G20 Protests

Why do you cucks support the elites you claim to hate?
>muh paid protestors
>muh soshalism
>muh jews actually hate capitalism believe me

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>there are only two sides in this

all of the world leaders are at the same place.

if it is organized by anyone it's the jews / Soros wanting to level the playing field and create the New World Order

I bet a kraut is hiding behind that flag.

Or should i say, a germanystani

what are you faggots even protesting? you have zero messaging. are you suddenly against globalization?

Shut down & prevented from speaking
at Diem25 event 2 hours ago

Yes, the proletarians and the bourgeoisie which includes talmudic satanic jewish elites like the rothschilds who control most of the world. Bakunin was redpilled about jews.
They already infiltrated us, they are already controlling us, if you don't know that the leaders are already sockpuppets of the eternal jewish porky then you are bluepilled as fuck.

these types of meetings are literally what you support
multinational elites ruling over a horde of autonomous brown identityless peasants

>All of the world leaders in the same place
>Somehow this is not ALREADY the New World Order

dey be sayin like we mad n sheit dawg

Ringdingding 100 points for team USA

>muh globalism

i hate the elites that are starving the hungry, killing the defenseless, leech off wars etc etc
who do you think is benefiting from the refugee crisis? the jewish capitalist, and how do you end it ? by ripping out the root cause of all problems, the porky(=jew), we need to overthrow them and establish a system that serves the people not fatass goldbergs

I don't support the elites so much as I support seeing you black bloc antifa clowns beaten to death as you beg for your life.

The protests are a defensive smokescreen from the elites.

The mass of retarded leftists children screaming around (and never accomplishing anything) keeps the actual opposition far from them.

the endgame and method of ancoms is NO RULER

>muh jews actually hate capitalism believe me
we have actual stats to back up this claim

what is the actual opposition? the right wing corporatists? porky on steroids? you think revolutions are like tea parties? without violence and brutality? gtfoh
erdocuck and shinzo abe were forced to not attend the concert because they were afraid of the protestors, we have so far achieved more than the capitalists have ever done in the fight against big brother

Yeah, because democrats are literal communists right?

Stop being dumb, burger. Democrats and republicans are literally the same capitalist shit, and the jews are only going where (they think) the money is.

>Antifag eunuchs and fembois took a break from protesting nationalism, calling the AfD Nazis, welcoming refugees, and wishing death on white people to riot against globalism
Not buying it, faggot. Eat a fucking bullet.

Clinton is a capitalist, she is a neo-liberal piece of shit.

>muh globalism

do you know for how long antifa exists? the JWO is anti-egalitarian, and for us egalitarians it is NECESSARY TO SMASH IT TO PIECES



Revolutions require guns and organization. Leftists usually hate both of these things. Real opposition is beyond the left/right dichotomy, the third position lets you see the real (((problem))).

If you think erdogan didnt went to g20 because of a dozen unarmed screaming children you're fucking delusional and understand less politics than an average leftist.

Niggers and junkies smashing windows and vandalising shit isn't a revolution cunt.
Nobody that matters will even see you unless they turn on a TV to laugh at you.
Yeah nah fuck off you degenerate piece of shit.

if Sweden wasn't so pathetic i would say your the most pathetic country on the face of the planet.

But keep going, where theres a will theres a way.

>Revolutions require guns and organization. Leftists usually hate both of these things.
>Leftists usually hate both of these things


These aren't the world leaders they're just the masks.

>keeps the actual opposition far from them
the actual opposition doesn't exist unless you count this bullshit as opposition

No wonder you cucks are so fucking retarded.
>refugees are all doctors
>women are just as good of soldiers as men
They need to be careful or they'll end up shooting themselves.

Jews are just a part of the world order, albeit a very influential one (talmudic satanic clans, rothschilds etc.)

Oh sorry, I forgot, the only *actual opposition* is the muslims

>refugees are all doctors
>women are just as good of soldiers as men

Thats not egalitarianism, thats idiocy

and no counter argument was provided that day

Europe needs islamified ASAP. Muslims know how to handle whiny communist faggots.

Should have said modern left. At some point the left was not completely hijacked by the elites and full of degenerate faggots. Old school anarchists were more socially conservative than most modern republicans, but nowadays its hopeless.

I don't, but dumb anarchists can't into praxis and these protests do fuck all

The counter argument was the picture. That's what happens when egalitarian anarchists play with guns.

>The deathrows of a german citizen who finally lost it and started crying on /pol

Is anyone even shocked to see this guy going off on here ?

be the change you want to see
Rojava is technically trying to establiush democratic confederalism not anarchism as far as I know, but it's nonetheless a libertarian leftist ideology. one case of someone having an accident who belonged to an ideology that is somewhat related is not a counter argument

>You're against a bunch of Anarchists running around burning shit and cocktailing people?
>Well I guess that means you support the Globalist Elites.

I wish I could be you, OP. Such dichotomy, much logic.

strawman, i never said you should like us, but why are you protecting (((them))) from us? why can't you just let us kill them? are you not against the jew world order?

