>antifa is able to raise 8000 rioters
>the right is not even able to raise one riot
what went wrong lads?
>antifa is able to raise 8000 rioters
>the right is not even able to raise one riot
what went wrong lads?
Other urls found in this thread:
the "right" isn't mobilizing on the ground like a bunch of violent, aimless and impressionable kids. what i like to do is print some of the better, sourced images about jews and blacks and place them in strategic locations in my city and cities around me
Because you get 5 years if you make a roman salute in Germany but its racist to jail rioters who burn half the city down.
>niggers are able to riot and burn shit down and not get shot
The city of Europe is what went wrong.
So are they protesting with permits?
the right, by nature, are not rioters. When the right riots, that's called a revolution.
the left bitch about practically everything, and resort to violence as a second or third choice, instead of as the last option available.
>Implying Raising riots gets things done.
If riots did anything, we would be living in leftist Utopia right now.
Also, hi Antifa, still failing an invasion I see.
the right doesn't chimp out like that, they do shit like Oklahoma City or Breivik when pushed to far
Riot against what? They're the ones who are useless and don't shower.
Seriously, this is the response the right wing should have given after the Cologne mass sex assaults. They should have gone into immigrant heavy neighborhoods and burned every fucking car and every building. Then they should have gone to the mayor or the political central of Cologne and burned everything in sight, then they should have gone to the police station and burned the place for being unable to do their job.
Probably because we're more interested in preserving civilization, not destroying it.
and they should have assassinated Merkel. someone needs to do that already.
Conservatives actually have jobs and responsibilities.
Antifaggots live with their parents and smoke weed all day
>I am a pussy. Why risk my neck by fighting. We don't outnumber them 5 to 1, so it's better to stay home and jam away ineffectually at my keyboard.
the right should have rioted after every muslim attack
if we tried to riot, instead of spraying some water they will kill us.
This, why the fuck would we want to raise rioters? Most of us are law-and-order types
you have any of those images? im thinking of doing the same.
>I use the Pirate flag on Sup Forums therefore I'm not a pussy.
we have the anti-rioters who wield guns and shields, we call them cops and pay them through taxes n shiet.
Well clearly not our upbringing
The right should rent some rioters. Hire Syrians.
When we do it, there won't be any riots, user. It will all be very tight and organized.
The right wing isn't as uncivilized as the left.
>preserving civilization
Ofcourse but we do not like the way it is now right? How are we going to make our goals come true if the only thing we can do is vote and yell
Memes are more powerfull than guns.
Fuck off
kill yourself
Because modern right-wingers are faggots,i bet you that when the nigger comes to kill them they will say "violence is for niggers,i win"....kek.
The most violent and untolerant wins.
Follow America's example. /ourguys/ didn't riot, they just pushed Antifa's shit in.
We have jobs and families.
He doesn't because he's roleplaying online, and so are you. The right will never stand up to antifa, and even if they do, regular, sane people will tear their stupid hate speech posters right the fuck down. Hopefully they'll get arrested too.
"The Right" is busy working
Things are mostly okay now (provided you don't live in South Africa or Paris). We take small subtle steps to stop things from devolving.
Conservatives are proactive, liberals are reactive.
are you white
We don't riot.
Have you seen the state of Sup Forums?
>one side raises 8000 rioters
>the other side unironically votes Donald J. Trump the leader of the free world
hmm i wonder who I'd rather be
We need a leader, that is the main issue...
A leader to surpass Hitler - one who will make the people rise up, one who will erase the decades of jewish propaganda that were fed to the masses and the children, and one who will, in the end, lead us to our final and absolute victory!
Literally mob tier
The right has enough weapons to take on with a small state. But why should we? We own the police and the military. Just waiting for the left to go full Mao and we won. This is just a waiting game and going to the range chatting with cops is more than enough to win.
antifa was never relevant but for some reason recently they've been getting coverage and organizing shit, just after BLM faded when (((Soros))) cut funding. The money is now probably used to fund antifa.
we literally can't organize because intelligence and security agencies actively target us way more than any communist/leftist shit. I would never, ever, try to organize any meeting. Here or elsewhere. I'm not against the idea of a good march, but it's way too risky to even consider or post about
Who needs to riot just because you're sick of winning ?
