This is Japan and mexico friendship thread!
I think Japan should accept mexican immigrants^^
problem solved and everyone is happy^^
This is Japan and mexico friendship thread!
I think Japan should accept mexican immigrants^^
problem solved and everyone is happy^^
Other urls found in this thread:
>chicano influence
Please please please take us senpai, we're better than those beaners.
At least we shit in toilets and we only behead our criminals.
but india-kun. you have Britain.
You should come here. Don't mud the water, water the mud.
Poo in loo haji
But Britain is not Anime-heaven I want to be at Japan soo bad and have a nice jap waifu they're sooo kawaii.
>Pic related.
>Forgot the pic.
I dont really get it but them nips and wetbacks seem to get along pretty well.
This is what a Japanese + Hispanic mix looks like.
They're both Mongoloids technically. Hispanics tend to look more like Filipinos but occasionally you'll see one who can pass as Chinese or Japanese.
Mexibros, why are our womyn getting RICED?
sorry. weeb tard should hang himself.
go away
But your language is complicated to understand, that's why we don't go to your country.
Don't worry, you know english and it is much harder than Japanese.
Japanese is easiest language if you can master english
fuck off, Poojeet.
I am an anchor baby and incase i get deported i would like to know what japan has to offer
> 20 years old
> some college education
> studying mathematics and linguistics thinking about going into engineering
> disgusted by weebs
> like cold weather
> fluent in english and semifluent in spanish
> dont know japanese but willing to learn
> like rice
not bad / 10
kaka, piss off.
And this is what your average Mexican looks like.
poo in loo
I'm sure some are south american
t. wetback
Mexican indios actually came from Japan
Amerilards can't into Geography anyway
Fuck off you dirty fucking chunti maricon. You are literal mierda and you know it. Your people and country will never amount to anything.and any country taking you shits in might as well stop existing. You faggots cry about Mehico not having any laws or jobs but then go to other countries and cry discrimination and racism when they try to enforce the laws in the book. I would love to see Japan turn to shit just to make a point. We could give you all of the United States and it would go to shit in a year. Funny how you call Americans shit when it's you who turned it into one.
Don't bother to reply I will not be here to read it, your opinion on the matter is worthless.
don't do it, it's not worth it
t. southern californian
Mexico-Japan friendship spans 400 years
>being this butthurt
>thread about Mexico/Japan
>Chicanos come to shit up the thread
Pic related father is Japanese, her mother is Mexican.
This, and it goes the same way for our shitty excuse of a country.
i would like to date her...
>tfw too beta
Tacos al pastor is muslim cuisine, practically Taco is a Pita so muslims invented it first.
Even the dude in the photo looks muslim.
Dumbass Mexicans would be as irrelevant as Bolivia if it wasnt for usa
yeah I noticed this
why is it here in LA Do mexican and Japanese cultures always stick together?
shit never made sense to me
Send lolis.
Happened to me in vancouver as well, my friends group consisted of mostly japanese and koreans, chinese students never really tagged along.
Spics you better get your asses to japan
They are lucky, I barely could pass as an Allahu Akbar or some disfigured Japanese madman.
>Mexican Intellectual
You are not beta desu.
Because of this:
>Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation concluded in 1888 (Japan's first "equal" treaty with a Western country).
My family worked on the ports in Tampico Mexico. I have a park named after my great great uncle (who I share the same name). He was well liked for his trade with the Japanese. If you ever find yourself in a spic store pick up these sonsofbitches famalam. And then thank user for bringing the gap between Nips and Spics.
Also, the nip/spic women mix are the perfect fuck toys. Don't mix with them.
thats guatemalen or salvadorian. Most mexicans are white. The spanish didn't want to breed with the blakies
Hello Mexibros, how safe is Juarez at the moment. I'm going there in a few weeks for a family event, but I haven't been to J-town in ages
like I've never seen any other latin american restaurant mix with Japan like they do with Mexico
my theory is that Japan is trying to pearl harbor part 2 taco boogaloo and wants Mexico to help them someday
open the borders NOW
>You will never feel a Mexican half-breed kick inside of you
I agree, Mexicans aren't the worst immigrants but America could use a break. We have a fuck ton of latin Americans.
