>be me
>will turn 23yo in 4 months
>still a kissless virgin
Feeling really downed and depressed, the biological goal in life is sex and reproduction and I can't even achieve that. I'm considering kms
>be me
>will turn 23yo in 4 months
>still a kissless virgin
Feeling really downed and depressed, the biological goal in life is sex and reproduction and I can't even achieve that. I'm considering kms
also you hide your flag, add that to your list of faults. then head over to r9k you faggot
You're on Sup Forums. Everyone here is a kissless virgin who has never left their town.
This shitty pitty thread should go on /adv/
>be me
>will turn 23yo in 6 months
>still jobless.
the goal in capitalism is earn money and i can't even achieve that.
kill yourself faggot
user: I was in a similar spot when I was 22. When I was 23, I met my now ex-wife. Once you turn 30, the options on women open the fuck up. I attract women's eyes I never did in my teens and 20's.
Lift (hard, push yourself, get a workout buddy for spots and go to failure on every exercise at least once). Do HIIT. Once you've got a nice body, your confidence shoots up. Good luck, user. And remember, you add value to the world that you can't even comprehend.
Missing nothing in the long run
I'm also jobless and workless for 7 months now.
If you're looking to fill the void in your life with a power fantasy where you stand on the forefront of an imaginary meme war against the people you blame for your own shortcomings and where you're both hero and victor you've come to the right place.
>Turn 28 next month
>Still a virgin
You know what I don't really care anymore.
>be me
>will turn 29yo in 6 months
>still kissless virgin and jobless
The ride never ends
call an escort sage.
Speak for yourself user
If you're white, go on a monthlong holiday to SE Asia and go on Tinder. This will do a few things:
It will boost your confidence, and confidence is sexy.
It will show you that sex isn't as amazing as you have built it up to be, and therefore you will act less desperate around women, which is also sexy.
It will give you some experience talking to women on "easy" level.
Don't do hookers unless you're in your last week and have got nothing. This shouldn't be a problem if you're white because whites are basically the niggers of Asia.
here it's easy to get some sex.
but it's really fucking hard to get a job.
26 year old virgin
I've given up. No point in trying anymore. Society is fucked and full of degenerate sluts.
Plus the new oral std outbreak.
Stop hyping it, get your life on track and focus on the immediate. Get off Sup Forums or limit its use to 30min a day.
Not true faggot I actually have a lot going for me.
>Sup Forums is basically poison
27 year old virgin reporting in.
Or just find confidence.
fixing the body is fine, but i know plenty of ripped manchildren who still fall apart when talking to a girl.
Only having confidence because you are built only leads to chadlike behavior. You can get girls, but only ones after your money and looks. Very temporary, and often leads to the MGTOW mindset after too many failures.
Ugly guys with confidence have no problems.
jesus christ just go pay for it ffs.
The body is, frankly, the easiest thing to fix first.
a-are you me?
No. Paying for sex is pathetic and for losers. Why pay when you can get it for free? Fuck off
>be me
>turning 21 in 7 months
>been in relationship with catholic QT since senior year
>planning on proposing to her after college
Act like a respectable human being and leave the basement and Sup Forums once in a while and maybe you can be happy, i got lucky, but i earned it too. Earn it nigger.
But if you rely on it exclusively, you still limit yourself.
Like i said, go ahead and fix the body, but if you dont fix the mind, you may dig yourself a deeper hole.
Get lots of empty girls you don't care about.
End up in midlife crisis.
Blow all your money and confidence drops through the floor.
Once a month visiting an escort is on an yearly basis cheaper than supporting your wife user. prove me wrong.
it's okay, if you serve Trump you don't have to worry about that. I was really depressed about being an obese virgin as well until I joined the alt-right. Now I see that my inferior genes aren't worth passing on. All women belong to Lord and Savior Trump.
>25yo wizard apprentice reporting
>work and save, exercise regularly, read books, own home
>self-sufficient yet completely disillusioned with outside world
WTF do I do???
Buy one from Cambodia
>>self-sufficient yet completely disillusioned with outside world
This is normal. If this isn't the case, there's something wrong with you.
Overcome, user. Make the world your bitch. It deserves it.
U male or female?
>if female
-you can wear makeup, literally making 5s 10s
-workout so you aren't disgusting to look at and for natural endorphins
-flick your bean once or twice to put some color on your cheeks and remind you that it is your duty to reproduce and to advance the dominance hierarchy
>if male
-check your testosterone
-get a fucking job
-actively try to go on dates with women, even if you get turned down, girls aren't going to ask you you faggot
-embrace being a man, they are the reason humanity has made any advancements
A prostitute, aka "escort" is not someone I'd want to lose my virginity to. Someone who treats sex as a service and demands compensation for it rather treating it as an intimate affectionate experience with no caveats.
Paying for dirty used goods is ultimate cuckoldry.
go on eharmony or some shit idk
>Be me 23yo 6 years ago
>go on dating site
>meet up with 3 women
>White, Latina, and black within a month
It's not that hard unless you are absolutely autistic and ugly.
>A prostitute, aka "escort" is not someone I'd want to lose my virginity to.
Hell, i wish i lost my virginity to a prostitute. Most people's first time is awkward as shit. I know mine was.
If you boil it down to the core it is an more profitable economic trade in the long run.
Literally nothing to worry about. Secure yourself a well-off position within society, acquire security... you get the idea. By the time you're set, (if you aren't already), you'll probably be 25, and ready to settle down with a 22-23 year old girl, ready to start a family in her most fertile years.
My point is, men have no biological clock that ticks, they could even start a family in their thirties. Women, along with a constantly decomposing face that reaches its peak at 21 and becomes undesirable by 25; experience more issues in childbirth the further past 27 they are, and become completely sterile by their mid forties.
Don't give up
Quit being such a homo. Get your lazy ass off of the couch,land go Tj the nearest bar. At closing time, take the biggest Hefner you can find and fuck the shit out of her. Put it in her butt though so you don't get her pregnant.
this. it's really not hard for males if you have valuable traits.
i have to turn down women all the time.
Stop being a scum maybe
I tried a dating site but didn't get much going. I was able to get responses but they always fizzled out.
Don't worry user, you've become a supreme gentlemen. Bravo!
Just go out and actually talk to people you'd like to go out with. Yeah, you'll get turned down, but eventually you will find someone. Why would someone want to date a total beta who relies on the internet and gets butthurt when muh insecurities set in and muh introversion. fuck off and suck it up. You'll fin someone, user.
Actually this is real advice, go to a bar with a friend and just start talking.