You can only post ITT if your leader can do this.
Not so fast, Trumpanzees.
You can only post ITT if your leader can do this.
Not so fast, Trumpanzees.
Trump would kick the shit out of Trudeau.
Trudeau would not punch Trump because he think that would make Trump win.
Why is this surfer Chad in charge of anything?
He uses the same dumb tactics he used to impress sheltered liberal female drama teachers in the staff room on an entire nation, and it actually works. Wow look at his socks!
I can do that. I was a breakdancer in my teens, then i learned it was a nigger-thing.
Oh a reference to that fake quote
>actually being manipulated by niggers to stop doing what you love
Trudeau would challenge trump to a first fight and show up having practiced with an MMA coach and be ready to go, only to see Trump walk up, whip out a pistol and shoot him in the dick.
Turd-o proudly exclaimed while making this pose
>the floor is a balanced budget. Look how I can avoid it.
Pretty sure he can.
I play drums now instead. A nigger instrument
I remember skiing tremblant mountain back in january 2014. And there was alot of noise because tredeau, then leader of the labor party was skiing as well. I just remember how unimpressed i was. I must have been 30 feet away from him. He has feminine eyes and eye lashes. He also skiis a pair of volkl twin tips, despite being nothing more than average at skiing. He was also boozing that day.
he humps more than just tables Drumftard
Ivanka has a YUGE crush on Justin.
pure animalistic lust and desire
she wants that moose-cock hard
Name Ivanka sounds like a female version of Ivan.
George Soros is DEAD. This is the latest photo that I could find prior to his death in October, 2016
George died of heart failure.
Well lets be honest he's an attractive man, even if he is a retard when it comes to policy
He fucks men
Thanks satan
WOW!! That is so impressive, congrats on having a leader that can do meaningless shit while he slowly turns your country into a 3rd world shithole. Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough for you maple niggers.
The strength of a single man is meaningless.
The USA could wipe out every other nation on earth if they wanted to, that makes Trump king dick.
Yes, it's better to have a leader that does circus tricks than actually lead.
Fuckin leaf
>Look mom I'm doing it! I'm a world leader!
It's the male equivalent of having some blonde bimbo as your president
Good genes
Leader of the leafs getting the most important things done I see.
Real afraid of this guy
But can he answer the question?
Putin would wreck the shit out of your leader
Why haven't there been more canadian cuck posting lately? You know the photos where canadians cuck others.
>Leaf: We only care if our leaders can do tricks like a pet monkey
And you wonder why no one respects you.
BCC used to be a thing for a while back when Sup Forums constantly got spammed with interracial porn, but now that Canadians have a bad reputation you never really see it.
Fuck me in the ass Trudeau.
>bragging about another country's leader
absolutely cuck
Him being able to balance on a table sure makes up for letting pedophiles create a sex ed course for 1st graders. I personally would rather have a president that didn't want to teach six-year-olds about anal sex and 70 made up genders.
Kekked heartily. Thanks Satan.
>Meanwhile your country is getting genocided on your tax dollars.
I'm really glad Trump can't do that.
And Trump's the narcissist?
Trump knows Trudeau is a thirsty beta so he uses his daughter as bait to have him bend the knee.
ring on that .gif of Trudeau talking like he is a big man to this chick and she just blows him off.
Wow! Now only if he could balance our budget as well as he can balance himself over that table.
Sure, Trudeau can do that, but what he did was fucking retarded, and that people were okay with it, which makes things worse, I'm not looking forward for Canada's future, unless some right-wing dude fixes things.
this isnt some feat of strength, he is just resting on his elbows
His dad was prime minister. He lets jews be top advisors and doesnt question them. He says things that make women, liberal, and the media to like him. hes perfect
His biggest opponent, who was kinda secretly ourleafguy, died of cancer recently
So. Fucking. Badass.
I didn't know that was fake. Was it based off an actual quote?
The budget will balance itself.
He fears the Jew, no self-respecting leader would. At least Trump puts them in their place once in a while to show whose boss.
Our leader couldn't do that shit in space.
If your leader can do that it is an excellent reason to move.
Trudeau would smack the shit out of Trump and you know it
But can your leader do this?
Looks like she relaxed on the fillers a bit.
Every time I see a pic of this guy I think of the passage in Trump's book where he recalls seeing Justin's mom getting drilled on a couch at a NY party.
>I didn't know that was fake.
All you right wing retards have is fake news.
I'd like to see you do it, you fat fuck.
>assuming I'm right wing
>assuming I pay attention to Canadian politics
>believing your country is that important
Dude, our leader doesn't need to DO a plan - she IS a plank.
>your leader is circus clown
>you are proud of it
Canada is important, where would moose shit if Canada didn't exist?
You can only post here if your leader can do this
Whatever you are, most (((pol)))tards think the Trudeau if you kill your enemies they win quote is real. These retarded autistic nerd virgins on this board will believe anything
How would anyone know if no one cares?
Clearly you care. You're just embarrassed because you're so fucking retarded that you thought that quote was real.
>You can only post ITT if your leader can do this.
>Not so fast, leafs.
All these mad weaklings lmao
Obamaleaf, please don't shit up the board
Can you link that part?
It's pretty funny that some retards can't tell truth from fiction. If this needs to be pointed out for you, so be it.
he disappeared when i hit too close to come
I know you retards better than you know yourselves
Seriously their flag is a fucking leaf
What a selfish prick show off.
How does he think that makes people without arms feel?
He needs to cut off his arms to show solidarity with the handicapped. Ableist asshole.
her eyes remind me of my golden retriever
holy shit hyper kek