What happens when whites become a minority in America?
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>What happens when whites become a minority in America?
that depends on how many minorities are comfortably middle class(lol). if not too many for not long enough I legitimately expect some sort of violence/oppression towards whites
banana government, hungry time, electricity optional
WE WUZ KANGS fully implemented at the school level.
the shitskins will fight eachother, the jews in thinking that they wont hurt another minority will be mostly killed off by spics who want to relive the reconquista and kill the jews.
The blacks will all starve to death in the non producing cities, as their reliance on gibs proves their weakness. the world sort of collapses, entering the dark cyber age like the dark iron and dark bronze ages. humanity is put back a few hundred years and America splits.
Surviving whites kill most of the spics and the successor states have an earned hatred for Jews.
the end of the america as we know it
it will become mega-brazil
It won't, If Trump repeals our immigration act that is.
While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration
Trump wants to increase Immigration for whites while denying most of the third world if not all. He's interested in repealing the 1965 immigration act. As a result the Non-Hispanic White birth rate Will grow even more if he succeeds in this plan. The immigration of whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa at the most. SA because Trump supported the apartheid and might want to help them out as well. This might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America if they happen to breed. The Non-Hispanic White birth rate is slowly rising and with this plan for white immigration it will only continue to grow more. With this plan, Mass Deportations, The RAISE act, Extreme Vetting and Lowered Taxes.
America was never White.
Knowing Americans? Nothing.
Whatever you say retard
The smart whites will capture positions of power and start a war and send blacks and hispanics to fight it.
Without a clearly dominant demographic, politics would become even more polarized. You'll have your white party, your black party, your hispanic party, et cetera. The chances of working together to accomplish anything drops further and further. The country becomes more and more fragmented and becomes subject to more cohesive outside forces. This is the inevitable legacy of multiculturalism.
brazil 2.0
>What happens?
Shit hits the fan.
It won't happen, but if it did the U.S. would break up pretty quickly. The union is barely maintainable with the current ethno-racial composition.
Stagnation of all social and technological progress, where a race war then occurs with the majority race wiping out the white minority in a genocide, followed by a rapid regression of both types of progress, followed by tribal barbarism.
See: every other country where whites became a minority; e.g. Rhodesia, Haiti, South Africa
source? I legitimately think halting non white immigrating, increasing white immigration, and repealing that awful immigration law would be a godsend.
And I'm not even white.
>If Trump repeals our immigration act that is.
What retardation makes you think he or congress would be inclined to do so?
>not white
Being obviously disingenuous is the best way to convince people you are wrong.
The video, There's also articles and other news interviews with close Trump advisers wanting it to happen. Steve King is in Congress and good friends with Trump so he could possibly make Iowa approve of the idea.
There are already Trump loyalists in Congress, If more are elected in 2018 he could possibly get it pass by the time his second term starts.
Won't happen. Things always change and history never runs a fixed course. Hope remains. Who tells you the spic won't stop pumping out babies? Lemme remind u that barely twenty years ago ppl still thought Earth would be overpopulated
Now we're ageing
Also, white hispanics' birth rates
Love these projection
Notice how it assumes that immigrations will increase year over year for the next 50 years. It also assumes that hispanic birth rates will more or less remain the same over the next 30+ years.
Awesome. I have a theory (not really a theory) that no host country should let their natives fall below 70%, preferably 80%.
America needs to stop
Maybe unmixed Europeans from Latin America (White Hispanics) but the majority of Latinos are not white.
The nonwhite birth rate is already declining. Having immigration restrictions,Mass deportations and the return of white immigration could be the final nail in the coffin.
America could become 80% white at the most, The days of being 90%+ are sadly impossible.
Porn becomes illegal.
White man engages with world as he would before the internet existed.
White man has child with redpilled qt of his choice.
Life goes on I suppose.
I really wish non-SJWs would stop promoting the "People of Color" meme. IE, grouping everyone who is non-white into a single category. It's a blatant attempt by anti-white racists to further create an "us vs. them" divide between white and non-whites.
It is a bane to be white in America. Fucking go to any city and there are no whites. Fuck I hate this.
Also there is racial mixing which is something that could be a future problem. I see a lot of girls going for Mexicans and blacks. Not only that but go to any place full of rich people and it's full of old white men with hapa or in general just brown babies.
These projections are always retarded.
Hispanics (and Asians) intermarry with Whites at very high rates and most of them don't have the chip on their shoulder about Whites that niggers do. Most of them don't give a shit about "La Raza" and are content to keep their heads down. Only the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans mingle with niggers that much.
You don't have to take my word for it -- just look at all of Latin America where White people are treated as demi-gods.
Not to mention the fact that Hispanic immigration was declining years before Trump (though Asian immigration is increasing).
So yeah, this has always been and is a huge nothingburger.
>IE, grouping everyone who is non-white into a single category. It's a blatant attempt by anti-white racists to further create an "us vs. them" divide between white and non-whites.
They view their path to victory as creating a non-white coalition that will vote as a monolithic block. This will give them a big advatnage is national elections.
