What is Sup Forums's opinion of BritBongs.
What is Sup Forums's opinion of BritBongs
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*hovers respectfully*
I still can't decide whether I like the old or new flag more.
I prefer the old thus the post.
The future is here
Stop being a rotorphobe
>Your flag is missing some red stripes
What happened to Northern Ireland?
Northern Ireland dindunuffin
I want to like them but then I remember that most of them would rather commit suicide than be with me in one room.
I'm a professional bong by the way
I prefer this flag.
Best ally.
It's impossible mate, I've been trying since I read your post and I literally can't pick one either
They had a good run, now it's time for them to say goodbye.
Hear Hear
It's time to say goodbye pakis and goodbye niggers, and put them all on boats back to the third world.
You wish Mr.Teapot.
Our cousins
Great Union flag looks nicer, and one could ask themselves does the Cross of St. Patrick actually represent N. Ireland?
It's the kind solution. We can have a race war if you'd prefer
new flag is better
The old one tools better.
You get a cross section there.
Overall they aren't particularly distinctive to me. Unless they are bantering with somebody from Argentina or something
Cymru am byth.
English by birth; British by the Grace of God.
full of leftist scum. can be nuked from orbit imo
>hill nigger language
>English by birth
>SK flag
The british is a species in danger of dissapear. In 15-20 years there won't be more brits in the planet.
there will always be Gibraltar for them to go to.
They are a bunch of disgusting mentally troubled "people".
Yeah, that will be the island of the last anglo apes.
Old one is better. 1800 was a mistake
We're okay, I guess. Well past our glory days, but we still have a reasonable amount of influence around the world, for a country of our size.
Hey dude did u say bongs dude BritBong is it happy 420 hours? As in we forgot the time?
cucked by the jew
I like Brits desu I think they are one of the best posters here as well.
Bloody good chaps
ur a funny bugger m8
Reminder that Britain and Portugal have the longest military alliance in global history and that together we are unstoppable
I wanna know why bongs let immigrants into their country in the 50's and onwards?
I was learning about Enoch Powell and in documentaries were parts of England where all white people moved out because they were being a minority. This being in the 70's. I don't even want to know how bad it is now.
Name 1 (ONE) benefit uniting with Ireland had for Britain. It was bad for both of us, makes you wonder why it happened
desu you're right mate.
Only problem is France kept allying with you so essentially Ireland was an exposed flank.
I am pleased with your fleg choice :)
because we were short of labour after ww2
t'was a mistake though
Jews. Just a guess.
my ancestor :)
Nuke us
That makes sense. Our country also made the same mistake.
All the good Anglos died in the Great Wars.
-Jews run the UK.
-Cuckolds and white guilt ridden everywhere
+Repesct for Royal Family
+Good tea
bad motherfuckers who didn't afraid of anything
Fuck yea Murica! England kinda BTFO!
Bad motherfuckers who didn't afraid of anything
Same user here
Britain comes closer to Canada every day
they are an bunch of gays
here's everything wrong with the average britboi
>takes it in the ass
>eats everything with a spoon
>has never felt the warmth of a womans body
>wants to kill himself
>why doesn't he just do it
>can't think
>is a fucking retard
>fails a lot
>gets no respect because he deserves no respect
>thinks hes smart because he can point out the obvious in an age of blatant and deliberate lies
>cannot ride a horse or weild a sword, weak in tge arm
>prostate juice leaks out of his cock when he shits because he jerked off too much and he is only 21
>thinks the NHS is shit because of europe (lol)
>wanking all the time, even at work
>nobody has or will ever like him
and so on
ye most of these apply to me but i CAN ride a horse and wield a sword
u mad?
I love my neighbouring countries on these islands. A lot. An awful lot. So much that I want to shag them.
They are bro tier until they start complaining about how our country is run.
I wish my brethren across the pond would stop being cucks. BREXIT gave me a false sense of hope, I've been depressed as fuck ever since.
Brexit is happening
So is the endless terror spree with fuck all being done about it and almost electing Comrade Cobyrn to boot.
I fucking hate this country, people talk about how sweden and germany are bad, but compared to the multi-culti hellhole this place is they're small fry, let me give you the gist of things
>niggers in almost every advertisment
>race-mixing higher per-capita than fucking AMERICA!!!
>paki rape-gangs have been on a rampage since they arrived here, calling them out is racist
>two of our political parties are 2 sides of the same coin and will do absolutely fuck all to improve the white demographic, one wants to genocide white people (labour).
>our version of Trump; Nigel Farage who is a (((civic))) was bombarded to fuck by the media and people hated his "fascist" rehtoric
>waving st. george's flag (flag of England) is racist in many parts of England and almost a death sentence in big cities e.g London.
>no guns for normal people, and you knew the infamous quote "get a life, bin that knife" so yeah...
This country is on course to becoming Brazil waaaaaay quicker than America, if only you lardarses in the USA knew how bad it was here.
they used to rule the waves
What did you do to them?
We Anglos have a common identity and understanding of each other that you couldn't comprehend, Poortugal. I could try to explain it to you, but you would never understand.
Either you're one of us, or you aren't.
Well, you were actually the gate to the Americas at the time, and got a massive influx of income from it.
It's just your Landowners really liked fucking you over, Just like they do now really.
Would fight to defend oldest ally
Sup Forums hive mind is active.
Britain is the only country I'd ever fight for other than my own. If they got into a civil war situation between the Brexiteers and the Labor Party Islamofeminists I'd sail over there with a rifle in one hand and burger in the other.
Another plus side is that Brits are Euros but they're different from the other Euros. The other Euro countries always bully us for being fat and ignorant but there's always a Brit in there to keep them in line with bantz about their separate countries. Brits just love putting the rest of the Euros in check. I love it.
Everyone on /pol should be buying extra British goods to support Democracy and freedom and nationalisem.
Sheep Nigger's still better.
This is fucking great.