You can only get rid of one.
Dothead Indiana
Who do you choose and why?
You can only get rid of one.
Dothead Indiana
Who do you choose and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
jews. any other answer means youre a bluepilled nigger
Why can't I pick Americans?
Jews, so every other race can pursue their own culture in peace.
Rules are rules
Muslims need to go.
Deep, man
Niggers. All other can be civilized.
>deep man
>deep state
Oh shit.
The first post is the best post. I legit went into to thread thinking Jews and BLAM! that's the first post.
Jews obviously
Jews by far.
Nigs definitely, they reproduce like cockroaches and we're gonna have 2 fucking billions of them during the current century, we must preserve Earth of the Nigs horde.
Kys nigger. They are most purest whites on earth.
Talk about being bluepilled.
Dayum, people hate jews.
Jews, it gets rid of most of CNN's staff
Mud-slime muzzies, of course.
Covetous, entitled, lazy as fuck and act like their sultan of everything.
Islam: the backhanded, half-assed Mary Sue/Gary Stu of religion.
Jews. Always.
t. Mohammed Abdul bin Rashid
Nigs. Without nigs the Jews have no weapon.
You are below a negro if you take seriously jewish conspiracies. Racial eugenics will get rid of your kind.
You're a funny leaf
>he chose niggers and calls others bluepilled
You know they wouldn't be invading white countries without the help of jews, you dumb kike? They would just starve to death in africa
The spic is a disease. Those of you who answer otherwise haven't been around them and seen their effect. Nigs can be controlled and jews defeated, but the spic is a disease on the face of the planet.
without jews there would be no middle eastern wars.
without jews there would be no niggers
without jews there would be no muslim immigration
without the jew there would be no affirmative action
without the jew we could make a white homeland unimpeded
jews are, and always were the problem
Where is Dothead Indiana?
Remove jew and all else follows. Getting rid of Indiana is pretty tempting though.
They're also the stupidest Whites on Earth.
Nigs can be controlled?
Goddamn you Nazifags are truly laughable.
t. Teemo Järvistein
They can be made atheist or christian by the tip of a sword. After that they are same caucasoid race as you and me. Just brown skinned caucasoids.
If kikes can control them, you damn well better believe white people can.
the final solution to the jewish question solves all other problems
I want to get rid off them more than even Jews.
The self-destroying empathy of whites is all that needs to go
Is that supposed to be an insult? Im more pure white than any of you central europeans.
So chess master Bobby Fischer was sub negro, huh?
I want to say Jews but the thought that I only got rid of a few million vermin as opposed to a couple billion would haunt me forever. I suppose I can take solace in the fact that one of the kikes most terrible weapons has been taken away from them.
Oh shit
jews. nice rhetorical question
You're a mongol harry.
Atheism and racial darwinism is the true red pill. You have to respect tradition but scientific racism is the next stage.
no surprise coming from a jewmefrican
Im germanic swede in the most blonde haired and blue eyed country in the world. My direct ancestors are swedish vikings.
In my country...nigger places are no go zones...basically.
Spic places can be roamed around freeoh with No real threat.
They are the only ones spreading progresive SJW bullshit.
Jews are nation wreckers. Therefore, Jews.
>without jews there would be no niggers
Jews didn't exist during the Paleolithic when niggers first evolved.
Jews. Gotta cut off the head of the snake.
Isn't that...(dare I say it) TEH JEWS?
Niggers are nation wreckers also.
The problem in this case is the soil not so much the people though the people shouldn't feel welcome on any other soil
jews invented niggers?
only redpilled answer
Niggers can be contained easily.
No niggers IN THE WEST, smart guy
Altruism is a pure white racial trait. Everyone is friendly and helps neighbours. We have to keep this goodness alive in this world where 90% are aggressive nigger subhumans.
a finn that defends sweden?
bra proxy Erik
fpbp as always
Some posters.... I mean that's my choice you see.... Make a list round'em up Sup Forums's the rope noose around the noose for some people... Just saying...
Like i said this blue pilled. Liberal whites importing niggers to white homeland is the problem.
Taking time from lurking to say "Spotted the newfag"
Without Jews, muslims and blacks wouldn't be propped up as the threats they are today.
They'd be safely quarantined in their respective hellholes.
There are 300 000 swedish people living on the finnish coast. My father is swedish alpha male and my mother is from Karelia that we lost to russians.
YES !!!
What are you on about? Around these parts, "redpill" and "acknowledging the JQ" are basically synonymous
Why not both of them?
There's a big difference in acknowledging Jewish involvement and pretending it's ALL their fault.
Man. Sup Forums must give you such power fantasies as a kike
Sup Forums absolutely bloooown the fuck out
This guy is acting like they never dindu nuffin wrong to no one, they're good boys
Jews the only answer
gib shame
Its natural to jews to hate nazism after holohoax but they are extremely small in numbers. The real problem are the white altruist that believe commie propaganda and there are millions and millions of them.
gas the kikes. all other problems take care of themselves after they're gone.
Well, only 359 times.
the rest will disappear soon after