Germany hate thread

I'm officially fucking done with Germany.

Germans absolutely fucking suck. Not AntiFa, but all Germans. They tolerate illegal activity. They don't complain. They don't write to the newspaper, They don't complain to authorities. They allow AntiFa thugs to beat up journalists. Anything Communists do is OK because Holocaust.

If you're German: FUCK YOU!!!

PS: You're not allowed to emigrate anywhere. Germany is now officially a cuck containment zone. Fix your country and maybe we'll talk.

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half of modern """"""""Germans""""""""" have mongol rape seed from their 1945-1990 occupation by Asiatic manlets

Kill yourself you antifa cuck nigger.

what did I tell you?

Saxons have bad genes.

they are cowards.

Anglo saxons, Anglish saxons (english saxons (english)), all of them, they are scum.

boat nigger genes, for thousands of years all they have done is rape and pillage and run away from real fights.

see, look how stupid they are.

Germany is a great place. The majority of Israel is right wing. But sometimes we have a few SJW popping up and they are always being chased away to berlin to educate the goys. Now all the lefty Israelis have run away to berlin, which is the trash can of israel.


This accurately describes most Americans too. That's why democrats are able to get any votes whatsoever; they cater to immediate emotions because their voter cant see past their own necessity.

seems like the american man wasn't used to being confronted by people. he was apologizing so fast when he hit the ground!

typical weak american cuck.

>germans are so cucked they need female canadians to do on the ground reporting


dems get votes from brown people for free shit, they don't have the cognitive capacity to have an ideology

There is always a protest at G20.

>I'm officially fucking done with Germany.
Pretty sure the Germans are done with Germany as well. The German problem is going to solve itself in the next few years. Then we'll just be left with a muslim problem.

>Canadian Nazi
Something about the sound of that makes me chuckle

Why aren't these people in jail, Germany?

Inciting violence isn't a crime there? WTF?

>The majority of Israel is right wing
GOOD! then dial up your magic sky wizard and come unfuck the mess you've made


Good to see a Nazi is about to get its comeuppance

Anybody who believes fucking (((Lauren Southern))) is a Nazi is either a woman or a tranny who isn't physically capable of doing anything about it.

>"free speech nazis"
These people have zero self-awareness. "He promotes freedom of speech! That means he's a nazi! Because nazis were all about free speech! Get him!"

>Canadian Nazi
>rootless international Jewess
This timeline. Are still donating to her Patreon pedes?

Fuck you


It is a Nazi though and should be dealt with accordingly


wtf ?????

>woman or a tranny
This is all of antifa

Its the truth. Germany is shit now. Its nothing like it was in the 1930s.


t. Polish subhuman

Watch your tongue, tough guy.

Germany didn't suck till they were "liberated" so fuck off.

Is that Sam Hyde's girlfriend?

It's a lot more like it was in the 1920s. You know what is next

Is it
>no g20

Deal with yourself accordingly, you fucking pussy faggot

>Muslim terrorists aren't real Muslims, even though they say they are
>Anyone who supports free speech is a Nazi though, no matter what

Really cooks the broccoli.

>they dont complain to authorities
>20000+ cops in action


Great (((post)))

just nuke us already

Join /pol Discord jstNWCW

Any proof she is jewish?
>inb4 her ancestors fled the nazis
Jews are the only ones that fled from nazis?

Though of moving to Germany. Not anymore.

That country is cancer in its current state.

i guess "we" would be human meat

i'm not surprised, it's the most interesting meat there is

t. Genghis Chong

not for you, mohammed

and they have no sense of humor ...

You Tree-Austrian get offered an "all you can rape" buffet there and can't be prosecuted.

Give them shills partner

Then you need to stand strong with other nationalists, so we can destroy these commies.

>3 strikes and you're out Krauts.
Like Carthage, Germany will soon be just Arab goat-herders living among the ruins.

well she walked into the biggest gathering of leftis with a phalanx evropa shirt. that girls has some balls

Lad, you could say that about any western country.

Any developed city is a fucking give of scum. Germany has oppulent countryside villages and small towns brimming with beautiful blonde succulent pussys waiting for your seed.

Go and get that u autistic fuck.

Tens of thousands of German heroes immigrated to Canada after the second Jews war.
My neighbor was SS,

All American liberals should be shipped to Germany


Germany has taken the crown for cuck kingdom of Eurape

Sweden is dethroned but still holds secind place

why are Germans so non-confrontational?

is it your diet, your societal norms?

They're going to kill her eventually, aren't they? She's going to be our martyr... She's going to start the fire.

Both the left (pro palestinian sjw) and the right (blaming israel for europe's cuckoldry) is against Israel, so I don't give a fuck. The only goys who are pro Israel are fanatic christians, but only because they want Jesus to arrive and fuck all the Jews up.

It's the constant holohoax propaganda.

No. I'm going to rescue her and then marry her and have a dozen children with her.

