Why don't goy- I mean white guys breed anymore?
Why don't goy- I mean white guys breed anymore?
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I think it's just the social climate. Nothing wrong with having kids late in life.
Women fuck around on the cock carousel until they turn 30 (ie. they start seeing the first few wrinkles, and chad isn't so interested any more). In the mean time, a lot of men (like 50% of them) ages 18-28 just have nothing to do all day, so they turn to video games to entertain themselves
now I gotta get nagged by broads I don't even know and they wonder why I don't wanna put up with their shit
From what I'v seen most men want a child, it's the woman who gets cold feet and runs, but then ends up pregnant from some guy she met at a bar for one night.
You know you don't need man to have kids anymore, right? Just hit sperm bank. Men are outdated.
If 3D starts trying to live up to 2D standards they might have a chance.
Beats me, I'm a man child and i have 2 kids. My baby mama is Latina though so I'm not really helping the white race much.
How can they compete?
>tfw too smart to reproduce
Tfw ineligible
Why don't black people stop killing each other all the time?
Spoiler alert: they cant
Blame men for the shit economy that kikes built.
>Make women have 100% birth rights while men have almost 100% the responsibility of said birth rights.
>Push the idea of "No-Fault" Divorce.
>Push the idea of Toxic Masculinity and all of a woman's problems on patriarchy.
>Keep alimony payments >90% paid by men.
>Abuse child support.
>Spoil/abuse children in increasing single-motherhood households.
>Exalt single-motherhood to the point some even argue single-motherhood > two-parent households.
>Women have October, Women's Day, and Mother's day; but whenever Father's Day and November is celebrated, feminists come out of the woodwork to "remind" people of men being garbage and put the spotlight on women.
>Increase immigration from other lesser civilized countries so they can fuck men from those countries; get mad as fuck when men try to do the same with Asian women to the point women try to pass laws to limit Asian immigration and -MAF relationships.
>Get offended and start mobs when men have certain expectations for women in relationships, yet don't see any problems when women expect Ivy-League expectations from men (>6'0", fit, well-paying job, non-questioning, etc.).
>Men try to have a logical dialectic with women, women silence discussion by using the famous ad hominem "Mansplaining".
>Men can never understand what being a woman is like and should never question/judge, yet all women can understand what being a man is like.
>Men are increasingly not wanting to deal with this bullshit.
Somehow women are surprised by this and don't' understand why - so they blame "childish men".
Is this pasta or are you really this booty blasted
N'est pas un argument
Not pasta. I still believe in the importance in marriage and plan to have family in the future while understanding you have to be really careful in picking the right wife. However, I hate seeing hypocrisy and current recent generations of women making things worse yet blaming it on men.
He's Italian not French idiot.
Because white women want to ride cocks until they're old and used up, and then have kids in their 30s. Meanwhile Latinas want to have at least two kids before they reach 25.
Fucking pleb, Jesus Christ.
Is playing videogames deep into your 20's really "a thing" in America? I'm 24 and so far me and almost all of my highschool/army pals outgrew videogames.
Are grown-ass men playing digital toys really a 'normal' thing in the USA?
Latinas look like bags of beans at 35
Go for asians
How many guys are willing to propose to their high school girlfriend?
So much this.
This follows with "Man up, and raise somebody else's kid."
I have anime so I don't need nigger loving 40yo hags to blacken my life.
Mana transfer doesn't work between man and loli
Ever wonder if this is what the media/system/elites wants you to think about. Why do so many men worry about this? I wonder if the same pharmaceutical that produces the bluepill produces the redpill for mass consumption.
I've got a decent amount of health issues and so does my wife. We just aren't having kids because of that.
TFW you are an beautiful non-degen woman but all men are betas b/c of hormones in the milk
Having kids when you're older makes them more likely to be autistic so no
t. autismo with an old dad
Well at least in regards to Sup Forums, they are more interested in acting like cucks by worshiping at the feet of trump than chasing women and having families. "Libtards" like me have already procreated.
It's to give us the illusion of choice and free will
The ultimate black pill is realising free will is a lie and you can only at best train your body/brain with the right chemicals (food, sport)
no one cares, jew
Mana transfer?
Horrible meme. They age like everyone else. It depends on their diet.
People in the US have all kinds of hobbies--it's one of the perks of not living in a 3rd world country.
