The only solution for the Western World
White Sharia
>Gay propaganda restricted/imprisonment
>Religious and thus family values re-integrated
>Alcohol and cigarette consumption restricted
>Pornography forbidden
>Sex education monitored
>>Gay propaganda restricted/imprisonment
Gay prides forbidden, no magnification of the LGBT community, no normalization of LGBT community, Homosexuality accepted but the gay couples aren't promoted in the media
>Religious and thus family values re-integrated
Religion encourages reproduction and surviving.
The traditional family figure is promoted; the man is the breeder and makes sure to work, the woman is under the authority of men, takes care of the household, can work too.
>Pornography forbidden
I know, it's hard for you degenerates
>Sex education monitored
Heterosexuality promoted, fertility promoted, the "funny" aspect of sex minimized
So I see you are learning opposites in school! Good for you!
get shit on
HUNGARIAN proposing white sharia look at this usefull idiot goy
of course a dumb lazy-eyed bitch would convert to the religion of goatfuckers
Christianity is not the solution either, and atheism is worse
Nice butt
She's Russian
Sharia is an abomination. Muslims aren't a threat to the West. Western reaction to Muslims, now thats a threat. You are a knat but a swipe of a bears paw can kill or knock down a tree
>Homosexuality accepted
Tolerated, not accepted; no homo marriaga (maybe civil unions)
>The traditional family figure is promoted
Tax benefits for married couples and benefits for making children
>Heterosexuality promoted, fertility promoted
No race mixing (maybe with Asians)
>Sharia is an abomination.
Satanic sects, pedophile rings, LGBTQIA+, slutty behaviour doesn't flourish under sharia at least
>inb4 basha bazi
punished by death under Taliban Sharia
Mormonism is better
Some burger shit
You will be crushed insect. The salafs under Muhammad weren't that righteous. If god exists why has he blessed the Chinese and the West with civilization? And left you in mud huts. Truth is islam has destroyed any sense of commerce or intellect in your socities. You are backwaters Achmed.
Or replacing White women with artificial wombs
Yeah if there's one thing this planet needs is more reproduction
>"You will be crushed insect."
>Islam will overpass Christianity by 2050
>Whites are a minority in London
Looks like it.
No thanks. Im good on the barbaric desert cult
>pedophile rings... doesn't flourish under sharia at least
What are the dancing boys, Achmed?
>Yeah if there's one thing this planet needs is more reproduction
Agreed. But we have the EITHER outbreed the mudslime hordes OR seriously start removing kebab!
Read the entire post burger.
White British may be a minority. But not whites in general. Those white French/Germans will become British in time. I don't think Salafist frequent these boards. You know in your heart how worthless islamic ideology is. ISIS are being crushed. Despised by everyone in the world even their supporters.
The burka should be compulsory for all muslim women. I don't want to see their fucking ugly faces anymore
the problem with you backward-ass fuckweasles from the stoneage is that you can't just live your fucking life, you need everyone else on board or you're too aware of why you don't have shit
>if god wills it
our god gave us the will and freedom to improve the world and when we give it to you for free you let it fall apart as if god will make sure to keep the machine running. you are literally niggers.
you don't take responsibility. without the west you die from incest and basic hygiene related bacterial infections
Fuck off and die. I hope your children and your children's children die of malaria.
I hope you get raped by a pack of wild dogs and then eaten.
I hope a bunch of 30 inches nigger gorrilas rape you in prison after you are arrested for terrorism.
You stupid fucking retarted monkey, shit for brains, fanatic whore.
Fuck you and fuck your sharia, fuck your Mohamed . Fuck your entire race.
I hope you get nuked starting with Mecca
>Yeah if there's one thing this planet needs is more reproduction
Of White people. And the culling of the rest.
I agree
This assumes a rapidly militarizing EU and increasingly unstable union wont send a bunch of muzzies to die in some shithole and doesnt take into account non integrating muzzies refusing to fight and generating enough ill will they will join gypsies, bosnians and travelers as persona non grata.
White sharia is the only way forward. Not Islam but our own religion with adopted elements with female submissiveness and male strength.