It came from when the mayans visited egypt, look it up
I buy the ones that look like this but in tube form.
>Criminals beheading criminals and """"innocents"""" (because even so-called innocents are involved in some crime)
these are actually really fucken good
You can apply to teach english in japan.
better than letting Rapist sand monkeys walk free
they sell 2 pound bags in my local swapmeet of these for $15
Fucking Indio scum. The Spaniards should've exterminated them all, or breed them out of existence.
Post pictures of the hispanic parent, he could be pretty much white, most mexicans are mestizos.
Pls respond, I still have time to cancel my flight. I miss my family but I'm a gringo and would stick out
Dark Mexicans are meme
the libs have taken over Mexico too! My mexibro on steam told me about this, had to look it up, Spics pls confirm
they also make decent electronic music.
You're fine faggot. If you're not affiliated with narcos you're fine.
Wtf Japan I thought we were friends?
All of my what
Took up your full brainpower to come up with that one, eh?
Mother is like 89% white (spanish,portuguese, and/or italian), that's why she is so beautiful.
Thank you. My roommate keeps sending me beheading videos right as I wake up, got me a tad frightened. I just want to get drunk and speak spanish poorly with the Mexican side of my family
what was a person of bean doing in my city?
I can't help you but I will say that you won't stick out like a sore thumb. My brother in-law is German and was fine when he visited my relatives with my sister in mexico
yeah, it's real
sadly we are going your way but it's going to take a while since most people are still too poor to care about that shit
Only at the UNAM and Mexico Shity
Nuke the Centrosur now
Teri ma kaa bhosda
look leaf this spic is the least of your worries right now
Mexicans love Germans. There are a ton of them living in Chihuahua
wow should we mutilate each other again?
I forgot to mention the went to south mexico
Sure. Then you can become a minority in one part of Japan after another. Have increased crime rate including rape and murder, not just robberies. But it's ok, since you'll have an increasing birth rate even if those people will try to turn Japan into mexico and burn Japan to ash.
Wise plan. Well, at least only quasi niggers instead of actual niggers. Or maybe you bring those to japan too? Sounds like a plan. Aids for Japan.
spicbro if the west ever fell it would be up to you to defend the last stand of Catholicism and Anti Islamic ideals
don't repeat our mistakes your Nation is the Gateway to Latin America
actually, this was because BIMBO CO. want intro "Negrito" in the america market.
Undergraduate degree my leaf buddy, everyone was nice to me there, made a lot of japanese and korean friends. :3
Mexican ≠ Central American
Mexican Culture is so rich you bastardized Child of the Aztec and Spanish Empire
I believe in you
>I will never inseminate two young Japanese women.
Everyday I suffer.
video of mexican woman living in japan with 2 japanese children.
Oh, forgot to add. the good looking ones have higher white DNA. Chances are you won't get those. You'll get the shit tier poor people with low IQ, high risk of crime etc.
But then again, chances are you're an english teacher or something not an actual nip... but then, there's that japanese guy yuta etc.. it seems you've some serious refugees welcome shit going there too.
He's not your buddy, guy
Menonitas don't count.
We don't like them because they don't integrate.
They don't even consider themselves Mexican despite living in Mexico for some generations.
Also they have been getting in trouble with the locals due to water shortages, which is why a lot of them are leaving Mexico and moving to Canada and South America.
Fucking racemixing whores, we should exterminate them with extreme prejudice
Yes, but is a parody. Exiled jews made pork kebab to mock mudslimes and jews.
Oh, I always thought Mexicans and Mennonites were bros. Thanks for informing me
Yup, Bimbo has a tough time entering US since their name is an insult there.
Im probably going to Fresnillo to visit family this winter, what are the chances I'll see some qt nips there to breed and leave cause technically I'm the alien there.
She looks ugly as fuck.
Using you as an example as is, burger. Sorry, even if you did cherish the melting pot a lot longer than us. Well.. not like this goes just for Americans. they tried the same in Sweden with arabs and africans. it's not working out.