Would you feel safer in your nation with, or without, private firearm ownership?
Would you feel safer in your nation with, or without, private firearm ownership?
the criminals in my area already privately own guns
A nation with private firearm ownership for whites only
Gun control is a crime
I'd feel a lot safer if I knew for a fact everyone else was carrying.
I feel safer with black guns and no black people
In Canada before the 1920's the only gun control we had was "no foreigners may own a gun"
I absolutely feel safer with private gun ownership... but...
if I had a choice...
I'd feel the MOST safe if I was the only one who had them ;)
I'd feel safer with it. I would own one along with the criminals who would have one either way.
Obviously safer with.
Sandniggers are going to be packing regardless of any law, you'd have to be an extreme leftard with a death wish to not own a firearm in France.
Not so fast leaf. He has plans for your country.
>you used to be able to buy any arms over the counter in sweden in the early 1900's
>mfw guns were restricted to prevent a socialist revolution
>mfw socialists ruin everything
I feel safer with a strict gun control so that I can illegally have my own gun knowing that the majority of people don't
I hope they all get rickets
My city is 95% white, and what remains is mostly Korean/Chinese. Almost no niggers or spics. In these conditions, literally every person could have a gun at all times and there would be no problems.
We used to be able to buy all kind of shit like semi-auto rifles (AR15, Mini 14, etc) and pump action shotguns in supermarkets up until the 1990's and the only requirement was to be over 18, the guns weren't even registered.
Yet, leftards today are like "hurr, we don't have a gun culture here, we never had guns to begin with, guns have always been banned". A leftist cannot understand that life existed before he was born.
If any other human gets to have one, then so do I.
France still has one of the highest gun ownership rates, even England had no gun regulation until after the first world, I was reading Sherlock Holmes and it seemed so strange to imagine in London they would own a pistol and conceal carry it.
i would feel safer with gun ownership, but it should be very strict and hard to obtain.
I'm kinda for it
t. hasguns
Criminals will never experience "strict and hard to obtain".
A homogeneous nation of either white or east asian people. Doesn't matter if there are guns or not.
With. No question.
Do you have a gun at home? If not you might not understand that that alone is enough to not care if more bad actors have guns as a result of more pervasive private ownership.
yes absolutely
controlled ownership of course.
like, in my country, allowed only for genetic german males!
we still can own guns fairly easily
and hunting guns and riffles still don't need to be registered
the problem is we can't carry or even defend our homes with them
With, for sure.
Which reminds me, I need a gun.
far too many red judges to take this for granted
also, still can't carry
Any state that doesn't allow private weapon ownership is by default suspect.
Here in Norway, it is heavily regulated, but it's a cultural thing here to own weapons, both for shooting at a range and hunting, so there's just no way it would ever be illegal. We're on 10th place in the world for weapon ownership, which isn't as much as the U.S for example, but it's quite a lot considering how expensive and regulated it is.
I would feel safer if people around me had guns, and I too had a gun
I like the heavily regulated system my country has, wouldnt want the system America uses
I wouldn't feel safer nor unsafe.
>fingolian would have us believe he even somewhat regularly puts himself in a position where people are anywhere near him
I like to believe there's a reason you make such great precision riffles
Trust your fellow man.
The liberal logic is that you cannot trust others.In reality they are projecting their own insecurities and psychopathologies about how violent they may become onto others.
Certain groups of people are more prone to violence, true, but if ALL of them had guns, then the problems of individuals within their communities would be greatly mitigated.
Looks at Germany right now...
Yep, definitely feel safer with my firearms and my license to carry one.
Definitely without. I can't understand how Americans feel since you've never tried living somewhere safe and mellow. But trust me it's better.
I want a gun
Czechy plz send gun laws
I never leave my house without a knife and there is nothing wrong with taking an AR for a walk.
how do you even properly zero your sights
With it.
Until about 97 anyone in hueland could bear arms on the streets and this would not be any felony and the crime rates are super low.
Then the leftist goverment came and made this a felony.
In 2006 a muslim went into a school and shoot a bunch of kids with two illegal revolvers. The leftist goverment at the time saw this as an oportunity to pass a law to ban guns outright.
