decrepit shambling corpse upright next a podium
Anyone that voted for Hillary in the primaries still holds a grudge towards Bernie and his young followers.
He'd have no shot.
>Who is Jim Webb?
Isn't Jim Webb more of a centrist? I don't know much about him, desu.
>He'll die before it's 2020
or be in jail
He will be Seth Riched oder Kenndied by the DNC hitmen before the election. At the moment the DNC needs him as a mascot.
>he's better off not slandering the only institution he has any connection to.
The same institution that pissed off like 85% of voters within their own party because of favoritism and corruption. He had a cult of personality behind him, one that was almost as strong as Trump's, and if he said he wanted to move forward as another party's candidate I'm sure they would have followed him there. He crowed on and on about how he wanted to "shake the system" and how he "didn't want to play by the system's rules", but when push came to shove he just meekly stepped aside and proved what kind of coward he truly is.
The fact that he's still getting support absolutely fucking baffles me.
He'll be too old. I can't wait for ageism to be turned up though.
NO REFUNDS pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo
>He's not even a bleeding-heart globalist either
Are you retarded? He is Mr. "Everything should be free around the world for everyone, Goy"
After quickly skimming this, it looks like he might be in some trouble too. Thanks for clearing this up.
I hope Hillary will be running too. Trump will win just by shitposting memes on twitter.
You do realize that controlled bring is a huge part of wildfire prevention, yes?
Meme reuse/recutting opportunity
i'd vote for fucking paul ryan before bernie
>I'm not aware of him having any agenda about that.
>He's not even a bleeding-heart globalist either. He's even quoted as being against open-borders, but no one ever talks about that shit.
Oh yeah, he's definitely against open markets, don't know about open borders though(in regards to immigration). Pretty sure I've heard him talk about legalizing illegals.
hes pushing 80, he'll have a harder battle staying alive. the DNC fucked him and both my wallet and his own asshole hates him.
He'll lose the Democratic Primary to some party insider, again
How can you actually support this senile old cuck after what happend last time.
hes a strange glimpse into what leftist millenial politicians will be like
The women in these pics could literally be two different people.
He's under investigation though.
He and his wife belong in jail, just like every other shyster democrat.
Political dynasties are a thing of the past. No on wants another autocrat like Clinton or bush.
>the party of "forward thinking" and (((progress))) has nobody to run other than an old jew
This, despite gibsmedat to shitty minorities he'll take away a lot of third world elements to this country away by finally nationalizing certain industries which shouldn't be for profit at all (i.e. healthcare, affordable housing, public schooling)
Can we call him, 'Bend over Bernie'?
'Colonel Cuck Sanders'?
'Commie Sanders'?
>White people don't know what it's like to be poor!
>Black lives matter!
>Enough about the emails!
>Tax the middle class at 50%!
>Gender studies and we wuz degrees should be free!
God I hope this happens, Trump will win 48 states
Nice projecting; you literally elected a con-man.
Al Gore is younger than Bernie, 69. There's the prospect.
John Kerry might weight in, 73.
They are going to run someone who is black or done sort of brown. The DNC has officially become the "anti white" party with nothing to offer except welfare and free abortions.
Can a bernie even beat a trump? I mean grass is weak to fire.
He has been justified after the fact by trumps buffoonery. It was really Hillary vs trump and most leftist agreed that Hillary was better.
If Hillary had won he would have been truely cucked. But he would have saved America from a trump presidency.
Because she lost he gets to claim high ground for supporting her while also trashing the party.
Cruz tried the opposite gambit. He got completely cucked. Trump represents the tea party and is shitting on cruzes precious judicial branch daily.
We here more about robo Marco than cruz now.
Bernie will lose in 2020 but he is there best choice.
I'm so glad! Trump will mop the floor with this senile socialist piece of shit clown.
Better chance the clinto woul have. But a "Bernie" candidate would be very weak during a debate. While they actually have ideas and a platform (unlike Clinton) their message only sounds good to college students and people who don't want to get off welfare.
>Everything is free!
>Everyone will have a universal basic income
It's insane.
>The final boss is a jew.
>The "hero" is a Jew puppet.
Just a normal timeline.
Every fucking day with this horse shit.
>Hilary will win next time
>Zucc will win next time
>the rock will win next election
>Bernie will surely not get fucked by his own party again
No one cares because it changes by the hour.
Das racis.
Thats the point.
>Weekend at Bernie's: The Campaign
I'm sure the poor Jew who couldn't stand up for himself to a couple of sheboons will make Trump shake from fear.
Dead people can't run for office. It's okay though, even if he's dead he can still vote democrat.
Michelle could end up being the second black man to be president in this scenario.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist.
He is a fraud, a liar.
The only people that believe him are the ignorant little high school kids and the grown adult cucks.
I hope he runs again, I can't wait to see all the Reddit tears and pain as the election is stolen from him again by the Establishment.
just send in the niggers hes trying to save to sabotage him
buh buh what do you meeen? don't you want minimum wage to be raised to $40 per hour?
You could get free school and be rich without having to care about worry for free
Norway archive user btfo
I'm going to laugh my ass off when the DNC gives the nomination to Hillary AGAIN.
Daily reminder that the dnc leaks had one email saying the democrats had a leverage that they could use against Bernie if he didn't step down for Hilary
He probably molested some child and they have a tape somewhere
Well whoever gets elected I suppose everyone's running, but away?
fuck off back to plebbit
>People think trump is unhealthy for being fat while the DNC is trying to put half-living corpses in the white house
him or hilldog, who's dying first?
by him I meant bernie
Or die in jail
Will he even survive till 2020?
>straight white male
>Dem frontrunner
After the push for Hillary solely for being a woman and the drive for diversity the Democrats cannot choose him. If they do they'll be going back on everything they pretend to stand for.
And yes I know he's a Jew but the average person will only see an old white man.
>implying reptilians die
Yeah, no, sweetie.
If this is the case, then it's FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP.
He's a commie. If this were the 50's both you and him would be dragged out in the streets and lynched appropriately.
Fuck commies
Bernie would have won