Based German Antifa
Get keked burger/leaf nazis
Kek. The Nazi bitch is literally crying
>img is typical german Sup Forums poster in the current year
i hope this lying attention whore gets what she deserves
There's video proving all she said is true you stupid motherfucker. From one German to another I hope you fucking die.
Harris did nothing wrong
She caused this
>Based German Antifa
so this is the power of the alt-right
I heard she's a Jew and Finnish people are fags
>ww3 will be america/england/poland/ect vs germany
all germans should be slaves
the videos of her last visit to Germany was full of bs for example.
Being german is a mental illness.
>Calling antifa based. ever.
Get fucked faggot. Your grandfathers would weep at the sight of your pathetic country today. You've destroyed Europe. Fuck you.
>Germans calling non-Germans Nazi
Fucking hold me.
Why is she so fake bros?
You know people know you're a Nazi, you just made a popular video about race realism, you wear a Identifiable shirt into Antifa's birthplace and then you're surprised about what happens?
Did she act like an idiot so that she could make some kind of apology video for her travelling companions getting beat up?
She's released her 23&me m8.
I heard you're a jew though.
can I get some context?
What does Lauren Southern have to do with the Category 6 chimpout in Germany?
>Look at me i am an independent womyn who is all right and shiet.
Attention whore.
Who would win?
Except you aren't fighting against any right side. You are just burning down cars of old ladies and shouting at windmills about globalism or something.
Autists assemble!
I'm getting pretty psyched up for it desu
Their arrogance and pomposity despite their women being raped and children killed on the street is actually starting to piss me off.
This is just like California. Violent leftists are allowed to pretty much do whatever they want while the police stand down. Only thing you can do is have citizens fight back themselves and bash antifa heads in, like we've done plenty of times in California. But is there even enough resistance in Germany to do so? Seems like you guys are on a whole other level of being slaves over there.
>Antifa are the real Naz-
Some German mainstream journalist spread information about where she was to Antifa because she is a "fascist Identitarian". Some of her journo compatriots got beat up for associating with her
>Who would win
The gene pool
One thing you can be sure of is that she
is an agent of deception.
i am a racist and race realist but i am NOT a nazi.
nazi's do NOT have a patent on racism.
So this is the type of German which is telling me that i'm "subhuman".
I don't know if I should laugh at them.
if they put hands on my laura queen
i fucking crush their windpipe
antifa will fucking pay for their shit
she seems like the only descent person
That's kinda funny, looks like Germany is in short supply of "alt-knights" since ANTIFA is pretty much doing whatever they want.
Lucky for us here in the U.S. they've pretty much been beaten into submission.
Ahahah fucking hell
>I'm not a nazzi i'm from america
Bash the Fash!
Top lel. What a crybabby zionist roastie.
would love to see her get fucked up by a group of muslims
Why would there be any right wing counter protest? It's lefties chimping out over completely nonsensical shit not even targeted at the right but at the EU. I didn't see any brave American conservatives counter protesting at Ferguson either.
kek she's wearing Tim's beanie. Wonder what the sex was like?
your leaders get smackt by antifa you followers cry because of antifa.
alt right and nazis are the faggots.
Gibt mir die gelegenheit und ich schneide dir deinen Kopf ab. Sag mir wo du bist in hamburg.
Hold your shirt on fanboy
>A bunch of men got beat up because of this Movement-Hijacking whore who doesn't even really believe in the movement she co-opted.
Such a shame.
>Baltic countries
inb4 "rightful Russian clay"
I refuse. REFUSE. to feel sorry for people who will not defend themselves with violence when attacked by violence. You either defend yourself or you get your ass whooped. Learn to fucking fight back pussies. It's pathetic.
pool is currently smashing lauren. fyi
Jihadi Jesus would, solo
It's called controlled opposition.
From top left: work slave, boi pussy sex slave, worker camps, kill, kill, kill, kill, sex slave, kill, boi pussi slave, kill, kill, boi pussi slave, kill
i would tear that ass up, yummy!
i have fucking enough im ganna burn one of these antifa alive
>Anytime I get close to someone they get hurt...
#ForeverAlone #SuperheroProblems
She's upset because other people got attacked for just standing near her
Don't worry, we will start hunting them down soon. Our organisation has many chapters across Germany organizing a "Treibjagd" for Antifa cucks. Next year on May 1st they will chimp out again and that's where we will strike. We will have support from Russian nationalists for the first time, and hopefully after we have successfully hunted them and ... dealt with them, we will have enough Germans willing to join us for the years to come.
