Meet Austin Petersen, Running for Senate as a Republican in Missouri.
>Pro America
>Loves America, Loves the Constitution
>For Religious liberty
>Not swamp
>Can beat McCaskill
>No Establishment Shill
Meet Austin Petersen, Running for Senate as a Republican in Missouri.
>Pro America
>Loves America, Loves the Constitution
>For Religious liberty
>Not swamp
>Can beat McCaskill
>No Establishment Shill
He looks like Leonardo Dicaprio
>>Can beat McCaskill
I fucking wish.
After they dragged his corpse out of the Atlantic
I'm back niggers
Sup Forums can do it! We did ended Hillary! We can end McCaskill
God I hate that hag. I don't really like Blunt either. This state really loves their career Senators. Same person, again, and again, and again until they drop dead or retire.
Why don't they just nominate someone who isn't autistic?
Why? Mostly non-Whites and/or low IQ trash gets aborted.
Is this is the guy from the libertarian party cringe compilation?
I hope the old guard stomps his ass. These so called "constitutionals" don't even get the fact that it's a evolving document and hold up policy. Don't delect a idiot red necks. Ask Texas. He fucked us over on purpose to blame Obama.
He is the principled one.. the one who got love from Libertarians and Republicans. Conservatives do like him
I'm fairly sure you're labeled as pro-life even for just being against state-funded abortions over there
He is a Rand Paul guy.
Why do you want McCaskill to win again?
Does this guy endorse mooselimb immigration?
like politicians have anything to say in usa.
also this guy got snubbed by Gary "A lepo" Johnson
Cool. Hope he wins.
We pretty much got cheated on by the Libertarian Establishment. You know how it works.
>hurr the Constitution is an evolving document
>durr free speech is covered on radio, TV and the Internet but scary black rifles are not your right because the Founding Fathers only intended muskets
He's an anti-white cuck and a faggot, so he ain't getting my vote for sure. TRAITORS BEFORE ENEMIES!
What makes you think that?
top fucking kek
>be me
>have Peterson on FB as friend
>he asks if he should run for president
>i say yes enthusiastically, he replies to my comment
>he didn't ever really think he would win but apparently running for president inspired hil to run as a senator
I can't help but feel I had some responsibility in this. You're welcome Sup Forums
Hopefully he actually wins, it'll be fucking great... he'll be like Rand Paul but much memier
lmfao, Petersen has no chance, Repubs will pick someone who is more of a "party insider" in the state
Mr. Stross?
Remember when they said Trump had no chance?
Yeah but Donald Trump is Donald Trump. No one knows who this guy is.
Wentzville checking in, will vote against that failed hillary clone McCaskill
Fucking LMAO. Your own government has been contradicting and exploiting that rage for fucking days now. It's good lip service to patriots to appear as a constitutionalist, but sadly neither your government or even your voters give a fuck when it comes to electoral processes.
He'll make a great senator beside Rand!
He was the only third-party candidate that wasn't fucking insane or a complete dipshit. Good for him going R.
I'll just leave this here
Isn't he the meme-boy who made a food out of himself last year running as a libertarian for president?