>Blames someone else for they gold digging and dick riding attitudes.
>Mana transfer?
>Women fuck around on the cock carousel until they turn 30 (ie. they start seeing the first few wrinkles, and chad isn't so interested any more). In the mean time, a lot of men (like 50% of them) ages 18-28 just have nothing to do all day, so they turn to video games to entertain themselves
not going to lie, the subredidt "theredpill" really opened my eyes to this reality and how to deal with it. For any other young pol anons, I highly recomend spending your time there. The most important idea that has stuck with me, and perhaps forever will stick with me, is fuck expectations. The best method of living out to your life is to be content with yourself. Nothing external to you is of value. Happiness comes from holding yourself to high standards for the sake your own desires. The sooner you start giving a fuck less about others the faster you start to appreciate the things that matter. Family, friends, and good wifey material. Once you start taking care of yourself with this attitude and sort yourself out, life will fall into place.
Guy's right, and you're either a troll or an idiot.
>"On why masculinity is toxic and men need to stop catcalling women and making them feel uncomfortable with unsolicited flirting"
>"On 30+ women who are freezing their eggs and can't find a good man to settle down with and why childish, introverted men are to blame."
>" On men in their 30's and 40's who are starting relationships with and even marrying 'women' aged 20-25 and why this must be stopped."
>"On my impending suicide and why society must take care of my 10+ cats"
>by (((Melanie)))
the vaginal jew strikes again
That last one actually is a problem. We're going to have hundreds of thousand so stray cats running around once all these harpies start offing themselves.
>tfw my state passed a law that ensures that you don't have to pay perpetual alimony anymore
my state sucks for alot of reasons, but making sure a cunt can't marry you for being rich for 6 months then divorce and live the rest of her life easy is the best thing this state has done in a long time
I was in the car with my sister the other day and she had the radio on a country station. A song came on
>"youre never gonna grow up, peter pan."
It should have been called "when are you going to make my money and give me social status"
>Demonize men for being masculine
>Why aren't you being masculine >:(
Are women actually this fucking dumb or were they trying to clip people's wings
>Shilling for Reddit on /pol
Kys faggot
This. If a man is making advances, you tell him to get lost, or a slap if he says something rude. You don't take him to court or get him charged as a sex offender so he's stigmatized for the rest of his life.
This is a byproduct of telling young men not to make passes at women and punishing them severely if they do. It takes enough courage to ask a girl out in the first place.
give me a J
give me an o
give me an rdan Peterson
what's that spell?
>Jordan Peterson
he's got the same message. Have goals. Have values.
The modern woman is degenerate, brainwashed by cultural marxism/feminism/liberalism, not to mention way too fat.
He also recognizes MGTOW as useless men. They still mad.
>breed those slaves goyim!
I can't get a girlfriend so I will never breed. Very simple.
I don't like reddit, especially since the influx of the donald on here, but if there is anything of value to be found on that shithole its that sub. Lots of good shit for younger polacks.
To weed out the weak men.
>I don't understand why she divorced me? I did everything she wanted.
Of course you have to keep in mind that the Chads/Jamals/Achmeds of the world never gave a shit about such things and never will. If you're *naturally* handsome/successful/confident/charismatic than anything goes, a woman won't really go after you with the rape charges unless she's batshit insane. But as you said there is a falling off now, young men who might have been encouraged by parents, peers and even their teachers to be more aggressive and alpha are now being denied that learning opportunity. Of course this just narrows the Chad pool down even further, less supply.
It just amazes me that women, especially those college aged, don't realize how badly this pump&dump culture is going to fuck them over in the long run.
>weed out the week men
>I am much stronger than you, peasant husband. heh
>None of you can compete. There can only be one
Are women the ultimate fedoras?
You are just building straw men on top of straw men to justify your effeminate pathetic-ness. I strongly recommend suicide you worthless cuck
>be stripped of your power through decades of globalism
>still blamed for everything
Very common.
A lot of guys who can't get girlfriends due to the current dating climate would. The only white high school guys getting girlfriends are Chads and jocks. There are a few normal white guys who can get girls in HS, but most can't, and won't until college (and even then, they are dating down into high school).
No man in the entire world wants to have kids. Men want women, and women want kids. It's one of life's many tradeoffs. Can't have a woman unless you have kids, unless it's very short term. But most guys don't have game; they can't get laid regularly with different women, so they find one woman and settle down. Men who have an ease of access with a variety of different women are less likely to settle down, and will almost never voluntarily have children.