ALl the midia was into this except one guy that had just one month to convice the entire country, alone, that the guns they wanted to take it was from the law abidding citizens, and not from the criminals. This was enough for the law to be repeleed by 65% of the population.
Even so, they passed another law to "control" guns better (akin of what the Dems wanted to do in US). The result: its impossible to get a gun in Brazil by legal means because they will give it shady excuses to not give you a permit to just have one at home. Open carry is impossible even for rich ppl.
And the result is this. Every 3 or 4 days a brazilian opens a thread about how shitty the country is, not realizing it that we had a gun culture in brazil that made the country safe. The younger generation never experienced this and now thinks that our violence is precisely because of guns.
From 20.000 deaths to 65.000 per year by gun violence in less than 15 years is an accomplishment...
Much rather have it, one of the things i really dislike about my country is the cucked gun laws.
We have plenty of regulations considering the Feds are subverting the will of god.
With for sure. Just look at Hamburg, it couldn't have happened in the United States of Burger Land.
I like not getting mass shot
so without
I understand that guns can be useful, and simply very fun to just shoot, but you gotta be very careful having easy access to such weapons when you have a society of mentally ill people.
Fix mental illness first, then worry about guns.
Mentail illness is something proper of the XXI society.
We receive more information in a day than a fucking Royal from the XVIII century would have in his life time.
THis is enough to make anyone crazy.
But them again, crazy ppl dont need guns to kill ppl. A truck will do.
Lock loonies in asylums, then allow the public guns.
Great time to buy. Prices are low and the laws aren't going through a phase of being unusually shitty.
Capitalists always seem to neglect and cut funding to mental healthcare, though.
Worked just well under Staline, commie.
Also lol@britfags being for gun control, after what they just suffered.
>inb4 bitching about USSR being revisionist
Totalitarian governments always do this shit.
Yes, we are able to live comfortably physically, but we have yet to learn how to live mentally.
Crazy people don't need guns, but they are much more dangerous with them.
I would cut the funding. They'd be arrested and sent to the asylums, or I guess any building would do, or maybe a big pit. Cheap as chips.
With, no doubt. Either the Arabs attack us more requiring a more urgent solution to the conflict and delivering it faster, or we'd just have more options to defend ourselves.
That's because you are a pussy beta male who wouldn't life a finger anyways to defend himself so if everyone is disarmed than your faggotry is more easily cloaked among the masses of unarmed potential crime victims.
Poblem is the Jew doctors are putting everybody on crazy pills that make them more likely to engage in irrational behavior.
Friend of mine got put on prozac, and it didn't take all that long before he took an unusual interest in guns and then shot himself. I don't blame the ease of access to guns for that one. It actually took him some trouble to get one because he was a nogunz kind of guy and it took him a while to figure out how to get one.
if i would get unrestricted access to guns i would probably kill myself few years ago
Who determines who's loony?
WITH is my first responce
But that issue is more complex. When you have a good police force: well funded, well trained and well armed. Who are on YOUR side. Then I would feel safer without private gun ownership.
But in the EUSSR today? Definetely with. You cannot rely on the police anymore. Your government is against you. At least with a gun you can defend yourself.
I thought the USSR wasn't real communism?
People still liked the security and stability it provided. Violent crimes and drug usage was low, but corruption was high. Hell, if you asked if they wanted that back, but with more transparent government and less secret police, most would say yes.
The government would probably give all the guns to niggers and sandniggers and create a false flag to deem whites unsafe to use guns and ban them from whites and then accelerate white genocide
>Jew doctors
Doctors of all races will prescribe addictive drugs to people - they may have good or bad intentions. "Medicine" is a business that wants maximum profit. The more ill people there are, the more profit they can make.
People who have diagnosed mental conditions which are serious enough to prevent them from functioning normally in society. So medical professionals decide.
The main thing that makes me feel safe where I live is the lack of black or brown people.
Guns just help if the before mention groups move in.
Yup, (((pure coincidence))).
What about self defense? If someone invades your home with intention to harm you and your family, the police isn't there. Having a well funded police force would not solve the issue of immediate self defense
How do you determine who is a medical professional?
With. Not that our firearm rights are subject to other people's feelings, mind you.
Ironically, I felt slightly safer when I was living around more black and brown people in the "bad" part of town because it was still nice enough to be low crime, and your typical street criminal went and did business in the rich unarmed sections rather than mess with people were were less of a mind to put up with your shit.
