Why is Russia such a big deal when their economy is smaller than Canada?
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Why is Russia such a big deal when their economy is smaller than Canada?
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becuz canada likes it in the butt
Because they have nukes and were the sole provider of oil to much of Europe until recently.
russia really isn't that big of a deal, it's just the big boogeyman with nukes
their economy is bad, their geolocation is bad, they have no significant allies, they don't trade much anything useful
>have nukes (more than any other country in the planet for that matter)
>have a big population
>have a quite strong and well equipped armed forces
That's why
If oil prices go up they would be bigger
Because the Jews got kicked out and they're mad about not yet having a global banking hegemony they can use to kick off the end times phophecies to summon Satan and destroy God forever.
Because they make a good public enemy so there is a justification to buy more weapons and guns, even if Russia couldn't even invade Lesoto.
because Russia invests that into the army and Canada invests that in dildos
>strong well-equiped armed forces
no lol
Because despite scarce resources, Russia always has an army of fatalistic serfs, who will happily work for the autokrator. So they have enough resources to build a big army, even if Ruskie are piss poor
>i don't understand value
Look at venezuela before oil price drop
This basically.
Theres something called 'efficiency'. It's not how much you have but how well you put it to use. American military spending vs other country ratios are not indicative of military capability ratios. The is huge waste in the military and over-pricing of weapons to make arms dealers rich. That is why you need to use your fuckin brain. You're not as safe as you think. Not to mention how much more ground the US military is spread over, which means a lower force density per square km.
All these buttmad nobodies in here.
Put a man in space without a russian rocket first, then we will talk.
> nominal
it's only useful for buying power of foreign goods and currency it has nothing to do with domestic consumption and production
because they have the ability to nuke the planet back into the stone age
Wrong board, fag.
>(((European Union)))
>Why is Russia such a big deal when their economy is smaller than Canada?
Largest nuclear weapons stockpile on earth. Larger by far than ours. Don't piss off the Russians.
Childish kek.
>finally, the mercy of death
Oh god Mr. Putin, just DO IT
Because you're a fag. That's why.
they got 150 million people
Sphere of influence.
They have Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan all firmly within their sphere.
On top of that you have Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia who are loyal to Russia with separatist movements.
Then you have the Donbass and Crimea in Ukraine.
Transnistria in Moldova.
etc etc etc
On top of that they have staunch allies in Armenia, Iran, Syria's government and Lebanon.
They also have close ties to various African nations thanks to the cold war like Angola, Guinea Bissau and Congo.
Then you have the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Bolivians.
Anyone that doesn't suck America's dick is on this "team" and it's being led by Russia.
China will shake things up though.
They're creating their own sphere of influence so there will be three teams in the world instead of two.
tl;dr: It's the friends they have, not their economy.
Cause GDP is a fantastic measure of relative national power. WW2 proved that right? Germany whooped the shit out of the Soviets and France put up quite a fight.
literally this.
>have a quite strong and well equipped armed forces
No. They have tons of nukes and cheap exportable anti-aircraft missiles.
Other than that they are irrelevant.
Because GDP is not a measure of national power? On a more reasonable basis of PPP, particularly after all the manipulation done in recent years to keep the US and Europe afloat, Russia comes 5th (taking out the EU since otherwise European countries are counted twice) and Italy is 11th. Whether you kids like it or not, Russia is the largest country on earth, has endless natural resources, no debt and a primary surplus. It will continue to be a major power for as long as we can foresee, having whipped the ass of European nations twice in recent history.
The European Union is a country? Lol, how poor are you that you have to gang together to be relevant?
Lol r/the_donald *loooves* Russia.
Their friends are literally shit. OPs point remains valid.
>Our economy is stronger than Russia's
Now thats a surprise to me
Germany was the 2nd largest economy in the world during Weimar republic.
I think that after the annexations of Austria and Sudentenland it became the largest
Nuclear weapons.