To simplify, men want women; women want children.
He refined that statement in a later interview. Confirmed for not grasping the nuance
How many times have we had this thread today?
>projection: the post
Only alphas care about score. 80% of men are fine with a woman so long as she's not fat and not crazy. And most men do want kids. The ones that don't are man children who care more about hookups than actually building a relationship.
>Ask men not to be men.
>rise in BDSM interest
>dumb bitches joining ISIS or converting to Islam
this guy is right about minorities not giving a fuck. Mexicans will tease/bully the weak and double down if he cries. They also have no problems dating younger girls, which leads to the statutory rape rates. Blacks are muh dick and the strongest becomes the alpha of the pack. Arabs keep their women in check. Meanwhile most whites are being told to respect women and treat them right.
Its like fighting in school. Most people are scared of the authority (parents, school, police) than about beating up some annoying bully.
Women putting off having kids has been around since the 70s when they wanted careers.
>it's men's fault it takes most women 30 years to realize they aren't a 10 and lower their standards
>when your daddy issues are so intense you join ISIS
>women no longer want to settle down
>men are to blame
You're not wrong that I'm projecting, but it is a projection of reality. Most men will not have access to women until they turn 19, as a high school male whose not a chad or jock has nothing to offer a girl, as 15-18 year old men can't get summer jobs, and normal guys in HS won't be built enough to be a faux alpha. By lacking status or money, you won't get dates.
How many guys have the money and time to propose to their high school girlfriend?
Plus people who marry that young are WAY more likely to divorce, not sure why you'd want to promote that.
nah. confidence and having goals. plus taking care of yourself. bam, girls rather consistently will show interest.
>guy literally gives an honest, complete answer to your question
That and NoFap are the only somewhat good places on Reddit
Being a man nowadays is incredibly hard in my opinion due to shifts in social trend and accepted attitudes throughout the ever changing decades, people aren't sure how to act or feel meaning they are missing out on social cues and adequate advice and support from parents in some situations
He is all about responsibility while MGTOW avoids it. They might agree on things (the courts), but their views will always be conflicting. Best argument is "the maiden becomes a whore while you were slaying dragons", but you can always marry the maiden of the next guy that went off to slay the dragon. 5 year age gap seems to work.
What he doesnt want to outright state is that if your wife leaves you, part of it was your fault. This is a guy who says you have to train your partner in order for relationships to works.
these bitches should try to date divorced 40somethings because "all the good men" will aim for younger women.
I'll just stick to Porn and fapping. I'm 18, don't stand a chance in the current sexual market so I don't play the game.
>Due to ridiculously high standards
Why does the news always twist headlines?
I can't wait till all the millennial women hit 35 and lose their minds. Remember gents: give the used up whores no quarter.
but Sup Forums showed me a graph that said divorce rates increase with the number of sexual partners?! Its a coin flip either way. At least you will have 2-3 kids early and you will do your part for the white genocide.
Don't watch degenarate porn, you'll become more isolated and can eventually get E.D. Take control of your urges and you'll feel way better and have more energy.
>severe emotional stunting in men can't be confronted unless we discuss how it affects women
Yes, but the hypergamy wasn't as strong. They rode the cock carousel till at latest 22, then settled with a guy, where they then started having kids around 25-27. Since around 2008, this has been delayed a decade, where most women ride the cock carousel till they are 30, and start having kids around 35-40.
Well said.
>know damn well women need men to tell them to stop their shit
>act like pussies let them walk over you and let them do what they want
>they accomplish all of that with the willing support of Schlomo Shekelburg, his 15 media outlets, 6 banks and 561 pet politicians
>blame them for your own failures
Yes, men have become childish and pathetic, although not for the reason women/kikes blame them for.
Why are women incapable of self-reflection or self-criticism?
I find it absolutely bizarre.
Are you married at least?
let those whores sort themselves out first, meanwhile I can wait until my 30s to enjoy some fresh pussycats
that's a woman
Nah you just need to be alpha like 10 years ago or 1000 years ago
Im wealthy, play games, bang gold diggers, train. All of my time is for me and nobody can betray me, take my money, my time, or even demand an apology.
Its perfect.
You need abstract thought and introspection for that.
you are a special kind of retarded if you think that is all