L I T E R A L L Y , We are paying them to have 10 kids , and to take shits in our streets!
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thank you EU
good luck EU
they are the lowest form of life, making even arabs look like demigods
its funny a portuges guy call gypsys cancers since portuges are sand nigger muslims mixed probably with gypsys hahaha
Are you a GIPSY?
>kill them with flamethrowers
hey whatever works
i'm just glad they're not only our problem anymore
your entire country looks like sand nigger gypsys not mine, take a dna test, im pretty sure you gonna get really confused
And now you know how Americans feel about niggers.
Same here user fucking gypsy genocide when?
>decades with gate to street open
>nothing ever happened
>gypsies move down the street
>shit starts missing from front yard
Like fucking clockwork.
Dude you are a turkish rape baby , you know Greeks are basically Turks larping as Ancient """"Greeks"""""""""
in fact, they are so bad, even the most hard-line leftists i know hate them deeply
You think? These shits are worse then niggers and have been leeching on us since the 16th century but atleast back then they were kept in check not allowed to breed like rats and were forced to work I mean look at this utter fuckfest "freedom" made them to grow to 3-5% of the population in just 2 and a half decades. Thx shlomó
whatever we are atleast we are white, not brown sand niggers like your shitwhole country.
This is why i don't understand those opposed to birth control. Fuck it let them take as many, and/or have as many abortions as they please. Less of them here.
>your entire country looks like sand nigger gypsys not mine
Your neonazis look like turks , I wonder what "normal" folk look like lol
he wouldn't be talking shit if he wasn't. I mean look at his english, he must be retarded poor thing.
Even with birth control they make hundreds of little shits by incest because the modern system is literally paying them to do that.
>whatever we are atleast we are white
Nope your not you have the highest amount of arab dna in you 23%
> like your shitwhole country.
192% debt and wants to talk shit
Kek the turk-rapebaby thinks he can call other people sandniggers
He is literally a turk , look at their DNA.
J2 from the arabs
E3B from niggers
why dont you accept your roots brown little niggers of europe. youre all shit skin brown sand niggers. gypsys are cancer ofc but portuges are not the ones to talk shit about it since your skin is the same with gypsys
Wants to talk shit his country has
>highest arab admixture
>highest nigger admixture
>lowet amount of light haired people in europe
>highest debt in Europe
Why are you even talking? Your country is both darker and has more debt than ours. Are you mad a Portuguese fucked your sister? Stop project and shut the fuck up you literal nigger
Simmer down bois. We are all mongrels. Europe must learn to multicultural, it's a huge transformation, but without it they will not survive.
Hello Barbara, do you have a shekel to spare?
Oh nice video , with people from our former colonies , kek
It's true, I can hardly think in any other race as bad as gypsies, moors come to mind.
>expecting me to watch a shitty 9min video made with movie maker with a thumbnail of a person that wasn't even born here
fucking idiot
They are literally turks.
>expecting me to believe modern day greeks have anything to do with the ancient ones
oh here it comes, the mexico of Europe spian hahahaha, muslim spain brown little sand niggers as well
Are you retarded? Look at your DNA turkish rapebaby !
still white not shit skin sand nigger brown sub human
>still white
>turkish rapebaby
i hate gypsies
i want to be gypsy it sounds cool
They are doing us a favor. Their behavior is causing even the nomiest normie to realize that ethnicity matters when exposed to this scum.
Not even niggers simpatize with gipsies that's how bad they are.
fuckin gypsies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nah, Gulf Arabs are equally shit. Trust me.
Haplogroups don't mean anything. Autosomal DNA and PCA plots say the most. Autosomal DNA goes all the way back with one's grandparents.
Portubro is right, gypsies are worse than anything else, including mosquitos.
If you hate Gypo scum, Enjoy. :)
Fucking hell. Greeks are not white.
Errors of nature.
A plague from the gods.
Their existence defeats logic as they have no reason to ever exist.
End them.
Why the fuck are Basques so close to hunter-gatherers and early farmers???
Take the Chonpill.
>Fuckin Figures
>That video
You are spanish my man
You are being very narrow sighted.
The biggest leeches of society are "elite" financial institutions and corporations that siphon money out of a country's economy, storing it in tax free havens or investing it in assets like property, which artificially inflates the value of the assets.
If they fuck up and gamble public money away, who pays for it? Oh yeah, the fucking gullible public does.
White? Nigger please. Stop embarrassing yourself.
In Berlin we have a memorial (pic related) for the killed gypsies. Funny that they don't recognize this as a warning.