Because the are head of the orthodox civilization--which is different than western civilization. And nukes. Samuel Huntington Clash of Civilzations is an academic read but one of the best. conservative thought about culturals mixing, civilizations and the implications for war. This is not b.s. Alt right lowgrade racism but a real analysis of what happens when radically different cultures e.g civilizations mix--spoiler alert history says that the cultural power of civilization will always result in war. One of the great anti globalist intellectuals.
They use nominal because Americans can not stand when they are not #1
Because GDP is not a valid measure of national power.
Unsourced data works best when the base are clueless.
Blocking regime changes and world war is breaking US balls bigtime.
Faggots in their bogus reality sink into the quicksand with no possible escape.
It is but to laugh.
Because brutal force always wins against the money. And if the money even buys its own brutal force they just create another brutal force.
And the west now is quickly losing their force. The money can't save you from replacing.
Just because people in shit countries buy their shit quality food at shit prices does not make their economy bigger.
The lie here is Russia's share of world GDP (and geopolitical influence) is actually growing while yours is shrinking.
Or maybe you're just pulling my chain.. fucking Canuck.
Remember if your a Canuck your a cuck
Trump had a good meeting with Putin. They might have accomplished something. Sad to say but how butt hurt will the left be to see a reduction in globalist hostility. And to the lefties--when did Russia become your enemy? For all the criticisms of the left I have --war mongering wasn't one of them. What did Hillary do to you?
It's called recovering from 60 years of communism, leaf. BTW, why are Islamic nations not as successful as Western nations, and if it has anything to do with their populations, is it then a good idea to import so many of them to Canada?
thats why
I am disappointed leaf. you didn't posted PPP.
They are a "big deal" because they are a super power (really a "near" super power) while you remain, as always, the Eternal Leaf. I saw your Navy parked in the Bahamas. Real hot spot action there, impressive.
Because youre using US dollars. The World Bank uses the Purchasing Power Parity Index which makes China the world's largest economy and Russia number 6.
Why does it list the European Union then go on to list the countries in the union? Or am I missing something.
becaues they have an inflated ego just like all the other irrelevant slavic countries.
prepare for MUH COMMUNISM excuses and so on
when the reality is simply that they are incapable of competing because they lack actual brain power
I don't know that that metric is all that much better. Think about what it means to be poor in the US compared to what it means to be poor in China or Russia.
Think about what it means to be poor in like fucking Sweden.
Relatively small economy, but 97.89% of the economy is comprised of making weapons and fielding an army
Like China's defence budget is say $200 million compared to America's $650 billion.
But a dollar buys a lot more in China than it does in America, and they make all their own stuff.
Leaf scum, on the PPP index used by the World Bank, Russia's economy is a lot bigger than yours.
>Russia the big boogeyman with nukes
Fuck i thought only brainwashed children believed this narrative
we are simply talking about the real size of economies taking currency differences into account.
>Because the Jews
You can't disregard that though. Even though the US could pretty much erase Russia if it came down to going all out with secret weapons projects, it's not like Russia wouldn't be able to fuck up the US in return before it's over.
What does that really mean? Technically, that MAD is still in effect as a last resort. Similar to why nobody is just going to glass the middle east because of what would happen if Israel and Iran both chimped out.
So in practical terms, that's not really what makes Russia such a major geopolitical player, it's childish to think that it's an irrelevant boogeyman.
I'm not OP.
My statement still stands
They have a relatively small economy - but the arms industry is a big thing for them.
Now stop being a pompous jackass and go brush your teeth fucking chav.
I'm not OP.
My statement still stands
They have a relatively small economy - but the arms industry is a big thing for them.
Now stop being a pompous jackass and go brush your teeth fucking chav.
This. It's all about kicking the big bad white nationalist boogeyman while he's down. Jews have always hated Russia. Despite having a smaller economy than Canada they're still scared shitless of Russia.
The Jew fears the Cossack
Size of the economy is not the only factor for all the various vectors of force projection. It's an extremely relevant factor and why the US has had such a hard-on for using economic vectors to fight with Russia the past century at least.
But that's always only ever been one component.
Fuck you leaf cuck
a large portion of the russian econ is under the table black market shit, it's probably twice the official amount...
