When will homophobes grow up?
When will homophobes grow up?
Wasn't he joking?
This where Peter Parker makes the departure from Spider-man the super hero to "Spider-man" The horrific serial killer rapist.
Then make a new comic with a different character dog that ain't what Spodermuns about
somehow I find it hard to believe
When will homosexuals stop trying to brainwash children into being gay?
I don't know. He's married to Mary Jane!!! OMG!!!!!
It was just Andrew Garfield trying to express his own gayness. Now he's 'a gay man in everything but the act' aka he's a fag who won't have gay sex
This nigga got it word is bond cos, besidess spudermaynneeds to stay canon!
They fuckin up the dark tower series the same way . How's Roland gonna have the conflict with that wheelchair bitch in book 3?
Well, comic books ARE for faggots, OP
you mean michelle jones. Pic relatex, its MJ
After Hacksaw Ridge I thought he's cool
>why can't we
The movie would flop, increase dislike of faggots and their agenda pushing, and Jews hate losing money with zero gain?
He's Canadian? I thought he was British.
Never in nature has there been a homosexual spider. Nor a spider been observed engaging in homoerotic behaviors.
Next few years and this will happen, anyone that thinks otherwise isn't paying attention.
It's a gradual desensitization.
what the fuck is that shit edition.cnn.com
Archive or screenshot please
He claims to be gay because he binged watch RuPauls Drag Race. LGBBQs are pretty pissed.
>Be me, spiderman
>Swinging through New York or wherever on the lookout for crime
>Suddenly hear the high pitched shriek of a woman, swing in closer to investigate
>Its a young white woman, surrounded by a pack of feral negro gentlemen
>One tackles her to the ground and begins tearing at her clothing
>Swing down and shoot webs at the negroids, making one of them stuck to a nearby lampost
>"-Stick- around fellas, the real funs about to start!"
>Lower myself upside down to the restrained negroids crotch level
>Use my spider tongue to extricate his large phallus from his underwear
>Furiously begin to fellate him, taking him all the way inside my mouth
>Release his comrades and let them gangbang me in order to vent their sexual urges so they won't have to rape anyone again
Maybe they could do a joint universe with captain sweden, where they tackle crime by sucking and fucking it away.
He apparently became christian after that role and the one in silence. He is ethnicly jewish tho.
>why can't this character who enjoyed fucking many women for decades suddenly be gay
>by the way being gay is not a choice
what do they mean by this?
So says the actor from the most abhorrent installment of the greatest super hero franchise ever. Seriously so far off script, Im surprised that they didnt make him a nig-spic named Yards Yameniz or something even more jewy.
>straight criminals are too scared to commit crime in fear of forced to fuck or get fucked by homo superheroes
If the movies get that far they'll introduce an evil white racist who gets promptly btfo by nigger man followed by a 30 minute interracial sex scene
"His paternal grandparents were from Jewish immigrant families who had moved to London from Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, and Romania), and the family surname was originally "Garfinkel"."
Sup Forums is always right
I'm not so sure it will, they could have successfully pushed faggots, but including trannies has permanently tarnished their stance. There is a significant push back now, people are fed up with the pandering to a statistically non-existent mentally ill portion of the population.
i wanna know why mel gibson made this faggot the lead actor in hacksaw ridge
Why should he be?
>have sex with the thing that had them be born
>being grown ups
They must still think they are in the garden. Led down a garden path? They're not. And it's their sex that has them try so hard to not see any of this. No wonder Christ never came in that manner nor participated in it
Ja Goyim, listen to the good OP
Don't forget muh 6 goryllion
Who gives a fuck if he's not gay?
Do super heroes get super aids? Full out grids on the first poz load
Ja goyim let us organise thru females and not have a board that hates the male gender and those who shun our precious females. Always grab them. Always do ass cancerous nofap misinterpreting Onanism. Ignore our new super gonorrhea and isis cults. And listen to out shekinah hoax. And circumcise yourselves. And ignore all the fags all around you even in the bible and ignore the requirements on the 144,000 and ignore woe unto them bearing children etc
I have always thought that spiderman was totally gay so I don't see why not
Fucking do it SJWs. It's time for childhood to die and RWDS to begin.
Why project your insecurities onto everything? Spiderman doesn't need to be gay so you can relate to him, shallow unempathic fuck.
Remember, this faggot was dating Emma Stone but got cucked out of his life by Ryan Gosling, who is actually an adult male, not a little cuckold beta boy.
Now Emma is an A-list actor, and this little puffy faggot is talking about "exploring his sexuality" and "I'm gay but without the physical act". What a little confused faggot. Cuck archetype to the max.
Dude, don't be such an antisemite
Not cool
There is no such thing as a homophobe!
Nobody has an irrational fear of faggots.
Replace the false fear with real disgust and
call us homoloathers.
No. He said this when they were filming Amazing Sony Man 2. This shit was all over kikebook, thinking that Spider-Man will be a progressive queer until Stan Lee himself said that it was bullshit.
When faggots admit they have a mental illness.
The New Spiderman is drilling for oil. why the fuck is Garfield complaining he got to fuck Emma stone because he land the role
absolutely subversive
topher Gauk roger? lol what a feg , u can't make this shit up. hollywood: where the men are fags and the women are men