Why are all Germans here so hateful, stubborn, and passive aggressive? I deeply believe these people have some sort of crippling superiority complex or autism. You can see how noticeably upset they get when you tell them that they are wrong, or how that EU/German policy is civilization-destroying shit-tier. Germans are more like mindless, destructive, pattern-obeying insects than real people. I can only imagine just how insufferable and loathsome these motherfuckers are in real life, outside of Sup Forums.
German hate thread
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germans are the greatest people to ever exist on this planet
i dont care what you say you stupid anglo , probably a slav anyway
didn't read lmoa
Fuck the Germans
I troll you to get (you)s.
That's what goes wrong, I simply don't care anymore
Autism. The answer is autism.
No, some Germans here are great.
isn't trump like half kraut or something
Germans got their nazi attitudes cucked by (((them))), that's why
I dont post often.
This thread is a jewish psyop designed to turn us against each other.
Devided we are weak, united we are strong.
Germans brought you Communism,National Socialism and Protestantism.
It doesn´t matter where you stand politically.
Our ideas shake the very foundation of reality.
We might be nothing but a shadow of the past -but yes German ideas do actually matter.
With greatness comes hubris and arrogance.
Be a massive faggot or shill somewhere else, sage in all fields.
Stay strong, don't let them destroy you.
It already is divided. I only come here to make others angry because this place is good for nothing else.
>I deeply believe these people have some sort of crippling superiority complex or autism.
I always sense a deep teutonic nihilism in krautposters. I can't tell if they're suicidal or if they're waiting for Germany to hit a boiling point so they can have an excuse to 4th Reich.
I am actually suicidical.
Burger here, was stationed in Germany defending your Freedoms. Germans are the most unpleasant and lotathsome people on the planet and makes Jews and even Muslims look good.
Yep. Sounds like every smug, sanctimonious, condescending, and know-it-all Bosch I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.
Good news: Germany's pretty intent on slitting its own throat with "Erika" Merkel at the helm. Now, let's overachieve and do something about these cabbage-heads, wasting our space, our time, and breathing our air, on this side of the pond.
Worse than a Johann-come-Lately, however, are krauts of a distinct, taco-seasoned variety. I'm fully convinced they're the last-ditch "Hail Mary" pass of the Third Reich to strike back at the US: the Beaner Übermensch.
'Cause, as we all know: When the going gets tough for the so-called master race, the master race "goes native"!
Could plot the African campaign but too feckless and lazy to do it, shove it onto gringo - only to swoop in and claim credit for it, acting like they won the war and gave the Kaiser a happy ending all by themselves. Call 'em on their bullshit and you're "racist", of course.
So, yeah: Fuck the lot of them.
The self-hating germans boggle my mind, I feel so bad for your country having so many brainwashed innocents that have been turned into dangerous idiots
Coming from a brit ? Hilarious !
NOT all germans.
You just know it's that disgusting eternal stinky feet anglo.
it's because everyone else hates us too so we jump on the bandwagon.
It's really not that difficult to understand.
sorry that you didn't like it here.
>makes Jews and even Muslims look good
We are working on it
Trust me. As an American, that is very difficult to understand.
I want to like you but the self-hate and leftism keeps me away
some of you are alright.. don't go to Hamburg tomorrow
many reasons
don't want to cry about it on Sup Forums tho, sry
I love you, Schweizbro. Your country is great. Nice watches and chocolate
Everyone hates America but we don't give a shit
the self hate is more or less a myth, nobody ( at least the german people i spoke to) hates themselves or their race.
They acknowlegde that we are a financial strong country etc.
most of us grew up in peace, in a golden cage, of course we want that for other people but they fail to acknowledge the evil which lies in certain cultures ( Islam ).
Maybe it has to dowries you being there as soldier, because most Germans don't like foreign military. I think in Germany a huge anti American sentiment is present, where many believe every result of the will of (((those))), who truly rule America to be the will of ordinary americans and therefore despise them.
I don't understand this Superiority shit that comes from these sort of shit tier countries
Like Canadians and Frenchies have that same sort of "better then you mentality" despite never doing anything of importance
I have never seen a German be humble
What causes such profound egotism?
That's because you are actually great so you don't take it seriously when someone tells you your Country is shit.
