Sup Sup Forums got my DNA results, anybody else do this?
DNA results
self bump
Why are you giving away your DNA to a corporation? Your level of retardation is certainly impressive.
Here, take this i assume you know how to make a hat. Make sure you dont tear it with your edge tho
Irish are inside out niggers and only red headed women look good with red hair.
Well lucky me I dont have red hair
>red headed women look good with red hair.
>hair dye
The only people that complain about DNA tests are the ones who know their tests are going to have shitskin DNA and are insecure about it
>Carlin quote
Back to r eddit.
I don't understand where my British ancestry is
inches away from purity friend, inches
I bet you have fingerprint id enabled on your phone you faggot.
Why are tou giving your search history to corporations? And passwords?
Why are you storing your money with banks that ruin you life?
Absolutely no possible way giving my genetics away to a private corporation could end up backfiring for myself or my children. The possibility for a corporation to patent my genetics simply doesn't exist. Corporations that test DNA for retarded individuals like myself destroy all their data and never sell that data to another entity.
You should go back now
wtf are you even saying
Use you intelligence. Free your mind from your limited world view and experience and think about the consequences of not only your rash decision to give away your genetics but about encouraging others to jump off the same genetic cliff as you have.
I took it, 99.2% Northwestern European (48% British/Irish, 18% German, 25% Broadly northwester, ... and 0.6% west african, 0.3% Asian, 0.1% Ashkenazi)
hello pajeet
Did any of you get Halplogropus?
R1B here, They tell me I'm a Saxon.
You are not a Saxon, you are a mutt with African DNA
LOL. You probably have as much. Besides, at least we know how to handle migrants.
In a few years most of you will be 1/4 muzzi
Weird maybe you dont have any. Sucks how it says "Western Europe" instead of being able to give you an in depth analysis. I'm pretty sure all of my WE dna is French.
Ignore him, kek gives no DÜBS to faggots who think calling someone a European mutt is a bad thing. They're just angry they spent 100$ and found out they're an inbred with almost 100% of some shit country.
well I've researched my family tree and know all my great-great grandparents pretty well
6 were born in England, 9 were born in Wales and 1 was born in Italy
I thought I would have some distant European and Irish ancestry but so much? My family history suggest I am at least 90% British
You're British enough friend, but try taking a 23andme test in case you get different results.
Caucasus are included as Middle Eastern, which is where my 19% Middle Eastern comes from.
Either way, it looks like I might be ~20% shitskin + ~80% second tier (west + north being first tier) european.
I'm white passing irl -- pale skin, etc.
I took this one too.
66% Europe West
15% Ireland
5% Great Britain
~5% Iberian Peninsula
~5% Scandinavia
~3% Italy/Greece
~1% Finland
Pleased to discover that I am 100% European.
what website is that?
And i'm more neanderthal than 89% of 23&me users.
Eat it darkies.
what percentage are you? I am 3.2% Neanderthal according to 23andme
> Native American
>100% European
Sorry, more Neanderthal than 87% of customers.
>4% or less Neanderthal DNA
What, are you jealous that the majority of American "whites" can't say the same?
*blocks your path*
ehh gimme fire water or you'll get stuffed whitey
If you're going to try and LARP as a European you can at least change your flag first
I will name my first son after you.
You guys are retarded. Paying a private corporation to peek at your DNA and giving them full ownership rights over anything cool they discover.
First, how do any of you even know that the results you get are the real results and not some randomly approximate shill crap.
Two, the government already has your DNA sequenced and on file so they will certainly know if you are special or just a pleb normie so why bother?
Three, you fucktards actually paid a shill company connected with (((google))) to run your DNA? Hahahaha you fucking idiots, oh man, what fucking losers.
>reddit spacing
Darkie detected.
To the furnace with you.
polakest most person ever.
99% European!
Fuck off unter [[[ shills ]]]. I'm more human then you tards will ever be.
Do you also have pink nipples and visible blue/green veins in the wrist?
Were you born with light hair, light eyes, pale skin, soft hair?
Asking for the science.
