Not real communism/10
He's a kid with no life experience who's parents provide all. He owns nothing. And he's a fat little fucker who needs to share his calories
>when ppl say its the same as welfare i get really angry
Poor kid is going to look back at this and shake his head.
Poor kid...
So young and already indoctrinated....
That's what school is for.....
Capitalism is the solution, not Communism.
>Welfare causes leeches/laziness
Yet we have that because of Socialism.
I bet you he has a single mom.
This kid is from canada not suprising...
>Capitalism is the solution
no it's not.
Yes, it is.
The only system where you can become rich.
Remember this article:
Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails
It's going to be in the history books.
wtf i love communism now
">Welfare makes people lazy"
">We need to redistribute the wealth"
ah to be young and naive, I wish I could live a simple life as a fatty in the midwest with a single mother.
how's capitalism working out here in america?
where we need both a man and a woman to get a job so they can support a family?
where young people are riddled with student loan debt?
where companies track all the information on us they can get?
where veterans are homeless but niggers get reparation?
where jews control our media, our schools, and our government?
where are men are sent to die for greater israel?
fuck that. there's only one good true system for americans.
>No clue how to do greentext
shit, our*
All of that is Crony Capitalism.
Not the same thing.
Crony Capitalism is actually Socialism.
What we have today is Socialism.
In a true capitalistic society, the Banks/ Financial Institutions don't get bailouts from the Government.
Government caused all these problems of wealth inequality and poverty.
It's the same system that is keeping us broke that ignorant people want in place.
crony capitalism= socialism lite
when america was capitalist it was great, crony capitalism made it shit. socialism would make it more shit
Communist dictators are usually fat cunts. This kid could have a bright future ahead of him.
this is life under cummunism
No, he got a loony father instead
>1 post by this ID
Except that it's true.
You know where socialism started?
The Jews, when they implemented the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and also coincidentally passed the Income Tax in 1913 also.