But we do care because we know that this Country is far away from perfect.
nor the left or the right wants your dirty military presence
only enslaving nature, providing humanity with infinite amount of food, energy and every single medical invention that you can think of
i'm sure some stupid slav shouldn't feel inferior because all cultures are equal AMIRITE
hope u feel bad because u are bad
I think we might all realize that all our countries are shit and that attacking others for being slightly better in some aspects is all we have
a little healthy banter didnt hurt anyone tho
what do you want? selfhate or false pride?
That's the thing
Pick one
You have this fucked up mentality of being both hateful of yourself while spouting that you're the greatest
Can't have your cake and eat it too nigger
US has many problems. The difference is that at least American posters here aren't cucked, butthurt, destructive losers, like Germans are.
also hating america is more of a widespread hipster Thing.
>self hate is more or less a myth
This is not true at all. For the lower classes there is maybe some degree of truth to it, where they don't really think about it or if they do only come to the conclusion that's just powerful people playing their games and can't relate. The middle class however especially the upper middle class are really feeling guilty and this vague sense of guilt is cultivated through education, churches, media and politics so the middle class being more, longer and more strongly connected to these institutions really has this complexes. Obviously some people more some people less, but it is a big thing.
Germans for years get told they are shit in schools and media and then they see foreigners sucking their cuck about how great Germany is (was) so because it's all new to them they can't properly process this and might get arrogant or feel superior.
They think they're superior. No matter what mad political ideology they support, they are superior.
This is an old story, that's happened before.
And as we all know, the Germans have never been wrong before. Noooo. Not ever.
Where do Germans get their arrogance from anyway? It's not like they've earned it like we have.
Germans are excellent worker drones. When the hive has an agenda to fulfill or a task to complete, you'd be hard pressed to stop them. The problem with this of course is that the Hive mind mentality always leads to extremism. In the '40s it was national socialism. Today it's marxism (with a twist of white self destruction). Challenging the hive mind agenda is to feel the attack of a drone.
Keep it up mien freund :) haben sie ein gutes abend or however it should be writen.
The only thing you've earned is a kick in the dick, buckteeth
no, germans create machines that do the work of 1000000 workers
they are gods
> It's really not that difficult to understand.
Yes it is. That's exatly why op made this thread. The whole world could be against Russia but I'd still love it.
I cant wait for a world in which germans no longer exist
>complains about occupied people being unpleasant.
Can't the German people see what damage Merkel is doing to western civilization? Why is she still in power?
i am superior i prove it everyday, it's a sobering feel but it's the the truth. i didn't ask for it but talking to you is like reading a bed time story to a plant.
Germans exist in almost every country in the world.
Germany will always exist as well, just not with Germans but Muslims that hate everything Western, much better, right?
>My family were actually some of those that left and then came back (huge mistake obviously).
What timeframe? I don't consider myself a "German American", as I'm Pennsylvania Dutch and consider my homeland here, not over there. But the German are the most Statists people I've ever met; it made me ill dealing with them. Luckily at work most people never get into politics or small talk; but whenever I ran into someone, say at a dinner party or something of that sort, who was looking to actively do speak about it they would look only to lecture me, as an American, about their superior viewpoints formulated by their media and government's superior judgment. Despite not knowing anything about what they're talking about, and when challenged grasping on narrative and easily repeatable points and sentiment.
I don't hate Germans, but I've not encountered the level of arrogance I found there amongst fellow Americans that weren't clearly mentally ill.
Big if true.
We just know better.
Russia is far away from perfect too. For the reference, I think Germany is much greater than Russia.
holy shit....people who don't speak german.....migrated to a german country.....and the literacy rate...................
Germans are very obedient.
Even the G20 protest is an obedience to their mindfucked brainwashing, like a dog that strikes out to protect its owner.
Germans are victims of mass brainwashing.
No, it is because our pride is damaged and we are not taught our history and how to be proud of it.
I don't how it is in Germany but here I remember I learnt nothing about our history
>German hate thread
Why don't hate the ex-east German commies and sleeping agents polluting the mind of Germans?
I truly hate Germans, there is something different about them compared to all of humanity, something unhuman, and the site of a German and his behavior is repulsive and disgusting, and an urge grows to remove it.
