If you had to pick one race to live with while your group is in the minority, which would you pick?
Japs desu
If Slavs count as a race, then Slavs. They would be easy to assimilate with and once you learn the language most people would just think of you as a fellow Slav. If they don't count, then probably East Asians. They might treat you badly but they won't randomly attack or kill you for your skin color.
Asians ofc
Any non Muslim indians
Asians hands down
they fucking hate everyone else too
Japanese. No question.
This At least they sort of respect Europeans and still hate niggers. Although I'd advocate leaving their women alone out of respect.
>muh dik
wiggers and sex tourists are a blight on both our races.
I'm brown, and I'd rather be around whites.
Who wouldn't? honestly
africa awaits you. niggerlover
I'd prefer to be around Japs. Whites are degenerate, ultra leftist cucks.
Japan or Finland
The Sami
half of whites sure
and half of asians are commie scum
every race has a shit-tier
the japanese
Pretty much any non-brown Asian.
>templar flagfag is brown
what a surprise, THIS is who makes those (((christian))) threads everyone
Argonians or Vulcans but I am pretty impartial to NASCAR
Not me whitey smells like wet dog
this, the black man MUST avoid the white man