I'm in the middle of communist riots in Hamburg schanze Schulterblatt, AMA
Screenshot because File ist too big
I'm in the middle of communist riots in Hamburg schanze Schulterblatt, AMA
Screenshot because File ist too big
dont fucking pillage stores you fucking untermensch
post anything you can. are people being arrested in mass yet? do you see any muslims involved in the rioting?
Fellow Hamburgfag here, thought about looking up the scenery myself tomorrow. What are you doing yourself m8? Just looking around or actually pillaging and vandalizing like some subhuman?
Be honest OP did you steal something from that store?
Not me, I'm just documenting the communists who are wearing Nike and North face
there's nothing to ask ,you made your bed ,time for a last lead meal and eternal dream of nongender gommunist utopia .
Ihr Vollidioten habt zuviel Zeit... ab ins Arbeitslager mit euch... zu nix zu gebrauchen!
>Nike and North face
oppose oppressive conditions
>buy slave labor items
I want to go but I'm from Oldenburg and have no car... go kick one of those fuckers in the shins from me.
Let it burn. All of it. Germany needs to burn.
Maybe THEN the "Men" will stand up
There are some hot commie chicks tho...
Stade reporting in. I'm drunk, good luck!
> men
> germany
> men
> germany
> men
> germany
Literally SVEN TIER cuck numale faggots, I hope every single German burns in the hottest hell, fuckin scum of the Earth.
do us a favor and stab a tleast 5 antifa cunts in the back of their lungs and kill them in the dark of the night .perfect opportunity op .
tell me more, jealous idiot :)
>Being attracted to non humans
Bestiality is degenerate user.
> be a fucking faggot also known as slave enabler of turkish migration
> wagecuck your life away so turk can get some gibs
> and mudslimes in general
> get on pol
> click the dropdown, select "Nazi Flag"
> obergrupenfuhrer status - achieved
Kill yourself, schwule kraut faggot.
how does it feel to be a nigger, OP?
More pics, faggot. MORE. And fuck you for pillaging like a nigger. I heard it was a REWE and some perfume shop.
These fuckers have taken over a big building in the middle of city and the socialist government of Hamburg does nothing about it, now it's their stronghold, I'm from Iran, if we do something like this they shoot us point blank
didnt even read, but ur country fought with us ww2 lol be lucky we didnt killed ur whole family timeline
>didnt even read
Oh yes you did you Turk slave faggot, you can talk shit all you want on pol, larp with your fucking Faggotzi flag, but reality is...
Achmed > you
Habibi > you
Kill your self - faggot.
Are you embracing the police state yet? Because mommy Merkel will rub her hands while ordering you to obey and accept diversity.
jealous... just jealous... u know i dont have to work in my country and would still earn more then ull do now?
please let antifa destroy the whole fucking city, its a good redpill and hamburg sucks anyways
Now they are tear gassing us, communists have run away, I'm keeping the ancap position
take care. special force incoming
The water cannons dont get through the Schulterblatt Bridge, I take photos and drink cider, my eyes are burning, communists are retards
Are they even allowed to have live ammo?
You get arrested for facebook posts but 90% of Antifa terrorists can run around freely here.
fill a super soaker with gasoline
what do you think?
looks like halo
Knowing germoney, probably nerf rounds
where are you now? police is rushing