FUCK IT. im almost done caring about this shit. the liberals have won. just fuck it. they win. its time to face reality the cancer has already spread too far to make a recovery. communism is going to win.
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ruining your country is winning? doesn't sound like victory to me.
You are weak. This is a fight for our lives. Communism starts with our deaths.
>black blocs being loud like they've been for decades means communism is going to win
how new are you?
They literally pull this shit every g20
Bring some trucks of peace.
Problem solved.
You think that's bad, just wait and see what happens next
lol fuck off real countries will just shoot them if they get too upitty
Who gives a shit if the win a shithole? Fall back and win the war.
Enjoy the decline, faggot.
The best revenge is living well.
He just got off the boat
They are not communists. Just some liberals and violent hooligans using ideology as an excuse for violence. They don't actually care about reaching any political goal. Note how they burn indiscriminately mostly prole cars and housing.
They are not winning it's the opposite and you are a weak minded scum.
In Europe, yes. Europe is fucked, and it won't get better until it collapses. There's still a shimmer of hope in the U.S., but it may not last long.
translation for those who don't speak german:
What are paid protestors?
If you don't think a majority of those people are paid shills, then you don't know Jack
LOL "Fight Capatalism" Yes great that way the elites can sit at the top while we all get a monthly stipend that allows us to stand in lines for shit food.
What does the big sign say? I don't speak sandscript.
antifa trying to pretend he's not
>in germany
surprise surprise.
It's like this every time they make those gathering. I don't know why they don't make them in isolated places, my guess is that they are doing it on purpose.
they came to my city in 2001 and left it a warzone, there were also deaths if i'm remembering correctly.
The liberals lose practically every election nowadays here in the U.S. outside of small localities in super blue areas.
In the U.S. the liberals have FAR from won. They're losing control of the culture every single day and it's devastating them to the point that they can't even reorganize their platform and win. Here in the U.S. we're fine for now but need to keep winning in the future, Western Europe however the liberals have practically won
Why would anyone want to fight capitalism? Say what you will about American education, but what do they think will happen in a gibs economy? See Venezuela.
oh that makes it ok then
Whenever I see huge gatherings of people like this in a huge line I imagine an A10 strafing it right up the middle and I get all warm inside
>fuck it
Great point really made me think
They pull this shit every time and every time they get more unpopular.
They are about as far away from winning as they could possibly be
The event is hosted in this city for exactly that reason, to maximize the amount of riots.
>people that doesn't know anything and have loads of freetime protesting
pick one
For anyone that actually reads the news, you'd know this is bull shit. The libtards haven't won jack shit.
If you kill your country it wins
Don't ever give up, fucking commies will never win so long as we live
>in hamburg
I can understand the confusion.
>The world is Ending!
>For an end of violence!
The last line is particularly ironic.
Lol. No my friend.
We're winning.
>Just some liberals and violent hooligans using ideology as an excuse for violence.
a.k.a. commies
If liberals actually got what they wanted, they'd be the first to face the firing squads. The elite know this, so they are obsessed with keeping society balanced on the edge of a knife. Donald Trump wasn't part of the plan. The left has broken free of its leash and the elites are in full panic mode, as they haven't had time to adapt and move the overton window back towards the right to compensate.
dont worry trucks of peace are being readied
Whats up with the Angry Birds font
They will literally change nothing with these meaningless chimpouts.
Thanks. That helped. MORALE RESTORED.
I was pointing out that American public education is not great, but at least we learn the basics of different types of economic systems.
The left won in Europe when they let in thousands of Muslims.
Fuck you, you defeatist piece of shit. They'll never win so long as me and mine are fighting them.
Theresa May has no power over me, only the ony true Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) can judge me.
I highly doubt that the trail of destruction behind them makes people want communism. They are not even close to winning since they make themselves look worse every single time they have a chimpout.
How European of you.
> communism wins
try harder next time
This is just the culmination of decades of cultural and societal decay. Expect things like this to become more and more common as the years go on.
I'm also coming to the conclusion that we've lost. This isn't going to have an adverse effect on the left in anyway. Trump will still be seen as unquestionably evil, we'll still be derided for being violent and dangerous. The left will keep their moral highground.
On the bright side at least Islam will do to them what we've been too scared to do when it eventually becomes dominant in the West.
Openly communist protestors. Wow. Our commies have to protest behind front organizations like lgbt or BLM.
Whenever you get sad about the state of the world, just imagine an A10 BRRRTing all of your problems away
Simple fix....let em all starve to death and kill eachother
Kill them faggot
where's a mg42 in 7.92 when you need it ?
