its nigger hate time everybody!!!!
Nigger hate thread
I hate niggers. Niggers are the cancer of the human race and will do nothing but bring anguish and destruction to any area they dwell.
Niggers can't swim.
Oh, thank you, I had only the end.
go to and for this no need to create a thread for this
There is always need for a nigger thread.
he couldnt even do a proper kick, the thing probably only weighs like a pound and he couldnt even kick it more than 3 feet.
But why? These websites are so much better and can red pill very easily
>no need to create a thread for this
yes there is
it's both to share the fun with everybody and to redpill the constant flow of redditfugees
Anyone got the webm/gif of the skinny little cuck white guy that relaxs around the pack of blacks as he walks down the sidewalk near them, yawns to show that he is pretending to be calm and cool around these chimps and then gets sucker punched?
It is the ultimate around blacks never relax tutorial video.
>its nigger hate time everybody!!!!
everybody's favorite time
These threads are optimal for red pilling newfags. Quit shilling.
This. These threads serve a very important purpose, especially with the influx of new traffic.
Kek. Never seen this one.
niggers are just fascinated by fire no matter if it's drugstores burning or their neighbor
Those who doth not value oneself, doth not value others.
What's happening here? Bleeding in the brain?
t. nigger
you can't fool me with your fancy platitudes
A black surgeon saves your life. What do you say? Pick one of the following:
A: Nigger!
B: Thanks
C: Don't know
>Drive hours on end to support your family
>Have one stop left before you can start heading home
>Boss is mad because you're late, can't get past streets shut down by riots
>Decide to get out of your truck
>Hear the sounds of north american pavement apes closing in all around you
>the last thing you see as your life fades away is a retard in a white shirt performing some kind of bastardized tribal war dance cause he smashed your head in after already having been incapacitated
Wtf??? Wtf was that??
Is a black surgeon more valuable to society than a slutty white chick?
How should we treat white people when they become the minority in the US in 2050?
fucking kek that was great
wow, evil
B, black people following respectable career paths as opposed to gangbanging is something to be commended.
>How should we treat white people when they become the minority in the US in 2050?
nigger please...
when whites are a minority you shits will still be at the bottom of the pile.
I'm confused. Are you racist or not?
Thanks doctor.
There's a big difference between a black person and a nigger that you don't seem to understand.
You are fake news
I've seen so many statistics and videos of niggers at this point I wouldn't know whether he saved my life to get my bank account information or not while keeping scalpels close at hand
the question you should ask is who will take care of black people when whites become a minority?
Couldn't upload this webm for some reason. Said "cannot upload audio". I've never had that error before...
Blacks fear water and dogs
build a moat and draw bridge, you will never get home invaded
you've got some typos and image errors. find or make a better meme
I thank him. What the fuck else would you do? A black man making good, respectable life choices deserves no scorn.
Fucking pussy motherfucker! Unbelievable how they lack the mental capacity for empathy...
There's racist and then there's being a retard
Flame ON!
>Blacks fear water and dogs
>and dogs
Huh. Maybe this is why our ancestors developed a kinship with doggos. Makes one ponder.
Oh yeah and what's the difference then?
Oh don't you worry, if the doctor doesn't rob your money, the hospital/government certainly will.
u/[deleted]Sep 21, 2016, 5:13 AM
how much I hate niggers. I Just got back from Walmart was picking up some food...I went to check out and was paying with my discover card which has an American flag on it, well the machine wasn't reading the card...Well apparently food stamp cards look like my credit card so the lovely fat Negress behind the counter..talking so loudly like niggers do, said "you probly aint got no mo money on you ebt card shuga" I looked at her and said "what!" She replies "yo food stamps" i said "no its a credit card"...she says "you aint got to lie shuga we all hurtn now a days"..I looked at her and handed her my card and said "see the top it says D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R not free hand out card"..she ran it on her end and it went through..All I'm getting at is that nigger culture which has been the same for years is now seeping more than ever into white culture I'm proud of the fact i have good credit and a nice place to live and a nice car I have pride in the things i own but now it seems no matter what race you are its the social norm to accept handouts and be lazy.GOD DAMN IT WHAT HAPPENED TO WHITE PRIDE!! I see it all the fucking time whites with food stamps when my wife was in college she worked at a circle k gas station..she would come home and tell me about how people would come in and buy 20 bucks worth of candy with there food stamps whites acting the same as the Mexicans..and it breaks my fucking heart to see this whites being complacent with there shity lives they stay drunk and smoke weed and hang out with blacks and Mexicans and blare rap from there speakers and it fucking kills we as a white race are so much better than this...Fuck wake up white people are race is fucking dead(im aware im preaching to the choir cut me some slack im venting)if we keep this up!!!! god damn-it .
nice flag
I heard MLK was anti-niggerish behavior, anti-jazz, etc. Wanted integration but also though blacks had to behave white as best they could.
I swear to god, my dogs fucking hate black people and black people are terrified every time they see me walking my dogs.
Went to school in the US...every black guy from island nations had no idea how to swim...
Even niggers hate niggers
haven't seen this posted a long time
good credit
tells us blacks are seeping into whites
why the cat no scratch her
A true white racist would berate a black surgeon who saved their life - just shows the absurdity of racism.
He's more valuable to black society, and his people should give him exclusive mating rights with hordes of select high-IQ black females in order to elevate his race. Gotta breed the stupidity out of blacks somehow.
Thats what I call Rock n Roll!!
your dog is redpilled