American cuck getting knocked out by antifa and apologising .l
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so when we """""""""attack"""""""""""" journalists online it's Nazi right wing terrorism but when the left literally assaults them it's OK?
by the way this is from hamburg /germany
What's he supposed to do, fight them AND the police? Hamburg is overrun by terrorists right now.
Americans are so fucking pathetic.
what the fuck those nazis can't do that i'll mag dump on those faggots if they said that to my face
That's just our typical coastal liberal beta male.
It's always been okay to punch nazis.
Both sides are so pathetic. Jesus.
I hug Nazis.
he's really tall. These "tough" guys are beating up skinny white guys with their mob behind them while muslims are impregnating their woman. They don't even know why they are there. Sup Forums doxx him yet?
fucking burger nazis! EVERYWHERE!!!
Why didn't he get jumped by a group a thugs??? A real man would have let people beat him to death, what an idiot!
yes this reporting was no doubt working for der sturmer
Pretty sure he was a Nazi.
at no point in the video do they punch him
they call him names and tell him to leave and he leaves
OP = fag, once again
yep biggest oxymoron , still funny tho that he almost avoided being beaten up to coma just because someone randomly called him a nazi
Fuck off nazi
Speaks for itself in a way.
>Look at this hardcore nazi working for that national socialist publication!
I swear leafs need to be blown off the lawn of the earth.
how can these "Germans" be so against their ancestors and their ideals. how much brainwashing have (((they))) done. what is it like inside their poor confused minds
take that nazi, we dont welcome you here
We should just become proud of the nazi term its not even bad. I haven't moved to that stage yet but they are so fucking stupid people should just embrace it. Neo Nazis are the faggots that ruin it, subhuman scum.
I can only imagine what a stereotypical redneck looking American would do to Germans over there instead of a timid skinny leftist beta male.
Imagine being a German and accusing some guy from another country of doing a genocide that your own grandparents did.
why did he just let that birdchested faggot in baby blue swing on him, goddamn, could probably obliterate his skull with one punch
Weak americans and canadians come to my country and get beaten up.
and the beta cuck APOLOGISED
Throughout the entire education system all the way to adulthood my friend.
Oh, and school is mandatory, homeschooling can get you jailed.
Can't even post with your own flag.....hmmm I wonder why?
Imagine if the man accused of being a "Nazi" fought back with bad intentions. How does Sup Forums believe that would affect the lefties behaviour. Discuss.
Fuck you squarehead, we dont welcome you here
Fucking pathetic. Listening to his voice go up 3 octaves in response was even worse.
your fault
Germans have no idea how much bigger and stronger Americans are than they are. I've met a couple of germans irl. Homosexual type twig-boys the lot of 'em.
think about your ancestors dude. they were thrice the men you currently are. your country is in ruins and youre helping dig the grave
Shut the fuck up, you Canadian fuck. You know that Canada's full of faggots when I, a fucking leaf, want the DotR to happen.
Annex us, America.
why did they assume he was a nazi? there were plenty of other journalists in the area.
> I am not a Nazi, I am American
lol what a faggot
MOAB Germany
Kind of embarrassed. That whole crowd of Germans look like a bunch of cunts. Ten of me would mow all those faggots down.
Pro Tip; Leftis don't know what a real nazi is.
>implying i fought in ww2
>implying i wouldn't have assassinated my own president had i been alive then to save the third Reich.
so tolerate. love trumps hate right. let's become nazis to fight nazis.
>tfw everyone is wrong but i am not because i am centrist
Checkmate, atheists.
there is still hope for them. they just need a leader to show them the way. a great speaker. and angela merkel needs to be assassinated
Notice how almost every person there was white.
but why him? what made them go for him? did they know who it was? seems very strange.
Heil Hitler. Those aren't Germans, and if they are that Country should be fucking nuked.
honestly we should just murder all of them, literally every single one
> A leader
Well of course! Questioning the narrative is harmful to all of society. Punching Nazis on the other hand is helpful and highly recommended for children and adults of all ages. Hillary 2020.
I don't know either, maybe all the Camera's he's had made him stand out.
I'm sure they target people trying to report, so they look for people with cameras.
After that I guess it just becomes a fact if one of their loser circles has ever seen this person on YouTube.
Fucking homo should have stayed home. Take it like a man.
Kek, they want blood
Probably because he might have asked something or said something that doesn't satisfy their rhetoric because they are scared of what would happen if a far right wing government took control of Germany.
I mean look at Trump, when he got elected lefties were committing suicide fearing for their life because they are heavily disillusioned y their own rhetoric.
Their government actively work to prevent such leadership from arising, and there is no way to speak or act against their means.
Yeah, this kekistani shit just has to go desu. I can't fucking tolerate it anymore.
Because everyone is a nazi
Because he looked like even more of a weak, beta faggot than they were and was probably speaking loudly in english.
the untied states along with poland need to invade germany and forcibly remove merkel. where is the CIA aiding in her overthrow.
When do we nuke Germany? They're became an insult to Uncle Adolf.
>LARPing as an anarchist
He was trying to keep the peace. Can you imagine the backlash if he admitted he was a nazi and beat the shit out of antifa?, he would be labelled a far right terrorist and denounced by state and left wing degenerates.
Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to the Germans
They're basically Nazis that are cucking themselves
Makes no sense
This is the true face of antifa when they're not ganging up on a single person
Oh well, Hitler was austrian. Austrians are better cousins.
brain washing. they need our help. someone needs to step in.
>coastal liberal beta male.
>"I'm from Chicago"
What did retarded user mean by this?
>Not available in your country
It's from the youtube comments so take it with a grain of salt but it's the only explanation I found:
'some German journalist send his picture to ANTIFA as being someone that was seen walking near Lauren Southern. Apparently that qualifies you as being a Nazi. These guys are nuts.'
I've been twice and i noticed a strange metrosexual beta vibe from most of them. It's disappointing that ww1 and ww2 killed off a lot of the good genes.
Everyone that doesn't agree with me is a (((NAZI)))! -The leftist logic
When will this fucking meme end?
Check your privilege, naziphobic.
amerifats getting btfo by germany again just proofs at the end only real russian alphas can stop germans
>I'm not a nazzih i'm american
It doesn't, which is why RWDD happen.
Ahahah /thread
I needed this video. Now I will never feel bad about what happens to Germans again. What shitpile of a country.
It's the type of person, you know what I mean. Replace coastal with city if you really want to be autistic about it.
Antifa needs an army to defeat 1 nazi lol
I hate everyone in this video
Germany get your shit together
>if that man had nuts
>if that man carried a weapon as every good Sup Forumsack should
>if that man had ever even been in a fight before
lots of ifs friendo
Video not available in my country
So what identified him as a "Nazi"?
I don't speak slav
subtitles when?
holy shit
the media literally tells us day per day that this is the way the "ronnies" are behaving topkek in reality these people are such meatheads i can't believe it
This actually makes me sick to my stomach even more than the negers all around
how fucking stupid can you be
no-one there got laid that night
Shut up cunt
But the dude isn't a Nazi, he was a journalist. I thought Sup Forumss anti CNN memes were provoking hatred at journalists. More projection I guess.
>what is youpak