Never ever
Did you entirely forget the "Third Battle of Berkeley"?
Excuse the link for being from Southern, but it has good footage. The right mobilized that day and absolutely BTFO out of the left in their own stronghold of Berkeley. Stop spreading lies Ahmed.
We are taking the moral high ground on this one, if we did riot though it would be a full blown revolution.
>intelligence and security agencies actively target us
What happens then? They approach you and what?
They can't lock you up or task you to do/not to do something. You've seen nothing.
you'll never see an uprising from the right unless the economy goes to complete shit and people are literally starving. That's how hitler rose. That's why the majority of the alt-right are basement dwelling virgins - they have nothing going for them in life. Same as germans in 1933.
It's easy to go to a riot when your are unemployed, globalist billionaires pay you/the riot organizers, and when you are looking to get away from your parents, so they cant tell you to clean your room in the basement.
Seems like a solid and maybe even final solution user, you have my full support
Let's remember these are the radical left as well. Communists, anarchists, etc. The fact that they're so radical and so numerous should put into perspective just how far behind we are.
I think it's largely down to our own ineffectiveness. For the last 80 or so years we've had time to regroup and regenerate our ideology and we've failed. And while it's true that racial politics have always been taboo, so have far left politics, especially during the Cold War era. The difference is that they remained focused on their goals and put aside infighting for what they perceive as the greater good. We don't do this. We argue about the stupidest, smallest things and are constantly accusing the people who are actually trying to do something (i.e. Richard Spencer) of being shills. This is bound to end in failure no matter what.
We need to form alliances. We need to focus on the bigger picture. Who gives a fuck about some shitty little e-celeb who may not be full 14/88 yet? As long as they're not actively counter-signalling our beliefs we shouldn't be criticising them. We need to do all we can to appeal to new people. This includes putting a much greater emphasis on optics and presentation. We also need to at least give the illusion of having some sort of intellectual backbone to our beliefs, instead of being motivated purely by hate.
I think one of the main issues is our lack of intelligent people. The image of us being hooligans and skinheads has had an incredibly damaging effect. The left has and has had for a very long time a monopoly on intellectual institutions such as art galleries and universities. This in turn creates a new generation of intellectual leftists with far more robust and rational viewpoints than us.
We too can be rational and intellectual, it's just a question of whether or not we're prepared to be.
The groups leading the way in this are Generation Identity in Europe and the Alt-Right in the US, along with groups like Identity Evropa.
Because everything is a jew or a nigger or not right enough.
At least the left is somewhat unified. The right isn't.
They've managed to suppress Tommy Robinson effectively and even if it means raiding his mums house on the day he has protest plans.
dont need to riot, we won.
>the right is not even able to raise one riot
We raise armies, they raise mobs. Need i say more?
>We also need to at least give the illusion of having some sort of intellectual backbone to our beliefs, instead of being motivated purely by hate.
>I think one of the main issues is our lack of intelligent people. The image of us being hooligans and skinheads has had an incredibly damaging effect. The left has and has had for a very long time a monopoly on intellectual institutions such as art galleries and universities.
I agree, but I think that's what we're starting to do here and on a couple other boards. Give the actual arguments in full so that people can't dismiss it out of hand as "edgy LARPing stormtards that hate everyone". But yes we need more public exposure, right now the media is on the back foot but they are still intent on remaining absolutely silent on anything we want and any mention is to dismiss us as hateful extremists.
>Leftist Clearly RPing as a Sup Forums member in a desperate attempt to kill morale.
We don't do riots because we're not special snowflakes who want attention. We just get things done.
