SD is the worst party in Sweden.
They haven't said anything about re-migration/repatriating immigrants since 2016, when their financial spokesman said something about a need to stop asylum seekers and repatriating people.
They seem like a serious party from the start , but they are a bunch of frauds.
Fuck this shit.
Fuck "assimilating" shitskins.
Worst party in Sweden
Other urls found in this thread:
It's almost like they're intentionally hiding their power-level
>denouncing Nordfront as a terrorist organization
Yeah, pretty good, huh?
Is there any hope at all left for the North? You guys are getting hammered into the ground.
Also, fuck (((civic))) nationalism
post passport with timestamp pls
Jimmy åkercuck even said INTEGRATION
press F
civil war
How else do you expect them to attract moderate voters?
all you have to do to become swedish is adopt swedish culture.
How are you supposed to "hide you powerlevel" and then steamroll moderate voters by saying "JK ETHNONATIONALISM" lol.
Shit is spiraling out of control either way, Kasselstrand said this in his podcast.
they don't need to attract moderate viewers because shit will be so fucked up in time ANYWAY.
And now they are cucking out by misjudging the situation at hand.
>how steamroll moderate voters by saying "JK ETHNONATIONALISM"
mostly through false flag attacks and massive propaganda campaigns.
Bump, im angry
>swedish culture
But I thought one of your government ministers said Swedes have no culture? Wat do?
they are they only best hope for sweden currently
I really doubt mattias "apologizing to expo" karlsson is going to make the necessary changes.
Their rhetoric is very worring because I don't know if they are serious or not.
if they are indeed serious and they are going to LARP as 1970's sossar, we are so fucked.
They openly can't say 1488 shit.
Softening your stance on controversial issues to attract a more mainstream audience is commonplace in many parties. Once you're in power on the other hand, you're often free to progressively change your tune.
They're not perfect, but the best we've got right now in terms of standard representative democracy/parliamentary options.
>expecting any mainstream party to say that
donald trump didnt even say that
You have my sympathies, Swedish bro.
Hang on to what little civilization you have as your nation dies and withers away like the dry grass on the Viking burial mounds near Uppsala.
((((((Ekeroth)))))) is a soviet jew.
Just so happens, he had harsher rhetoric than the rest of the idiots in the inner circle
We have to organize or creat some softer version of Nordfront.
relevant podcast in swedish
As in demanding they "integrate". As in deporting fucking criminals. As in denying citizenship to leeches. As in just provoking muslims and getting an excuse to send them far, far away.
Uppsala Högar is doing alright, thank you. The grass was green when I last visited a few weeks ago.
Why don't you give him and his party a change?
He just got kicked out btw.
They supported Trump and when he called out Sweden. They also want 90% less immigration. They are among best right parties with FPO and Wilders and LN.
From where?
It is stupid to believe this situation can be rectified through politics. The system is built by the current leaders in a way that prevents them from ever losing power.
The only change in society can be through violent uprising, we need a stockholm bloodbath 2 only this time most of the city has to go instead of a few nobles.
They want to stop immigration even.
but they refuse to talk about deportations.
This is not acceptable.
From the party, he slapped someone at a bar, lol
What are you waiting for?
State of Sweden 2017:
When is the revolution in Sweden? Stop hesitating, the movements are there. Organize and Establish.
My hunters license
f! is the only redpilled party
With those records Ekeroth could be a mayor of Stockholm, said Jussi Halla-aho, referrering to our mayor of Helsinki who has violent background
I ask you the same.
Bonus points for being a rabid zionist.
it's a shame as well, because he was an okay orator.
I envy you, binland.
Pretty simple. The election's next year. Sure, Jimmie could blow his load now but it would be forgotten by the time it matters. For Jimmie to have had any use of going full Duerte, our PM must have called for snap elections, or gotten a vote of no confidence.
On integration, it's about stripping them from their culture, making Sweden unbearable to live in. They want to live in their enclaves, receiving free gibs. It's no silver bullet but a stepping stone that fits within Medel Svensson's tolerance for such things. sure he's not just a cuck?