Come home white man
I actually agree to be honest. If all the current major religions, Islam is the best for preserving racial purity and preventing social degeneration. If only there was some way to co-opt Islam from niggers and shitskins and turn it into a white religion.
Get nuked you mother fucker desert monkey !!!!!!!!!
>best for preserving racial purity
also inbreeding
EU needs to stabilize north Africa. Despite what Repubs. say climate change is real and will drive migrants to to Mediterranean
>White sharia is the only way forward. Not Islam but our own religion with adopted elements with female submissiveness and male strength.
You mean a White Crusade?
>If only there was some way to co-opt Islam from niggers and shitskins and turn it into a white religion.
Absolutely, that'd be perfect.
Europe needs an offensive faith. Taking Islam doesn't mean following it like the darkies do, but we can take it and turn it into a white religion by giving to it its white version.
Unfortunately Christianity is cucked.
The cousin marriage is more of an Arab cultural tradition that a religious nessesity. In a white Islam we could keep our strong western family units
Obvious b8
>If only there was some way to co-opt Islam from niggers and shitskins and turn it into a white religion.
Let's just culturally appropriate it and make it even more radical, but also include the Jewisch exclusionist element:Whites only. Others will be removed.
No, Islam is pigshit cancer, muslim goatfuckers need death, case closed.
I am very torn about this. Although, if Christianity fails, we must definitely adapt somehow. White people can make everything work, remember that. We made socialism work, we can make islam work too. But only if all else fails should we resort to that.
White and Islam are antonyms
Islam is a semitic cult
Islam is an offshoot of the Talmud
>We made socialism work, we can make islam work too.
Indeed, I'm sorry but Christianity did not help us recently, especially with the Pope pushing on degeneracy in the West and acceptance of refugees. While look at some Islamic nations : no refugees
>Follow some sandpeople to our doom
Nah, we already tried following retarded sand religion, look what happened. Fuck you and fuck your shitty religion.
You can do better
>if Christianity fails
Christianity has failed because it's a compassionate religion of weakness which only works out if there isn't a more dominant (((movement))) around.
Also, it's not only about kebab removal as it is about protecting the weak women which are pivotal in our racial survival.
You like fucking men in he ass don't you?
Meheeco please... You never had Islam on your soil
we are lucky
And we intend to keep it that way.
Mexico is a shithole anyway
from a purely pragmatic perspective i agree, islam would reverse a lot of the social degradation we've undergone but personally the idea just makes me sick. its still a smelly unwashed arab religion like christianity
Ex-muslim here.
Islam has some good elements, but overall its fucking shit and needs to end.
>Ex-muslim here.
Kill yourself and go to hell murtad filth attention whore. There's a special place in hellfire for people like you.
Dirty arab
Oh yeah because the last fucking thing we need is to be subservient to an imaginary being that is so-called all-knowing and all-powerful before we get marked as infidels or smitten in the name of said imaginary being... yeah, I guess I'll pass
Quit roleplaying you fucking faggot
>At the deepest stage of Jahannam
"god dozent exist bro lol its ze science -_- n the big bang n shiiiiiet"
Even though you want me dead, i still love you brother.
I used to be you. A islamic apologetic shitposting on pol all day.
But soon you will realize Islam is just another man made religion inshallah.
>we are lucky
luki for the zeta or the golfo?
You're weak and straying from the truth. The only reason you should tolerate faggots is if you don't know they're faggots.
When they're found out, exile.
I don't want you dead I love you and want your ass saved from the degeneracy and the pseudo-illuminated atheism shit.
Never understood why religious people - mostly Muslims but also Christians - feel the need to impose their lifestyle upon others so much, particularly through violence. Isn't the reward for a religious life inherent in the very act of living a religious life? If other people are acting in an ungodly manner, will they not pay for it with their own sorrow? Why do you need to threaten them to follow a particular religion, instead of allowing them the freedom to walk away from God if they choose to do so, and make a huge mistake in the process?
look at those wonderfully expressive eyes
>2 shitskins attempt to out-virtue each other ITT
take your effeminate slave morality somewhere else, faggots
You weirdos want to cut my dick.
I'll shoot you before that.
hottest girl ive ever seen