White characteristics

what are white characteristics?
jaw lines, ear shape etc need it all
pic unrelated

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Here's an extensive documentary highlighting white characteristics


no memes please i was serious about it

light skin

(Youre on Sup Forums, Stephen)

Hahahha youre clearly not white hahahahaha

Thin nose, square jaw line, deep set eyes

Idk man maybe use google images not sure go out walk alone it's cool nobody's around, wind gust goes by death in the frozen air. A snowflake falls on my face, melts, they thought it was a tear, couple walked by.

>thin nose

pic related i don't have thin nose
>square jaw line

Something like brad pitt? check
> deep set eyes


Your nose is thin enough, how does your forehead look?

not too short not too wide,

How sloped is it? is it straight? is it round or flat?

completely wrong table

there are 2 causes of convex noses , one is armenoidization aka the adaption to high altitudes (which results in overly convex noses) and the second one is convexity for social dominance as opposed to infantile noses which are concave (as found in almost all slavs) ; second one is found in all progressive races, but never to an extreme (except for dinarids)

pic related is the drawing of a purely aurignacoid progressive human being ; pinnacle of sexual selection for dominance


First table I found on google.
That's not a table of race distinctions though.

>what are white characteristics?

"Not being a nigger."

That's about it, really.


pic related is a armenoidized individual

You are as white as it gets then.

it's not correct to say caucasoids have square jaws, there are 2 types of caucasoidss: aurignacoids (which dominated and settled in temperate/warmer climates) and the cromagnoisd, which dominated and settled as hunter gatherers in colder climates

pic related is the difference between them, square jaws are a purely cromagnoid feature, it's not a good thing because it reduces/infantilizes wheres aurignacoids can not be reduced (they retain their proportions)

Huh pseudo-Asian Hunky is whiter than half of Europe, :D

What about east asians?

False, Cromagnon face is more masculine and superir, arignacoid maybe looks good on women and Swedish sissies, not men. I only have seen square Jaws on whites.

>mfw 1200 years of Germanic Ancestry yet have a Jew Nose.

You mean the noble nose? it's not a Jew nose

This is what a white aryan looks like.

besides that the term caucasoid is stupid anyway, because it was coined by an anthropologist who wanted to summarize all europid races (including the non european ones) and had received a skull from a (beautiful) armenian/georgian woman and thought that this would be a proper term

caucasians (who are predominantly caucasoid race) themselves do not represent all europid races , they are mainly a mix of alpinid + cromagnoid and other local influences
no, cromagnoids are socially NOT dominant, they are literally bred to be better and bigger hunters, suited for long huntings - whereas aurignacoids are suited for fast paced, short battles

pic related is a pure and unreduced cromagnoid

"White" is a social construct, not a scientific classification of races. Here in Sup Forums, for example, white means that you are a special little snowflake who has this super unique traits that nobody else has and that it makes you superior to others. In the rest of the world it tends to mean fair skin.

respect for animals and wildlife, especially doggos.

Like it has anything to do with respect, it's just white people culture like niggers love their melons.


it's not a noble nose, it's a remannt of a past overspecialization to high altitudes, a noble/greedily selected for social dominance nose looks like this

Found the special little snowflake.

It was Georgian, not Armenian.
it's not a stupid term, just because it may have wrong origins doesn't mean it's stupid, tons of words have that kind of origin.

Caucasoid includes North African and the whole West Asia too.

Aurignacoids are only suited for one thing, providing for their wife's son, who's father is cromagnoid.

You know how I know you're a leaf?

>muh social dominance
The nose was associated with nobility in Europe and in other parts of the world. I didn't say it's a nose of social dominance.

hey my nose is like that


it's a stupid term because it excludes the most important non reduced aurignacoids and only encompasses reduced cromagnoids at best

the caucasus has virutally 0 racial diversity, pic related

yes , because it gives an eagle-like apperaence, however it's origin is different , it's not actually a result of nobility (which would be slightly convex noses)

caucasian = europid

caucasoid = mtebid = dominant racial element of the caucasus

europid = aurignacoid/cromagnoid

aurignacoid = leptosomic with progressive-mature tendencies as well as highest amount of greedy and flexible traits aka highest social dominance

(unreduced) cromagnoid = pyknomorphic tendencies with short extremities (but not necessarily short, often times very tall) , however low social dominance (looks dumb)

reduced cromagnoid = infantilized cromagnoid aka exposure of childlike traits (concave snubby nose, flat face, rounded forehead, brachycephaly)

pic related is a prime example of unreduced cromagnoid from north-africa (berberid)

white characteristics: being the best type of human, superiority in all fields, sexiest men and women, wealthy, compassionate until pushed too far, the ultimate warriors in human history, etc

False, I'm from Caucasus, there are Alpinid, Pontid, Dinarid, Cromagnid, gracilemed, Iranid people here. believe it or not, there are native American looking people here too. you are assuming that everyone is Mtebid, which is false.

the dominant element of the caucasus are mtebids aka alpinid+other local influences (iranid etc.)

there are no unreduced aurignacoids in the caucasus, otherwise, post an example so we can see for ourselves?

your discussion is very interesting

I'm still not sure what aurignacoid is thought, post the best examples of them.

>those high cheekbones

Never seen any germanic cuck have them.

Pink nipples

net positive tax payers

pic related, phylogenetic tree of human races

also check this:

unreduced cromagnoid

difference of aurignacoid (left) vs cromagnoid

progressive aurignacoid skull


unreduced aurignacoids have only progressive traits

>tfw glorious celt

i have hard time applying these definitions even on Anglo faces, I don't follow media in my country so I don't really know any example that I can show, it's just my experience.

How about pic related? rate them so I can get the idea

one on the very left: dinarid/armenoid+reduced cromagnoid, the other two reduced cromagnoid

best age to classify people is between 25-35

here is an older progressive-mature nordid for comparison (which is unreduced aurignacoid)

aurignacoids don't really exist in mountaineous areas, because the greedily selected type of those areas are generally dinarids , which reduce to armenoid+alpinid farmer types most of the time