Hey Sup Forums, do you think it is possible to advocate on behalf of not destroying the planet, but still be a right wing nationalist?
Right Wing Ecology?
It seems that much of the environmental movement since the 1970s has been hijacked by leftists/globalists to handicap some countries while boosting others. How can we change this?
Black Pigeon Speaks is just that, although he doesn't bring up the environment often.
But we do need to stop thinking about the issue in terms of climate change and more in terms of efficient use of natural resources. I do think preserving the natural environment is important, but only insofar as it benefits humans and only insofar as what we have solid evidence of measures we can take that work.
Of course, being right-wing, I also don't think it's an issue for governments to be tackling. This is something best left to private corporations, much like everything else
By doing enviornmental stuff
Almost everyone that does homesteading / organic farming / permaculture type shit is a right wing white christian heterosexual.
e.g. Help on reforestations, Have a biodiverse garden and grow fruit & veggies yourself, have a bee hive, collect trash and so on. Go wild. And as you met others you can just be yourself and show you are rightwing. Enviornmentalism should not follow any political wing.
Because the sum of right wing climate science is "carbon credits are gay, so the climate is changing naturally"
I would say the majority of right wing people are very supportive of keeping the environment clean and beautiful. The issue of disagreement is carbon.
Who else has bees? Warre hive here
environmental fascism NOW
>t. china
Sure thing bud bring proof next time of how a trace gas in our atmosphere is a problem but fukushima spilling out for what years wasn't a problem for the ocean.
Preserving the environment is important if you want your progeny to experience the wonders of nature that you had. Do you really want all whites living in some urbanized concrete blocks a few hundred years in the future?
You're not really arguing with me. The ability to take nature hikes and spend time farming, shit like that, it's all a benefit to humanity. I just don't think we need to get autistically hung up over whether some endangered Madagascar bug that is absolutely useless to mankind goes extinct or not