Do white people deserve genocide?
Do white people deserve genocide?
Should we try to stop deserving genocide or just wait to die in a state of degenerate pleasure?
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Only if after gassing the kikes they still show cuck-ish behaviors.
Instead of having rational talks with their children, white people mostly go full rhetoric and cause their children to be attracted to the forbidden black fruit.
You want to get more white babies, don't be so crazy hardcore fucker. Explain why you have blacks, don't just spew out fucking nigger x10000 times
Whites deserve genocide based off their genes. It's inherent to The White Condition. Just stop breeding and surrender your lands. Go the way of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.
>assuming that jews are white
The funny thing is, if white people die off about 95% of non-east asians are going with us. Who do you think is feeding all the shitskins?
They build beautiful things but pathological altruism, complete ignorance about race and giving women voting rights is what will destroy everything they've worked so hard on to build. If they can't fix their shit in a few years then they deserve to go extinct.
Yes and nature is doing its job of natural selection. White inferior race is going to die a suicidal death at the hands of their own women.
Natgeo is reaching new heights
Germans, Canadians, and swedes: yes
Everyone else: No
Also Slavs are the warrior caste of white people, show some respect.
Yeah, pretty much. Chosen people are the only people worth a damn. Fucking goyim...
Its the Jews who have actually built the west. From polio vaccination to breaking the atom, all thanks to the Jews. Whites are too dumb and only act as tools of the intelligent Jew. White are barely above Nigs.
But now new minorities which are even smarter than the Jews are emerging.
These new minorities along with the Jews can run the world just fine.
White are quite disposable. Although their inflated egos do not let them see it yet.
No more than any other people.
Indiginous Europeans don't deserve to be genocided.
America is a melting pot however.
Nope. Whites are what we call human. The idea of empathy, reason, justice, etc. Everything good about people is most commonly manifested in white men. With no white men around, this world will wither.
So is muh dick
No, assuming by ''white'' you mean all people of European origin. Western Europeans should be genocided though.
no, everyone else does
No it won't. Whites are just tools of the real creators of the west i.e. Jews. Jews can work with other races just fine. Whites are getting too cocky for their own good. Plus white women really increasingly prefer non-white breeding.
Whites can't even survive 35 minutes in the sun without frying like pigs. Whites are worthless tools who have outlived their utility. It time for great replacement.
Thank me later user
>the real creators of the west i.e. Jews.
Bretty revolting
You gay, son?
Jews look at the Nobel prize winners, Bankers, Media and entertainment leaders, Tech innovators etc etc. Jews are the real creators everywhere. White are just leaches, sucking up all that Jewish achievement as their own. Whites are barely above the nig nogs.
Even the Asians beat whites in the dust. Jews and Asians are going to be the new masters of this planets. Whites have to go now.
If by gay you mean humanity regressing to some baboon-esque form, then yes, I'm gay af.
If we let some faction genocide us for a bit, do we get the right to cry about it and denounce others as privileged?
Whites are the true Warrior Race.
Go ahead and try weakfags
Goku was Saiyan tho
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Sure....But the ones genociding whites are White women who refuse to have babies and go fuck other races.
So sure whites can whine on and on about how their white mommies genocided them.
Whites have no one else but white women to blame.
Saiyans were designed after the white race. Akira Toriyama stated this himself.
That's pretty cool, but isn't that just a backhanded way of calling us power monkeys? Still, Saiyans are cool. Yeah.
Stereotype confirmed.
And no, if you genocide white people you genocide civilization as a whole
My cousin told me she hated black people, freshly legal, i'm expecting a more than generous head of sheep in return
Even the savior and lord of whites is a Jew called Jesus. Whites would not be saved if not for this Jew.
Jews created the civilization while using whites merely as tools.
Whites claiming to have created civilization is like a cow claiming that it created McDonalds.
>white women
>not the shitskin menace
I'd much rather get rid of shitskins and not have to worry about them coming back again like hemorrhoids.
Germans do.
>believing miscegenation is the cause of white decline
Keep dreaming, negro. White women are more loyal than white men. By the way, all the white women you jack off to on BLACKED demand extra money for fucking you savages.
I sometimes wonder if these subhumans will pull their heads out of their asses but then I remember the white man has been trying for hundreds of years to do it for them.
White people conquered the world and had mastery of planet and our very selves in our grasp, and then we traded it all away for some bait and switch. Multiculturalism.
White people are gullible fuckheads, you can't save a group of people who aren't willing to save themselves.
I am not a Nig nog. And I never said that miscegenation was the only reason for the decline of whites. Its just one of the reasons. White women refusing to have babies is also one of the reasons. Read my comment again----The inherent white laziness is another reason.
When a population demographic of 50% or higher is the target of genocide, and is considered, or considers itself, to be losing, it may be deserved. There's no excuse for losing that.
Problem is, globalism makes defending yourself extremely unpopular. (No guns, minorities or non-white majorities are never criminals, etc) so there is some degree of biding time and waiting for the other side to make the first obvious move, or to be one of the smarter countries that doesn't let it happen to begin with.
Survival of the fittest baby. If you're not tough enough, get fucked. Or not since you're here.
>gullible fuckheads
You mean naive as in naive to think subhumans could be reasoned with.
No, whitey is just done working to the bone for subhumans to enjoy not being cannibalized or raped like in their homelands.
All humans deserve genocide.
It's simply a matter of who is willing to fight back.
What the fuck? He has 2 ass cracks.....
Lol yeah jews look like that. Okay bud
Most of them, yes.
We'll after the dust has settled this is eugenic. The remnant that survives will be stronger. Strong enough to start again.
"We are beating the alt-right nazis mom, ive found their secret hideout XXDDD"
What are you talking about?
I wish this never happened, I wish the west stayed strong.
But instead our parents generation completely capitulated to globalist.
Pretty common among the whites.
That's a fair statement, but whites are actually perpetrating their own genocide for the benefit of their competitors, with is unheard of in nature.
Wonder what Darwin would think of a species of lion that decided to feed themselves to the hyenas.
>meanwhile in reality
What the fuck is this map of. It doesn't say anything anywhere. This is how you retard make your point. Throwing random data without any explanation?
Another reason for whites to be gone.
Obesity rates
niggas love dat der fried chicken boy
>straight crushing it
Talks like a nigger while bragging about white people
Jesus wasn't white you lowtier shitfag
Anyone that thinks the Jews are a race. Is retarded.