Many of us have infiltrated Antifa, collected their names, hangouts and home addresses, and we will know when they return from a fatiguing night rioting on May 1st. That's where we will pay them back :) preparations are going very well, it's so easy because Antifa has become too sure of itself. They don't suspect resistance. But we will crush them in one night next year. Look forward to that day!
so this is the power of the American right
Because people shouldn't be assaulted by a bunch of commie fucks? Hasn't this shit been happening for years in Hamburg? Aren't Germans tired of it? Your police are hopeless and aren't doing anything about it.
This. I can't wait to taste kraut blood. I hope Merkel pulls some shit at G20 and pisses Trump off
Balts and slavs very simmilar.
There was balt-slavic branch of indoeuropean languages.
We can't let the commie leftists get away with this.
That it?, watched the video but kept zoning out
Histrionic pity video
We SJWs now
Kek, your "pure white maiden" Lauren got riced by Tim.
Your precious Hitler is spinning in his grave.
we're being raided by german antifa
gonna need a source on that
im fucking down for german alt-knights
She needs to learn how to set her volume better.
Soon Antifa and european union will put yellow stars on people and there houses for disagreeing with left wing policy's and imigration and there ideology.
Far left is a danger to Europe as much as far right
>BASED Germany BTFO attention whore
>Sup Forums white knights
The absolute state of this place
Re-instate the teutonic knights and push for a fourth reich resembling the holy roman empire.
>claims to be redpilled traditional woman
>is getting in fights with idiots instead of having kids with a husband
She's not a Nazi, she's Jewish.
This situation why women shouldn't do this sort of thing.
God I fucking hate women.
I swear there is no better way to make a movement appear weak than to have a female figure at the forefront. All cunts need to be purged from the nationalist movements and sidelined into minor roles such as fundraising and recruiting, we CAN NOT let these cunts lead anything, we can not led them speak for us, because they'll just start crying like cowards and making it seem as if we are all cowards.
Lauren Southern needs to be fucking shunned, she needs to be dropped like the cowards she is and not ever paid any attention again. I'm SICK of women trying time and time again to pretend they actually have the guts for nationalism, they always end up just a sobbing pathetic heap on a bathroom floor in the end.
Let this be the beginning of the end of women in prominent nationalist roles, please, they are nothing but weak cowards.
>the far right's a danger to europe
Good goy, fight the ones trying to defend you while you invite shitskins and teach children to become trannies.
You shouldn't be telling them exactly when you're going to attack, or that you've infiltrated their ranks. Although, this sounds like larping anyway.
Meanwhile our police laughs together with far right pol. party when he insults muslims here.
No survivors.
That is what you get, if you actively start promoting an ideology.
So she's attentionwhoring for getting some journalists beat up because they were with her? Did I get this right?
Really shameless thing to do. When i was younger and ready to prove myself for petty shit it was a pride to see your friends at some drinks in the night and show them wounds, cuts and broken fingers you got in a fight for a girl or something akin. Now a fake blonde has the nerve to apologize for guys who knew what could happen? Why? For what purpose? Is it not enough for her that they're men? Does anyone really think this woman, Lauren Southern, respects any alt-right/right-winger? Although I don't know what to make of this because I've never seen this kind of weird reaction outside leftist student groups, she's got an anti-traditional mindset for sure.
it was in Germany, you fucking moron
We're not LARPing "alt-knights" though. We will not dress up with steampunk goggles, wooden shields and poles. We will do something much more violent and organized, something much more ruthless. Don't expect some bruises and broken ribs for Antifa, they will get what was coming to them for a long time. This will be a new era of organized violence against Antifa scum :)
Lol pussies. Prophet Muhammad never compromised his beliefs and stood firm against the arab pagans while they tortured his some of his early followers/tried to kill him yet you insult him. You walk in his shoes and meet a little bit of opposition from soros goons y'all are already reeling and crying LMAO
I've been seeing this woman posted a ton lately, and holy fuck does she wear too much makeup. It is disgusting.
>pretty bad beat up
>shows image of someone scraping his knee
Why are millennials so fragile?
There's a chick that's an openly fascist mayor in Italy which is pretty nice, there's that at least.