Are you ready for 60% unemployment?
Are you ready for 60% unemployment?
Great news. That means we can guiltlessly round up the thirty or forty million illegal aliens present here on U.S. soil, that got here by hopping the border or overstaying their visas, and ship them back to their nation of origin in the blink of an eye.
>Stop blaming immigrants for taking your jobs, bigots! It's the robots who are taking them!
>By the way we need millions more immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't
>robots are taking over unskilled jobs
>continually push to mass import millions of unskilled migrants
does no one even think about what they say?
"Unskilled Jobs"
Learn how to service the machines that are building robots.
Well, as long as we have fully automated luxury gay space communism
So once 60% people are unemployed what stops them from voting for party banning automation and declaring coders "enemy of the people"?
>immigrants do jobs Americans are too lazy to do
>robots do the jobs Americans want to do
How do we solve this job crisis?
Other countries will embrace automation and take over the county with robot armies.
Probably the fact that it would make more sense to vote to distribute ownership of the robots or products of robotic production more evenly.
the absolute state of horsey's mind
Congrats you now have a country with a ruling class but no normal people in it.
Death to normies. NEETs and Elites win.
>We need immigrants to do the jobs americans won't do.
>People are losing their jobs to robots not immigrants
If that's true then why do the Left continue to want immigration? Where will they work?
OH, wait. I think I have it figured out.
They won't work at all, instead they'll get on welfare (paid for by the Whites who will continue to work) and vote democrat every election, giving the democrats perpetual power.
Am I right?
When mass production gets cheap and the new market gears toward customizable work everyone wins.
>screw turning jobs fucking off at alarming rate
>we must bring in more low skilled labor
They are grossly exaggerating the impact of robotics
Tfw Americans start flooding Mexico for unautomated jobs
Which is it?
I thought factory jobs were already gone and a thing of the past. Seriously though, we need to replace many aspects of medicine with robots to bring the costs down. Diagnostics, basic procedures and enemas.
No they only want the jobs that Americans won't do because we Americans are so lazy and shit...when the gibs are handed out.
This. Robotics aren't the future, ai is, and it will take away office work, not hands on labor.
sadly people are too stupid to understand the economic implications of this. The rich would rather have 90% of the population starve to death than allow the value created by the robots they own to be shared with society.
Learn to program or to farm niche produce or animals
Hahaha, great point.
Thinking about it is racist, import more brown people goy
Doesn't explain the wage depression when illegals flood the market or what happens to their home country when they export workers here. [Spoiler industry never develops due to being floated on income from outside the country ex: El Salvador]
why did I read that
>robots are the ones taking your jobs, not immigrants
So then why do we need immigrants in the first place?
Wel...if a robot can do the job of a American citizen. Then it should kill migration. You can pretty much replace most jobs done by migrants.
So immigrants don't work?
It will be Capitalism still. You can tell this because it will work, won't involve Jews murdering millions of Christians, and it might actually exist.
>The rich would rather have 90% of the population starve to death than allow the value created by the robots they own to be shared with society.
>the robots they own
If the robots are theirs, why should the Labour the robot does, then not belong to the owner?
If a farmer owns an apple orchard, does the apples the orchard produce then belong to the farmer? if he owns a series of apple-picking robots, whom does the apple then belongs to?
Robotic illegal alien exterminator.
>let's ignore the ongoing energy crisis and tell workers that robots are taking over
It's cheaper to hire someone in china than it would be to power and maintain a machine to do the same. The robot meme was invented to pretend like we're not taking advantage of the 3rd world.
So would I. How much of the value someone else creates are you entitled to?
Isn't this an argument AGAINST immigration?
Why keep bringing in immigrants when their jobs are being replaced by robots?
Uh... NO! We need even MORE of them now!
>Robots, not immigrants, are taking American jobs
>but we still need mass third world immigration because we dont have enough workers
Hmm, really diddles my clit.