Can confirm
North spain is best spain
>The biggest leeches of society are "elite" financial institutions and corporations that siphon money out of a country's economy, storing it in tax free havens or investing it in assets like property, which artificially inflates the value of the assets.
Fair point
you don't know about this people man. Really, I can't exlain to you how much shit they are.
I think it's a think you can't believe if you don't see it, if you don't live it. Here there are groups of mongoloids in defense of gipsies. gipsies make fun of them and get gibs.
Believe me, Canada, in a certain way you are one.
it's even worse here. our commie government
recently decided to allow them to enter uni/college without entrance exams because they are "under-represented" and it would help with their integration.
aka a gypsy subhuman who can't even write his name on a paper can apply for med school.
>have 10 kids
doing gods work
You are test ground for sure. this must be some jew trick to see how much the cradle of europe can handle.
How are things going on Greece? I'm afraid Spain with look pretty close soon.
Kill yourself. I mean it. go find a rope and hang yourself.
I like how all the European countries openly hate the gypsies
cancer kills its host, theyre more like tapeworms
>How are things going on Greece?
i generally don't like pessimists, but i can safely say that it's over. this country is dead.
I have a theory that all gypsy grandmothers are just one person posing for photos etc to hide the fact that no gypsy lives past the age of 40 due to methylated spirits abuse
Are the examination standards for gyppo doctors reduced (or even removed) as well?
Good point.
Portugal had colonies all over the world while Greeks were Turkish for 400 years
No, they are cancer. they will destroy every place they populate.
I'm curious, how would a spanish person be seen in poland? white? moor? southern?
I've been long enough here to understand that people blaming the jews, the gypsies, the turks, the arabs or whatever are searching desperately for something avoiding them to look at the mirror, because there will be only depression, failures, memories of an agressivce father and/or probably a whoring mother. Peace
So just for curiosity besides stealing and shiting on the streets what else do gypsies do in your country?
Here they collect waste , especially iron to sell just so they can buy their fucking white vans .
A gypsy without a white van isn't a gipsy
>take shits in our streets
they really are from india
>Americans that don't know about gypsies
This bugs me, we have always had Gypsies in the US. There's a shitload around Philadelphia and surrounding counties. They used to speak a bastardized variant of Pennsylvania German. Pennsylvania Dutch farmers hated them and chased them off often, I've heard so many family stories of bad deals with the gypsies, a very malicious race of savages
Havnt lived in bulgaria for years. What i miss?
Here they drive Mercedes and BMW. they also collect waste, copper if they can.
I have not seen this, to be honest. If I saw it I would think the fucker was melting
>a very malicious race of savages
well dont pay then you slave fag. go live in countryside and outbreed them
Keep focusing on the poor because you're ignoring the bigger issue.
trust me it has nothing on a european gypsy. If you thought blacks were bad, go to eastern europe and meet one of these guys
they're literally the same people with less population density, it's just that in Europe they have enough to form villages
dude, are you trolling?
>government builds houses. a brand new neighbourhood.
>give it to gipsies because muh gibs, muh racism
>they break the walls to get the copper and sell it.
>the whole neighbourhood is now a shithole
>"dude, look how they make us live, there's so much racism".
This is not shitposting. this is a true story.
We even have some down here in Pittsburgh too, I fucking hate them more then the Somali Bantus.
>brand new neighbourhood
Yeah looks pretty brand new...
Yeah Spainbro is right , this applies to Portugal as well.
Sometimes there are gypsies that drive fucking BMW's,Mercedes etc brand new, the government pays them for everything , just by taking their kids to school they get paid, they get apartments given away for free while the homeless locals get ignored!
Quintessentially British.
>f-fuck I'm out of arguments.
>thanks he is spanish and his english is faulty
>"BRAND NEW" lelelelelelel
I'm doing my best to write and comunicate in your language mate. if you have any trouble you surely can talk to me in spanish at the sasme level so we can clear out our points.
*Same level
They are pretty cool in India.
COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary
and they'd be even cooler if they went back there
Just give them their own homeland in Europe. Live half of Romania and Bulgaria or something. I am sure that they will thrive if they were given their own homeland.
Ghettos are beautiful?
>offer them free houses
>it's a ghetto
so, are you telling me if the government would have given those house to spaniards it would be ok, by givin it to gipsies is makin a ghetto?
Ghettos are flooded with drugs and weapons, decent jobs are scarce, good education is scarce, good parenting is scarce. You put shit in, you get shit out.