1. Take off your tinfoil hat or go back to /x/
2. I found family members whose last name I had forgotten
3. How are they running my DNA?
>that 1%
Yet you're too poor/stupid to prove that
kill yourself nigger
What are your haplogroups lads? For me;
R1b1b2a1a1d - paternal
H1 - Maternal
Congrats, you're a fucking nigger
>giving your personal most private information to a private corporation
Gee....I don't know, what can fucking go wrong?
fucking nigger
Burden of proof is on you faggot
You are a fucking idiot. Don't worry, more shit will come and it's only a matter of time. Once you are in, there is no way out.
>23andMe has managed to amass a collection of DNA information about 1.2 million people, which last year began to prove its value when the company revealed it had sold access to the data to more than 13 drug companies.
Ancestors must have been Maghrebi Jews then
None of this implies anything bad though you fucking stupid americuck. You really are a hypocritical fucking waste of space.
KYS nigger
if only you had some sw*dish genes, youd be as pure of a genetic cuck as they come
Yes to everything except the obvious shitskin giveaways (eye color).
I have brown/reddish hair and brown eyes.
I have pink nipples, visible veins in the wrist, pale skin, and soft hair.
R-M269 L-23
Are you implying they will use it to generate more offspring? That's still a net positive on the evolutionary scenario, and you get to check your roots.
How do I edit my genes and bodies to become Anglo?
Does Sup Forums have the warrior gene?
Why? Georgians are white people. Europians originated from the place anyway
100% spaniard here... or so I though
Sorry but you have to go back to Africa son
5.1% judio
Atleast not sephardim (sandnigger) but ashkenazi (european)
>Low confidence region
My thoughts exactly
I found out my mom cucked my dad because of this test... got ROMA'd by some Italian guy apparently.
I have my dna raw data, know any good sites to run it through?
We are not white, we are closer to Iranians. European only partly originated here, mostly Southern Euros are the ones that still have substantial amount of our genes.
I don't know, I don't really like that much how my face looks, I want to be superior Briton master race.
Lol still a (((kike)))) you're the chosen one my son
Even worse, these retards are posting this shit on Sup Forums
It's like you want the feds to know exactly who you are and what posts you made.
Like why would you fucking abandon anonymity on Sup Forums of all places?
T. Azeri rapebaby
Who the fuck does this nigger think he is?
north africa isnt black in general
made all the way to the west coast
No, I'm pure western Georgian. what's the racial advantage of being Georgian over being Briton?
Keep in mind Ancestry calls anything inside that potato shape as Irish. They should call it Gael-Celt or something not nation-statey.
Promethease is a good one. Or just use SNPedia and look at your raw data yourself.
>It's like you want the feds to know exactly who you are and what posts you made.
Too late to care about that. USA has something similar but its locked down and hard to get access to.
>None of this implies anything bad though you fucking stupid americuck.
Wow, further proof that weak betas are also dumb as brick and can't fathom to consider all possible outcomes, good and bad. You are literally the epitome of the meme "weak men create shit times which create strong men". Your beta, weakling, faggot way of thinking is the archetype of beta, weakling man. But hey, since it's a force of nature, as a strong man I must thank you for giving me shit to fix, repair and rebuild. Don't worry shittard, in a decade thousands will know my name and what I've done for the world while you'll just be another pathetic pissant jerkbaiting over your self righteous smug points of view.
Really freaked me out because my great-great-etc... grandfather came over on the Mayflower.
Irish Aryan here
Am I white bros?
>iberian peninsula
>100% european
Go to and upload your results there. It'll give breakdown by chromosomes, can even trace you back to hunter gatherer tribes.
What do you look like? Do you actually have Scottish heritage?
Nothing, caucasian are superior towards angl*s.
I'm getting mine back in like a week. All I know is that I am Czech and Italian
what's wrong goy?
Not sure, but your rugby is improving a lot.
How's your Northern Ireland doing?
Also there's no such thing as "French dna". France is a fucking nation state that was created at some point in history, do you really think most ethnic French even have the same dna? Poltard thinking about dna is completely retarded, you're equating a nation state with genes.
forgot pic
I have French ancestors, from these areas.
What am I?
Kill them, together with osset*ans