Not sure why people don't realize this
>problems with large unemployed populations are looming on horizon
>encourage even more people to enter the country
Fascinating, I'm sure they'll all just magically get employed and won't put further strain on the welfare system.
How the fuck do libtards even breathe without assistance?
>robots are taking all the jobs
>we need to take in high numbers of immigrants even though we don't have jobs for them or for ourselves
Get into a trade. people will allways need water and electricity. I've been plumbing for 30 years, and have never been effected by any all. Poeple will pass on new tv and cars when the ecnomy is bad... but they wont pass up on a hot shower or lights.
Then why do we need immigrants?
The dems want them for votes and the republicans want them for cheap labor UNTIL a robot can take their place.
then why do you need immigrants so badly?
Just invest in robot businesses and live off investment income for the rest of your life, it isn't that hard.
Well I guess OP is saying the obvious, we do not need immigration in any capacity due to the rise of automation. Thanks.
>Comparing mass starvation caused by robots doing jobs to apple orchards
I hope youre one of the 90% that starves to death when this finally happens,
population replacement
So robots are taking the jobs the Mexicans took?
Why haven't leftists promoted banning automation or pushed to heavily regulate the amount you can do in a certain amount of time? Because the leftists are all elite assholes that want a slave populace. They want to give you pennies to live on so you don't revolt while they fly around in private jets and yachts offshore to avoid the plebs. And once they succeed, they will do whatever they can to starve the unneeded out.
I automate shit for a living. Most things an average button pusher can do I can generally build a machine to do for less then the price of their yearly wage. Sucks bc I have friends that work at that skill level. No hope in sight for the broom pushers. Good luck low IQ people of the world. If the right in the US continues to fuck up education China will own the US because they both out work and are out automating the US.
>falling for the AI meme
I'd rather know robots are taking dem jeerbs than those jobs feeding filthy mexcrement mouths to breed more mexiniggers.
Every nice city without niggers in the US has disgusting spics ruining it.
Sterilize the poor in exchange for basic income.
Problem solves itself in a generation.
How long till we have cyborg beaners taking jerbs from hardworking illegals and robots? I bet the cyborgs rape more efficiently as well.
This is all the more reason to restrict immigration. What will the millions of Mexicans do when there is no work for them? Is Horsey fuckng stupid or something!
>Are you ready for 60% unemployment?
If that were true, retard, then why do all the large corporations want lost of workers brought in from Mexico?
That is the end of your argument.
am I the only one wondering why this robot has a built in slot machine?
So if Mexicans aren't taking American jobs, does that mean they're all on welfare?
How is that any better?
>Jobs getting taken by slaves
>Bloated welfare state
>Barbarians are pouring inside the country, destabilizing it
>Degeneracy up the ass
>Entertaining the pleb is the elites' main focus, so that they forget about revolting
Hummm... i remember reading about this somewhere, i wonder where.
>rthe right is responsible for Common Core
>the comic
>and the author
opinion safely disregarded
You really have no idea what you are talking about. Robotics and AI are already replacing thousands of jobs in the form of driverless and automated transportation within labs and warehouses, and some markets already have large driverless car transportation markets and the field is still in it's infancy. AI based sorting/packaging machines are already used in Amazon and other large warehousing locations.
We are not even 10 years into having marketfacing and capable multi-purpose AI and it is already taking low skilled work, with white collar work right around the corner.
So if a lot of people are losing their jobs, why import more of them? Especially since the jobs being lost are low skill (for now) and the people immigrating are generally low skill. Really makes you think.
Sales is good if you're a good salesmen who can bend to new trends and products easily, but most people don't have that gift. I knew a guy that would sell super expensive vacuums to poor people. They would shell out the money for them, because that was their nice "toy" instead of a nice car or TV. He also sold roofing and facilitated contracting work for house and roofing damage. There are always storms, insurance payments, and messes to clean. Also protip from him: never do repairs in black places, because blacks spend all the insurance money on TVs and rims and shit and try to jew you out of payment.