On the off chance you AREN'T antifa, Then... dude, chill. Modern riots just make the rioters look like morons.
you can face employment blacklisting. I'm not going to go as far as to say that you could wind up being framed with something just so that there is a legal case, as I don't know a single case of that; but it wouldn't surprise me. Maybe I'm overly cautious, but I personally wouldn't get into that stuff nor would I want to be investigated or followed
>world is still ruled by jews
>the right won
choose one
that's a good point, they are a massive waste of energy and potentially just negative PR. Unless you can mobilize a force that can actually topple a government it's pointless
the right already is standing up. soon the common man will too after every bit of their patience is squeezed out.
normies like antifa more because it sounds more like what they are oredred to think by tv
So there is consensus here then. We are the law and order ppl and we have the police and army to protect us. OK cool, so how do we get rid of all the refugees/illegals that are pouring in and scumbag antifas? Noone? Go to sleep guys. Go to sleep.Lets rely on the daddy state to help us....
we won against the extreme left. Sure the jew is still there, that's why the faggots on jewtube should stop pointing out rich kids larping and speak about the (((coincidences))). Name The One Behind. But not all hope is lost, with trust in media below 30 with the median voter, things start to look brighter
Everybody else is the right.
The right wing don't riot.
When white, right wing people get mad and chimp out, it kinda goes like pic related.
>>world is still ruled by jews
>>the right won
>choose one
Winning an election isnt an instant kike-begone spell. We are gaining footing and momentum. The msm is step#1 to the Final Solution.
we control the jew, though.
besides, trump and netanyahu are pals
The right doesnt have a backer like soros. Hard to fund all this shit.
>we control the jew
well, for one thing they are getting paid
i'm sure quite a lot of them were flown in to take part in the riot
also, sage
>bunch of retards screaming and shitting their pants 8000 strong
>why can't we do that?!?!?
The right doesn't consist of unemployed losers who live with their parents.
Simple, the right isn't on the left's payroll.
>A leader to surpass Hitler
Unlikely. Hitler was pretty much a superhuman in terms of willpower, dedication and tactical intelligence.
we are winning right now, what use would going out side do? let the ballin ass niggas (g20) handle their biz, trump + putin = world domination
The "right" doesn't do riots, it culls them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH this is pathetic.
Are you finally starting to realize that getting Trump elected was literally the only thing you've managed? You will always fail everywhere else. You will never win in Europe.
History will forget you.
>a literal fucking commie
Your subversive propaganda started this, which is why all Marxists will hang from lamp posts and helicopters when the time comes.
We don't want to riot. Remember: we're the peaceful ones here. That's something we need to uphold at all costs.
I agree that he was unbelievably unique. But we MUST finish what he started. I believe that one day there will be a person strong enough to empower true Europa and I believe it, in turn will empower him. Just like it did Hitler.
Your world implode and there will be nothing left. You will never win in the long run. And should you win, even though you might have destroyed all of us, you will slowly rot away yourself in the cesspool that you have created.
So fucking tired of your helicopter meme. Get some new material. Although I admit it's funny to see you repeat the same shit over and over again and think you're clever.
Friendly reminder that you will never get a right-winger elected in any European country that matters ever again.
we are more prosperous and busy. no time for it
That's why I included lamp posts. We will string you up by your necks from really any nearby object that is at least 12 feet tall.
You want to open the gates to the barbarians. You want to hand over control of our societies to kikes and international corporate globalists despite your insistence that you are opposed to capitalism (lol). You hold literal Cold War Soviet propaganda designed to subvert as your real political views. You are a cancer that must be stopped.
>Found this in Sweden
>Found this everywhere in Sweden
Literally a meme
Ironically, and a lot of people here will probably disagree with this, but I think Trump was a net negative. Perhaps it wasn't his fault entirely, we had noble intentions, but Europe was also headed for a populist tidal wave around the time he was elected. Norbert Hofer was ahead in Austria, Geert Wilders was seen as likely to win in the Netherlands and Marine Le Pen also expected to do well. None of it happened, despite it seeming almost inevitable a few months before. I can only think of the Trump victory as being responsible for this. The right had won, they were no longer populists. The roles reversed and the left took our place as being the enemy of the establishment.
Perhaps we could put a positive spin on this and call it accelerationism, which I now prefer over attempting to save us via democracy, but I think we're in a much weaker position as a result of Trump's victory.
That's because when leftists march in the streets, it's a riot. When nationalists and patriots march in the streets, it's revolution.