I think most people are mentally ill to an extent. I think we all suffer from many different types of mental illness, but it's not strong enough to be a serious problem.
I'm sure we've all been depressed, I'm sure we've all experienced anxiety, I'm sure we are different people when we are in different environments (schizophrenia) - you will be a different person at a party compared to at work for example, but we are still in control somewhat. Mental illness is the result of letting go of the reigns.
Look at it this way, how hard would antifa be cucked if everyone, everywhere was allowed to own guns? They're all fucking beta's and neets who the moment they're threatend.
The same somewhat goes for terrorists and criminals, guns are a great deterrent and if they're actually going through with the act, they'll get shot dead before the mudslime can say allah
You own literally every single meme gun
Jewish people are not being prescribed addictive pharmaceuticals like everyone else?
Are you a Jew? Be honest.
Nothing more comfy than living in an open carry state. Keeps people honest.
He's 100% Jewish bro. The minute you're willing to let any psychologist or psychiatrist determine who can own weapons you're basically cool with allowing a Jewish cabal use meme magic to strip you of your god given rights.
I'm not, nor do I follow any organised religion.
If Jews are as powerful as you think, why don't you fuck a Jewish woman?
The goyim aren't allowed to
That's how you make more jews
They're ugly, both inside and out, and that might produce additional Jews if I weren't careful. I'm also a loosely no sex before marriage kind of guy, and ain't no way I'm going through the bother of getting hitched in some fashion to a Jewess.
I want a gun so badly.
Too bad I had my butter knife confiscated.
Do you still have your forks? We're not allowed to have anything sharp in case we want to kill niggers or something
You guys can get like hunting rifles or shotguns or something without too much trouble I thought.
Unless you're lamenting you can't get a free AR with your next tank of gas, or that your self defense loss aren't what they should be, or something, then that's not terribad.
>The goyim aren't allowed to
That's what makes it more fun.
>That's how you make more jews
Are you a full Jew as well?
>They're ugly, both inside and out
Isn't that kind of sexy though?
>I'm also a loosely no sex before marriage kind of guy
Oh dear... don't pretend it's a choice. If a hot girl offered you sex right now you would take it without a doubt because that is what you are biologically wired to do.
If anything an increase in prvate firearm ownership nationwide would cause Germany to be less safe.
>isn't that kind of sexy though
I guess this is your dreamboat then?
You need to lurk more and figure out how Jewishness is transmitted friend. You also need to school yourself on their relationship to psychology and their desire to see the goyim disarmed.
What's the first one? Is that a built in silencer or wtf am I looking at?
With some of the area's I go to I would be much happier if I could legally concealed carry a pistol. Hell I'd settle for pepper spray...
Also if more people owned guns their would be more ranges, so you wouldn't have to join some faggotty club, follow all the anal club policies and brown nose the club leaders so they can sponsor your license. Fuck this shit system.
>If a hot girl offered you sex right now you would take it without a doubt because that is what you are biologically wired to do
Lies. I've turned that situation down multiple times (which can be really fun if they're trying to get laid and then chase you even harder).
I'm not so strict I would say that I'm not interested to bang anything that might be potential wifing material, but trialing potential wifing material is pretty much where I'm at.
Kraut here, since all the rioting is going on in Germany, I'd prefer an easier way of firearm ownership. Currently it's shunned upon to own a firearm, even as a hunter or just as decoration. With the media spinning that gun ownership is killing people, it's annoying at least. Also the process of registering for a gun is extremely tideous here and takes a good while.
On an entirely different note: Why is it that so many people want to ban guns in the US? I mean, if you want to kill someone, you will find a way, either by knife, poison, sword, bomb or heck I dunno, a minigun. There's more than enough illegal guns that have been either smuggled or stolen, so there will be a market. It seems only natural to also allow your citicenship to arm themselves in order to keep them safe.
So why is it that americans all go "MUH GUN CONTROL!"?
This is way more fun.
Firearms should be heavily restricted, as it is here now. I do not want large groups of gypsies with easy access to guns. Right now if you want a gun you have to do a lot of justification to the police as to why you need it, or you can buy illegally for a higher price which gypsies cant afford.