The problem is asians, latinos and blacks dont have a whole lot in common besides being not white, and are often very racist against each other.
Military junta after the welfare state collapses.
Why would you want to go to a city? Cities are quarantines to keep the rest of the country free of niggers.
Look at south africa.
This right here. I'm surprised they haven't already done it.
White Hispanics will further integrate and we'll remain comfy like always.
God intervenes
You have no idea what your talking about flaggit. Get off the computer sometime and see the real world.
>implying that white people are native to America
A lot of White Hispanics are already fully white, Since they immigrated from Latin America they're always dumped into the Hispanic category. However Castizos are also lumped into the White Hispanic category too.
The thing is the racial distribution won't be even. As the national political process becomes more racially polarized the remaining majority white states will break away from union to establish firm borders and protect their populations. Large states like California, Florida, and New York will break up internally. Texas will become a battleground.
Europeans are correct that Americans are mutts and don't have a fairly well defined heritage like ethnic French or Germans or Irish do.
There's video of Trump promising to repeal DACA and decrying the false song of globalism, now he's a national globalist who makes Dreamers very very very happy.
You're delusional if you think immigration restriction will go anywhere in this political climate. One, the cuckservative/neocon/free market coalition is the majority of the Republican party and would never allow it because the debt bubble needs fresh new goyim to sustain itself. Two, not a single Dem save maybe Collin Peterson would vote for it. Multiculturalism is too ingrained in their agenda, maybe 10 or 15 years ago there would have been some support among labor dems.
If Mexicans overtake: race war
If niggers overtake: gang war
If Muslims overtake: Jihad
Real Americans have a heritage as well defined as Germans. The civ-nat pseudo-Americans of the left are mongrel people.
but Germans are a bad idea. Your war and anti-German state system erradicated our real identity.
Southern Whites (Which are mostly British or Scots-Irish) formed their own ethnicity in the 1700s. Whenever you see charts like these, That's what the American part is.
If we were to repeal our immigration act, I doubt a lot of them would want to come here considering people like Trump are running America. Maybe Anglos,Celts and Slavs though.
no, they don't, which is why "White Nationalism" is a joke in Europe, where people can opt for a more specific ethno-nationalism instead. WN is retarded burger shit.
you could've made a case for a WASP identity in America as late as the 19th century, but that ended once we received waves of immigrants of Southern and Eastern Europe.
I might move to the USA, if I got the chance. Something like the Dakotas or Montana. But that depends. Your left does everything to "enrich" even these white areas. And if I want that shit, I can just aswell stay in Germanistan. although I would have free speach. So there is that... But I'll probably end up in Thailand or Hungary.
All I know is one thing: I will NOT stay in this country.
Aryanism is a complete fantasy, and hilariously most of the people pushing it are Atlantic or Med types.
And now with Muslim hordes invading, they will cease to have defined heritage too.
>I see a lot of white women going for Mexicans and blacks
No they aren't, you ignorant moron. Stop watching blacked.com
Literally nothing. America is still 100% human.
The Midwest is also populated by Germans and almost always red. Like I said if Trump makes it easier for Europeans to move here. You can always come live here.
>tfw color blind
>Implying America was a nation before whites came
Stop breathing. America started as a predominately white nation
I think 80% is a pipedream but we will see.
The American national identity had gelled by the late 19th century as a White English Speaking Protestant identity, which consisted of a fusion of the WASPs, Scott-Irish, and Pennsylvania Dutch.
I hope he does. The USA would be much easier to assimilate into than into Hungary and not just because of the insanely difficult language.
Could buy a house, learn to hunt, by muh guns and live inna woods for a while. Got enough bucks to live simple on stocks by then. Especially with self suplliance.
Yeah. That'd be nice.
I know this sounds crazy but honestly, the South is a great place to live, If you find a predominately white/suburban place.
Just stay away from cities.
Doesn't matter. They all, save cubans, overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
They don't care if they hate eacher, as long as they all vote the same.
Agreed, I've been to Kentucky and it's the people there are pretty based. The Anti-South shit is nothing more then horseshit pushed by (((them))) to make whites look like shit.
I don't know man. I live in a suburb just next to Frankfurt, which is minority German by now, and my town district is governed by the left. I literally see black African mudslimes in hijabs and ninjas every day. I was also assaulted a few years ago infront of a church.
I really, really, really need a break from "diversity" in any way, shape or form.
People dont realise that Brazil is actually how most of the western world is going to end up as.
A bunch of mixed and shitskins live in poverty with a few rich mixed who hold government power with their communist party, and a small white population living in segregated communities and a few jews controlling most of the party politics and finance.
America will be leeched dry slowly, and eventually they will be overtaken by China. I reckon China will overtake the US as world leader within the next 50 years or so.
It depends on the white reaction to anti white laws being enforced by non white faces.
I bet you haven't considered the psychological effects of white traitors forcing integration on white communities. When there are to few whites left for the (((media))) to cover up anti white hatred, civilization will come badly unhinged.