Toooooo true. I stick to a specific part of my neighborhood/district in my city to stay away from scum as much as possible. Still plenty of hispanics, but the ones in my neighborhood are generally good folk. Very few blacks, they flock to the ghettos even if they work a decent job in a decent area.
Precisely. Are they not working at all? Ship them the fuck out of here.
Goodness, you're right! Immigrants aren't taking the jobs, robots are!
Better import more immigrants then.
>Just invest in robot businesses and live off investment income for the rest of your life, it isn't that hard.
>implying the working class has disposable income for investing in anything
>the right messing up education
Not at all. It's the leftists messing with common core and not allowing kids in poor overflowing areas to go to school in better areas. You'd think they'd be all for it with their leftist socialist/marxist ideals of redistribution to the poor. The only thing that hard right people want is the freedom to teach abstinence only and not teach evolution. Frankly, evolution is a ridiculously tiny portion of a high school education as it is, and if they want to ignore it in their municipality in their district in their state I think they should have the freedom to leave it out. Sex education should not be mandated by the feds or state in my opinion. Most every where now teaches both safe sex and abstinence and if they are creationist teach both evolution theory and divine creation or whatever it's called. So all in all, the right lost their causes and just want the federal government to fuck the fuck off, allow them freedom in their state and municipality, get rid of common core, and some want to allow the poor kids to join a voucher program (they do already in some places).
>and ship them back to their nation of origin in the blink of an eye.
Bullfuckingshit we should grind them up into gruel. And show these motherfuckers that the US of A is not a pussy nation.
they invented the ox drawn plow
now the unemployment will SKYROCKET
Also the best schools in the country are Catholic schools. Non-catholics are flocking to them like crazy. While many catholics in the north east vote democrat, they are socially just like hard right wing christians. Being private, they create their academic plan on their own and do it better than anyone else.
And while we're at it, we can spend hundreds of millions moving more factories from the US to Mexico!
>in theory robots could take your jobs
>therefore it's happening right now
>therefore there's no such thing as immigration which can also take your jobs
objectively incorrect
The existence of a trade deficit is ipso facto proof of jobs being outsourced to China
Mass immigration and the stagnation of wages is further proof that mass immigration solely exists in order to lower wages.
there's no way to argue against this unless you have a very weak grasp of economics and think that trade is some magical word that denotes "good"
so why is it that mexicans are pouring in then?
is it because of all the robots taking their jobs too?
It seems like you could point out that the robots are stealing jobs from immigrants and get the left to push for a ban on robots.
The belief that automation creates unemployment is debunked by the very existence of the Industrial Revolution.
Automation, objectively, creates jobs by increasing efficiency and production.
Is the Industrial Revolution even taught in schools anymore? It must not be. Probably because all of the inventors were white males.
Oh so that mean full stop in Illegal and regular immigrants.
Solution make robots ilegal deport and them robotkistan
I'd take robots over shitskins anyday
>maintenance won't be impacted by automation
LMAO, get a load of this meatbag.
The problem isn't that automation is taking jobs, the problem is that people aren't creating new jobs. When the plow was invented the people who didn't have to work on tilling the fields moved into other jobs. Instead, now we have a bunch of people sitting around and taking gibs.
Automation creates new jobs, all that's needed is for the people to follow the trends rather than fight them.
If you try to be a peasant working with a hoe rather than a farmer who can operate machinery, you'll indeed be left behind.
People have an image of total automation without humans required to check quality, program, repair, etc. The jobs will change with automation like they always have, and new tech will develop that will likely create lots of opportunity.
>Luddite argument.
Same shit different century. More production means more shit in the market. More shit in the market, means the standard of living goes up. Standard of living going up means people want/can have more shit. This means you need more people to make more shit.
If robots are taking our jobs, why do we need immigrants exactly?
Robots are taking immigrants jobs especially