Fuck off, GERMANY NR 1
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
now stfu you irrelevant non factors ,everything you breathe, eat, shit, read, drink and put in your ass is or was created by a german at some point
appreciate the fanfic
And yet we are at the hearth of Europe geographically and also at the hearth of European civilization. Germany is certainly the avatar of Europe and maybe this the reason so many hate it, because they pretend to be pro western civilization and yet fear the Faustian spirit that drives them. There is a massive projection of hate against the west on Germany. To some extend maybe this hate today is directed against the Us as the leading western power (to the degree it isn't Jewish, Black or some shade of brown), so the hate is less pure than against Germany, but still it's interesting from a psychological standpoint.
88 confirms it.
t. krautlicker
Is no one going to check these for me? jeez
"fuck you"? that's your response to my relatively neutral comment on actually living in Germany for two years?
t. slavic niggerbaby
>t. kraut?
>the self hate is more or less a myth
If I told Sup Forums Trump's policy plans are dogshit and will lead to the America no longer being at the forefront of economic and social progress, you'd flip your shit, too.
agreed but more of an original sin kind of situation.
It actually wasn't that neutral, but I think there is more to it like I already elaborated on. The type of people, who believes every country in the world should be ruled and maintained like Germany is not uncommon, how stupid this idea is clear to us. However exactly the same idea, but with the American system is also pretty prevalent amongst Americans. So again I kind of suspect psychological mechanisms at work here.
I like Germans I just wish they saw their German American brothers in America as actual equal brothers and not some half breed negrified jews. PS I'm from a town called Bismarck
This we should hate german antifa not /ourkrauts/
in real life I hate their guts. They are as you describe - I was raised to be proud of my German heritage and after living in Europe for several years and meeting German at school etc fucking A am I glad I have Danish and English in me too. my god every German I have ever met is really as you say and actually being in Germany is horrible - well not Bavaria - Bavaria a very friendly and did not hate Americans.
germans spirit overwhelmed the whole world, if you go to India/china and tell them you are an engineer they will see you as a GOD because , your work is literally doing the work of 100000s of them
amerishits, slavics and other races don't understand this, they are in denial about the truth : nordics are superior, they are the only culture in the history of humanity that has achieved the enslavement of nature itself
the german peopel (of faustian nature) had the biggest impact (and maybe the last one to have such a big one) this world has ever experienced
>We are trying to embrace healthy patriotism and Nationalism in the home of it, we have not grown up with it, no one after 1949 did.
We try to find our way to political dominance and influence for the right in our country, debatting clashes are not preventable. In Germany everybody lives like poor People who never have seen great civilisation or wealth but don't actually give a fuck about it and behave asocial and pop-culture is main culture, with Immigrant,American and slight German influence. But the right tries to prevent that. I can tell you Germans contain that Special Kind of autism, that's why Brit's and we are so different, we get fucked, and got fucked but sadly resistance is rare. Kraut-memes are the shittiest solution you've come up with. You basically are lions storming a glass house, what you search to fuck for would be migrants
stop bitching pussy, we r nation #1 :)
>unironically posting under the Nazi flag as a German
I suspect it's a likely a kind of brother rivalry involved. I think, if Germans knew how "familiar" the smaller citys and rural areas in the Midwest and Northwest are many would think differently. But most only have the pictures of hostile places like New York in mind.
Posting here before it gets moved to /bant/ :P
Krauts dindu nuffin
they are fucked now baby, whatever great achievement of the past they are leading the way for the fuckdom of the west and the diminishing of everything they ever did
Asocial youth, politicians don't even mention it, they know we have to live in this shit, Special snowflakes are just said to be retarded and Need Special aid, everyone is supposed to be a replacceable, lazy or useless shitter or working slave with no Soul, that's it, Germans live insafe space, it's depressing and oppressment of a People that got made retarded and will never fully die or survive, something can turn the Tide and something could end us, but it's not clear what will happen, the dead Jews are litteraly what we live for, we ölive so they can rest, that's the purpose of the US-puppet, attacking this deeply sad soup of shit is extremely insulting, like saying don't beg for our help, the help is needed to reestablsih shit, but we weren't helped anytime. Good Job, Germany is that what soaks up all guilt and rapefugees, if it dies, it will all swamp to Poland,Hungary and Czechia and Slovakia.
maul halten, afd wählen
Switzerland is the best country of the world.