Russia may have a smaller economy but it has very little debt. Western nations are swimming in debt
This is also true. Those with less debt can't be controlled as easily.
No degeneracy
No gays
Not cucks
Need I go on cuck?
>is smaller than Canada
Let me shock you even more. It's smaller than California's economy.
Completely unnecessary. Any Canadian would call you whatever you want if you asked politely. And this law doesn't change that. You can't be charged if it was a matter of ignorance. It only applies to willful and brutal usage of incorrect pronounering.
Because they are a huge resource-rich country with a powerful military and a stable regime and not a US vassal or "ally".
Also as people above said, direct comparison is idiotic, PPP is what really matters.
Russia right now faces no existential threats. Several Western nations do.
California has more people than Canada.
The main threat to the USA right now is china. As the US is declining mainly due to obama china was increasing and developing. Also i think the argument for russia recovering from communism is a bad point because china was also recovering from communism and not only that they participated in the korean war. Yet they are still doing better than russia. The USA should focus on finding a way of indirectly weakening china. Russia is still a pretty powerful country as it has the most nukes and has a large sphere of influence.
Russia is just a major power right next to the EU, the eastern European nations rightfully fear it and it makes a useful boogeyman for the western European nations.
Well, OP. Right now, Russia is by far the largest state on earth (area). It is also the only still existing empire. All european colony powers cucked out and gave independence to their colonies. Russia still has everything left (Siberia).
Also, Russia is the only major country since WWII and the Korea war that has actually successfully invaded, grown and annexed new territory (Crimea + almost parts of eastern Ukraine)
How about that?
Nah... I think some people are going to balk at calling a fat hairy man 'her' or even 'zir'
I'll never work for my government in any capacity.
Any woman with really large hands and an Adam's apple comes around I'm going to scoot away quickly. But I already did that anyhow.
Reminder: Russia is the only white nation with over 100 million whites that is still ruled by white men (not women, jews, poopoos, niggers or chinks)
>It will continue to be a major power for as long as we can foresee, having whipped the ass of European nations twice in recent history.
And yet Europe looks like pic related.
Tell me, how do you square your delusions of grandeur with reality?
lol. Good stuff.
What the fuck?
How is that even possible?
this could be the reason
>The lie here is Russia's share of world GDP (and geopolitical influence) is actually growing while yours is shrinking.
Did Dmitri Kisseljov tell you that?
>only major country that has successfully invaded, grown and annexed new territory
jew forgot one
7000 nuclear warheads
>Also, Russia is the only major country since WWII and the Korea war that has actually successfully invaded, grown and annexed new territory (Crimea + almost parts of eastern Ukraine)
But territory is the only thing that has grown in Russia since 2014. (pic related)
>Major country
Russia is several 100 times larger than Israel. Even Crimea is larger than Israel
Expansion before the inevitable fall.
I wonder why Canada have higher GDP, but they dont have space program, their army is worse than army of Poland, they have literally no international geopolitical influence.
But hey, their GDP is higher.
Because they have more men than Canadians have bullets.
this xD
Russia have strong and cheap army
a lot of cultural and art influence in the region
great long history
biggest teritory
natural resources
people which are ready to suffer war difficulties and have no fear
And Canadians are basiclly rich liberal cucks xD ready to cry
You cant buy courage and dignity
Because they are fighting for other interests and have the military strength to do so.
>Expansion before the inevitable fall.
That's more of a Russian thing.
>muh economy
That's why no one listens to americans
I'll say it again, Russia faces no existential threats, while several Western states do.
Now and near future don't matter that much. Furthermore Russia is the only white country with rising birth rates (of native population).
It's amazing how idiotic you people are, I told you in 2014 and I'll tell you in 2024, this Russia, which isn't encumbered with a terribly inefficient regime like in past is in a very strong position for future.
And that's why there's so much Russophobia going on right now. But their failure is highly probable, West is on decline.
Because they give everyone free healthcare and it's expensive to live near any nice city.
courage and dignity can't buy food and bullets
it'll be real fun to see what happens as alternate energy keeps depressing the value of Russia's natural resources. Maybe they can build more coal powered aircraft carriers