>why can't you just let us kill them?
Child. You don't understand how badly they would fucking destroy you.

so the fact that they have superior firepower means you should like them and their talmudic world order goal? nice logic.
we are actually trying to physically remove them whil you are shitposting on le anonymous imageboard

>the clintons and democrats love capitalism, believe me!

yeah nah being against jewish practices would still not lead to egalitarianism

>so the fact that they have superior firepower means you should like them and their talmudic world order goal?
For someone who cries like a bitch about strawmen arguments so much, you sure like using them. If you think your actions are doing anything other than emboldening them you're retarded. You don't have the will or capabilities necessary to defeat them.

We support kicking out foreigners
That is why we elected Trump

You choose to suck muslim dick

she is a neoliberal. she is not a communist. but you also believe that everything to the left of somalia is socialist soooo
that alone won't, there need to be alot of other important things as well

>we are actually trying to physically remove them
by taking their money? zulema rodriguez said she was against fascism too.............

shut the fuck up, Achmed

Go fuck a goat

Lol u do too, what you actually physically remove is cars of proletarians and private and public property of the city you claim to own. You may tell to yourself its for a noble cause, but if you really would want to remove them, you would've started to develop atleast some tactics and not run around like action-addicted shitheads. Stupid fuckin anarchists.

All commies deserve a bullet through the brain

>she is a neoliberal. she is not a communist
yeah, she just wrote that alinsky thesis for funsies! she poured weeks of work into that, on a lark!
and no matter the system you concieve, it is still supported by males and no one else. communists missed the mark so goddamn hard with that one, actually thinking a female worker is in anyway productive

so we should just stand around and get cucked? no, if you prefer to shitpost on the internet instaed of decucking yourself with brute force, thats your decision, but i surely won't stand in the face of class cuckery aka the let goyim slave society

HEY! Theres a difference between thos who hate capitalism but never worked in their life, and those who hate it because they actually work. These people are the first mentioned.

>muh paid protestors
i do not support destroying cars, anarchism is not one person

You should try getting real skills and learning tactics and strategy. Running around with masks vandalizing shit like a bunch of retards does exactly zero to affect change. (((They))) probably enjoy watching you harass the goyim in your Mad Max LARP fest.

>199,999 of the 200,000 protesters support indiscriminate vandalism, but I don't
>we're not all one person

be the change you want to see. what kind of "tactics" do you even suggest?

Because you cunts are worse.

We will have your war, don't worry.

HEy guys maybe this helps to overview the situation. ABC & RT Live Mashup


vandalism can be good if it is directed against big brother corporatestein and big brother government, i do not agree with destroying cars

Then why do you say we?

>claims to be a communist and for the people
>burns down normal people's cars and trashes their shops and houses

Antifa are scum. They should all be sentenced to 20yrs of hard labor in our coal mines.

>everytime i refer to a group that includes me it means i am a 100% identical copy of all those other members of the group

>vandalism can be good if it is directed against big brother corporatestein and big brother government
Yes the vandalism of antifa is always, yes ALWAYS, against normal people.

There hasn't been a single Antifa vandal who ever did anything to further his or her cause. The only thing they ever did is hurt normal people.

It is negative effect. Worse that zero.

The ruling class loves chaos and violence. It gives them more power and support. That is why they keep importing terrorists.

lol youre gonna kill the elites by whining for free shit and protesting against fascists looking for powerful decentralized ethnostates immune to the whims of the global elite
makes sense

You make it sound like an either/or dichotomy, which it isn't.

But you're not. Destroying the city around them won't kill them.

attacking police that prevents us from marching directly onto the convention of all those politicians

If you do not support burnin cars, which was part of the protest, why do you participate in it aand so further help the process of burned down cars and shattered businesess, (apart from vandalazid wohnviertels)?

The IRA had a fighting force 1/10 the size of the Hamburg protest at its peak and accomplished a lot more. We'll leave it at that.

>powerful decentralized ethnostates immune to the whims of the global elite

Capitalism is the root cause of immigration and will always bring forth an elite ruling class


Dude has hair on his forehead. Never seen anything like that fucking gross desu

I admire the IRA and I think we should emulate them. We need to be armed and organized to take them down.

Who do commies enjoy purging more, capitalists or anarchists? I know you guys get to use the anarchists to do your bidding for you in the beginning, so is there any hard feelings when they inevitably become "counter revolutionaries"?

>muh paid protests

stay salty class cuck

So what is left after this weekend? Hamburg is trashed and the economy goes up because new cars are needed and new businesess go up. No changes were made by anyone, neither politicians, nor the antifa. Only police will change in forms of new tactics. Congrats on your revolutionary nothing. hidden behind shiny ideals. Atleast try to be honest to yourself you piece of filth.

and what are you doing? posting maymays on the 4chinzs?

IRA has leaders and objectified goals. You fuck tards do not. Their efforts were all pushed to reach those goals. You faggots just loot like niggers. Your movement is dead in the water.

there is an objectified goal, to line up the porky on a wall, it is simply disorganized

>Who do commies enjoy purging more, capitalists or anarchists?
Commies like to purge commies who disagree with them.
t. the real commie

No im trying to have an argument but seem to be projecting much

>we are actually trying to physically remove them whil you are shitposting on le anonymous imageboard

So where u at? Shouldn't u be at the schanze or are you posting from PG?

God job proving my point dumb fuck. You're literal niggers with no aim. Also no arms, but please do get some, nothing would please me more than to BTFO some commie filth.

Okay abc on the front & Ruptly behind enemy lines:

Useful idiots, every single one, no rhyme or reason to their actions, they'll be the first lined up against the wall.