Classic commies
Stop being a defeatist.
They may take our lives, but they will never take our... yeah who am i kidding we are pretty fucked
Every one of them has a different gripe. They have no action plan or goal just standing and trashing. They have won nothing but a shower..
Fucking insanity. I still can't believe there are people that think this way.
This will happen anyway.
>what is bohemian grove
This is just a massive gathering of the unemployed population gathering in one spot in Europe to pretend they are something. If you cucks would just grow a spine and organize something it wouldn't take long until you had just as large of a group. hey, who I am to judge defeatism is the new hip trend in Europe.
Not dead.
Not red.
Dead reds.
Are you with me?
>despair trolling
>UN flag
you don't seem to understand what the red flora and/or anarcho-communism is about
All you would have to do is just find a way to stop these criminal groups from being funded...
the moral of the story is that riot tourists from across europe descend upon every big summit, smash and burn some shit, and then go back to being completely powerless and irrelevant once the weekend is over.
Whats solutions you propose ''2 posts by this id''
What did they mean by this?
Happened in Toronto, Pittsburgh and London just to name a few off the top of my head. This is nothing new and it's mainly frequented by the downtrodden and more importantly, the most special among us that want to let out some angst in a semi controlled environment, for their safety as well.
>liberals have won and liberalism is communism
Neophyte, this 8k protestors isn't shit and doesn't signify communism even gaining ground. There were bigger worker's riots and strikes/walk outs in the US 100 years ago.
Why don't you fucking shoot them + using lethal gas
This how we deal with angry and violent protests here and it's quite effective
so commies?
This didn't even happen recently, but a few years back I was eating breakfast, and my mother who grew up in communist, hermit Godless Albania, who fucking loathes the communist system with all her passions said "These people deserve the Hoxha treatment".
For those blissfully unaware of what that could mean, well anything from Hung from a street lamp, shot in the street, end up in a work camp where some deranged village faggot rapes you every night after 16 hours of mining, or just end up gone. No trace that you or your family ever existed.
What is communism and why is it bad?
Can someone answer this?
>UN flag
>EU flag
any post by these two has a funny (((scent))) to it
they do this in know commie cities in purpouse to increase the "security of the state" in those nations, so comunism
Ze final von.
You're still weak minded and weak willed, UN shitposter. Get on the truck and don't give up till we win.
>over 100 officers wounded
>somehow only 29 people arrested
Why is Germany cucking its police so hard? Are they walking around with pink dildos as their means of defense?
>Germans en mass calling for authoritarianism
It hasn't even been 100 fucking years. I guess we're doing this again.
They are controlled opposition. Notice they are referred to as anti-globalist when it couldn't be further from the truth.
I wish, but I will defend the reasoning for not doing it as well. It sets a precedent.
If you did it once, you can do it twice, thrice and many more times to come.
I personally don't mind though, I think we should make an exception to these deranged losers and have phalanx cops walk through the streets in formation cracking skulls. Just this once.
Maybe this time we can back the right side.
This is the beginning of the end for them, user. The reason the right stays it's hand is because the response is brutal and final. Let it not be said that we are not gracious and merciful.
WTF is wrong with the left, what the fuck is wrong with this people.
"Hurray, the world is ending. For ending violence!" might come a bit closer to a correct translation. I don't speak arabic that well, so there might be some small mistakes.
>The left will keep their moral highground.
lolno, turning white countries into brown shitholes because you hate the racists who live there more is extremely immoral. The battle will be for white hearts and minds on this issue in the next couple of decades.
you what?
Communism already won.
The whole point of this new impetus heralded chiefly by the advent of Trump is that now they are in retreat and we are rising. But this is a cultural battle. They won't just disappear. It may be the case that 2 generations of Europeans are all but lost.
Only the few redpilled autistes will rise up against the hoards of Antifa, anti-capitalist and anarchist golems. We must put our faith in Generation Z. From their font a hero will come.
no, they're not going to win. conservatives will be spared and the blood of the communist kuffar will pave the streets. inshallah
Relax nazicucks, u aint doin anything bout it neway
Spreading hopelessness, you must be an undercover antifa/commie.
Do you think you win by giving up? A few men can do great things, all you need is willpower and determination.
This sentiment is truly counterproductive.
LOL You right wingers will NEVER be able to pull something like this off. Fucking pathetic.
Why are nazis so lazy that getting out their bed and fighting for their suppose '''''land''''' is too much work for them so they let the left take over?
Face it, you've lost.
Yup and there is documentary also
all you have to do is shoot them you fucking coward
stop being a little bitch
Nice shilling there. Good goy.