Germany is smaller than the state of Montana ... ignore them

There is truly no reason to defend this country. It is fucked up on so many levels that even a 2nd holohaox won't fix it. Best thing any German can do is to leech some education and work experience and move to a saner country. I am already starting...

she made the mistake to think germans are civilized. next time she will take security with her again.

any stories from him?

Come to Austria, we have guns and free internet.

We're against Israel because you constantly whine about a certain austrian who did potentially questionable things 70 years ago and refuse to stand up for European nationalists against these commie-kikes using the six million to beat everyone down.

I'm going to Germany, work/slack a year or two and return back with everything I can get.
At least that resources would be in better hands than with rapefugees.

fucking ugly nazi right wing bitch
I'd actually pay to her and her nazi friend getting beaten by the Antifa

please let it happen
On Twitter there are already organizing to track her down
linksunten indymedia is after her as well


why is it always the us? your country has way bigger problems than ours, you trying to distract yourself from that will only make it worse

Jews are unlikable because of what they do not what god they believe in. They have terrible genetics rife with mental illness and psychical deformations. Jews simply are filth.

Thx. Me and my gf are actually considering Austria or your neighbouring Jewmountain. What kind of life can I expect as a Polymer Engineer

>Antifag femboi pussies have to organize and coordinate with each to track down a little girl and "deal with her"

>nazi nazi nazi boo hoo nazi
That's what I read.

Hope you get raped by Ahmed.... but wait, you would probably enjoy it.
Instead, I hope someone puts real meat in your Tofusteak or steals your Faggotbike


>free speech nazis

hahaha what a fucking subhuman

What if I told you that these same Jews are funding open borders organizations in Israel.

Heck, even the EU funds pro african migrants and palestinian organizations in Israel, like "btselem". So whites are the biggest hypocrites, because you'd never find an instance where the israeli government funded anything like that.
You are the biggest commies on earth and I'm glad muslims are purging you.

hmm...just backslad then that?

I'm gloating right now. She fucking thought german black block antifa is the same as this baby US version you have over there. Relax kids. It's just trainig for the next May 1st. Every sensible german with a Mercedes learns to park his car somewhere safe during those times. Business as usual. You only hear about it now because Trump is there. Otherwise it wouldn't even make news in your country. So fuck off.

we need super mecha death hitler

Nigger. YOUR government funds Taglit which has only one purpos: to prevent assimilation of Jews while at the same time preaching multi-culturalism as a moral obligation to the NAZI NAZI NAZI goyim. Talk about hypocrisy!

And yeah: your diaspora is toootally innocent. They dindu nuffink. LMAO

Well those old Krouts hey they gotta offer idk a professionally baked krout crumpet to the world now? Just small talk typin all cool keepin it PG. No con,spirasee.

Geh arbeiten.

Gj defending this dying country. I'll grant you a refugee as reward

Sadly he told me there was no holocaust when I was sixteen. His window gave me his gear before she moved to a home.

räum dein zimmer auf

You're the same eunuch pussies, you just have bigger numbers and a more permissive government.

Dumbass, taglit is about encouraging young jews to immigrate to israel. No one here wnts jews to live in europe.
Israel is the most right wing country on earth, while you cuck europeans are the biggest marxists. You have merkel, macron and that cuck corbyn. None of them jews. Also, the vast majority of european are leftists.

>german black block antifa are sooo hardcore guys
We will hang them soon enough. A new era of violence will sweep this country and wash away all the anti-german pests currently plaguing this great country. Be careful leftist gutter punks, soon you'll find yourself laying face down in the dirt.

But... why are you proud of this? How is burning cars a good thing?


Holy Shit... At least it will redpill some normies in Hamburg and GER. Thats sad nontheless...

Most of our justice system and politics is a leftover of the seventies. More political correctness blablabla. Commies and others. Lets watch the General election in September. I am voting AFD. Most of my friends, too. There are still some germans left.

atleast their police can do the job.

Sounds to me like you have lost control of your extremist groups. In America and Canada we would have you on every list in the computer.
Push a Photographer and go to the asphalt then to jail.

Its pretty good if there like this. Because how the am i going to rape white women?

She has such a fuckable face. I just want to shove my dick down her throat until she chokes and tears up.

The last nazi died years ago, if you're gonna larp against imaginary enemies why not call them the borg.

>What kind of life can I expect as a Polymer Engineer
Red Bull, half-slavic qts with perky tits, lefties get their face broken by the police if they act up, People are fed up with rapefugees, rising right wing, uncensored vidya with German dub, dirt cheap energy due to Alpine hydrosocialism, more German speaking people than in Germany (except Vienna) and dunno.
Just visit and see if you like it.

Hi Muhammad

Yeah, if you're German and not left wing you should probably pack your bags and move to the USA at this point, it's fucking game over there. There are tens of millions of Germans here anyway and some states are predominantly german now anyway. You can speak freely, own a gun and you are allowed to be proud of being German here

"Canadian nazi"