Yes, they do. Americans are a White English-Speaking Protestant people descended from the earliest WASP, Scots-Irish, and Pennsylvania Dutch settlers. Their collective culture had solidified into a coherent national identity by the late 19th century. This collective identity was based on the shared experience of building a new society in the midst of a savage wilderness. It focused on celebration of the stories of the pilgrims and other early settler groups, along with the western pioneers and cowboys. It was embodied in a frontiersman ethos of strong communities, a common faith, entrepreneurship, and a mistrust of centralized authority.
same thing that happens when they are a minority in any other country.
Nah. It will be worse than Brazil. Brazil doesn't have Islam and this totalitarian mindset of the white left in Europe. This state is already Orwellian. Can't imagine what it will be in twenty years.
I meant in the American South.
I live in a small town, about 1000 people, 95% white. It's heaven, and again, I'm not white (half white/black). If we need anything, we just drive to the neighboring town which is 75% white.
And yes, I wanted to live here because it's white.
The cum skins start learning some spanish that's what.
>People of Color
pick one
I love how hispanics change from white to POC, depending on what the presenter is trying to brainwash people with.
Once whites become a minority the white hard left will cease to exist, those that embrace that shit still will end up mixed or killed.
Look at Africa and the mid-east. That is what would become of America if the whites disappeared.
Blacks only projected to increase by 1%. It is Hispanics increasing at such a high rate and half of them are white Hispanics aka Spanish European. This isn't the doomsday that its portrayed as. And even the mixed Hispanics usually adopt to the culture pretty well. See Texas for an example of this.
>South Africa
Pick one.
Texas doesn't have many White Hispanics, plus some "White Hispanics" are already unmixed euros who lived in areas like Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
>It is Hispanics increasing at such a high rate and half of them are white Hispanics aka Spanish European
mexico's standard of living is much different than our own. spain isn't exactly the picture of a first-world powerhouse either.
Possible. I might also move to German countryside, but the political totalitarianism is everywhere. I hate this country, this government and the people who support it. And most importantly: I don't want my taxes to go to these criminals anymore. I just want a home. Nothing more. Especially since my family lost their after WW2 through deportation, disposession and the genocide/ethnic cleansing enacted on the German diaspora.
You should get out of there as soon as we make it possible for whites to come here. It's only going to become worse.
You say that, you always say that. My city IS minority German. When I go to some districts, whole school classes walk by and NOT A SINGLE white child is among them. NOT ONE. And what do they vote? SOCIAL DEMOCRATS. And the fucking city has a literal anti-German Jew as its mayor.
No, there won't be a revolution. Not now. Not then. Maybe we Germans will end up like the Jews. But I am very unsure if even then our ethnical tribal instinct would kick in.
>"White Hispanics"
just fucking stop
I really do think so. Sup Forums doesn't talk about it much, but the violence against AfD is insane. Host them just to talk: antifa trashes your place and you get death threats. Media supports it. Politicians are silent about it. MSM is state funded and Orwellian. The police is against you. The unions are against you. The churches are against you. The government is against you. And yet the majority of Germans support it, because "it's so wonderful here! xD FUCK DRUMPF! He is like Erdogan and Putin!!!" And the new internet law that just passed is as bad as none in the ENTIRE WORLD. It's insane.
It's authoritarian socialism.
And there was a point in time when blacks overwhelming voted democrat.
You are making the same mistake the liberals are in assuming that a demographic is 'in the bag"
I wouldn't be surprised if there were more burgers against our government then Germans against theirs. The riots today proves that Germany is what America could end up as, Good thing Leftism is dying out here in favor of nationalism.
Total gnadenlosen Volkermord against the Jews.
>What happens when whites become a minority in America?
We confiscate their assets! Nothing personal, it's just how democracy works.
This won't ever happen. AI sex robots are coming with artificial wombs and 3D printable eggs with customizable genetics. When this occurs, I alone will fuck as many AI sex robots as I possibly can. I will keep 4 of the best aryan children and raise them with my aryan waifu. I will put the rest up for adoption. I will be the savior of the white race. You're welcome.
Yeah. But it's not just Germanistan. The same situation or worse is real in France, Swedistan, Britain, Belgium. Same violence and hard hand against the own people of the right, same brainwashed liberal masses, same police state, same mass immigration, same islamization, same treacherous government and no hope in sight. EUSSR isn't really a meme anymore. It really isn't.
I know some people who lived under communism. They say it's happening again.
These are not white Hispanics. Mauro Mujica here, CEO of US english is a white hispanic. So are Christina Aguilera, Jorge Ramos and Cameron Diaz.
>Calls genetics racist
Nigga what?
We could've had that 20 years ago if the Hart-Celler act never passed.
All of them have little to no Amerindian ancestry.
South africa
That's why Trump should repeal our immigration act and make one that favors Europeans. Reagan let in some slavs during the 80s so they can flee from the USSR. We really should do the same but for the entirety of Europe and even Anglo countries.
So genocide.
Make Hispanics white and we're back to where we used to be.
Do you really think a bunch of hispanics and niggers could out smart whites? White people are fucking great at organizing, all niggers would do is chimp out in the streets.