Milo just sued S&S for 10 mil

Milo just sued Simon & Schuster for 10 million for dropping his book and not publishing it.

I think its awesome! What do you guys think?

And please keep the "hes a jew so everything about him is therefor bad" and "He is gay and likes black dudes" out. Grow up and stop shilling you leftist cunts. (ps dont turn the volume way up unless you want ear damage)

he's a filthy pedophile kike who is a nigger fucking faggot, stop posting about him

>milo shill
>And please keep the "hes a jew so everything about him is therefor bad" and "He is gay and likes black dudes" out. Grow up and stop shilling you leftist cunts.
I told you not to let in reddit. Now this is what you get.

Go back to your antifa terrorist hate group leftist nigger shill.

>gay jew who diddles niggers and kids
He's disgusting in every possible way

how much possibility does the princess have of winning, i want her to win

He's a pied piper. I don't give a fuck about him and he's one of the main reason the alt-right look like a bunch of goofs. He's the same as Obama, a cult of personality.

unless he actually starts bankrolling nationalists hes a kike using us for attention.

You really can't fuck with a Shuster

Especially in the courtroom.

Milo's somehow become a bigger attention whore than Anita Sarkeesian.

that sounds really dumb. how much of a case could he possibly have?


hes a jew so everything about him is therefor bad
He is gay and likes black dudes

That's one dangerous faggot!!!!!

Hide your butt pluggs in your ass everybody!!!!

>Caring about a pedo
Saged. Kys

couldn't care less what some nigger loving faggot attention whore does


He's a gay degenerate racemixing kike. He makes dissenters of the neoliberal agenda look silly and absurd.
>B-But he's on our side!
No, he's on his side. Quit feeding the jew shekels you faggot.

>Jew sues Jew
We really are divided

Everyone with a slightly above average IQ are able to tell that this faggot never had a sincere belief about anything his whole life.

He's a character doing it for shekels/attention and nothing else.

Who really cares but good that the Jews are jewing each other .

Its not shilling.

Hes an attention whoring, coal burning faggot. Oh, did i mention hes a kidsucker?

Pointing out we hate Milo for being homosexual and jewish makes us leftist how?
He's literally everything we had who sells out to trigger low quality bait. He's not worthy of being controlled op, he's just a sell out queer.

dumbass can sue for whatever he wants to, he'll never see a cent.

>A Jew sues someone

Wake me up when there's something new


He's literally Ann Coulter with a circumcised dick.
He spends more time being provocative and controversial than actually talking politics.
What he did to Leslie Jones and that nigger at Bill Mahr's show was fucking hilarious though.

Why do you support this degenrate pedo faggot?