THICC Latina gets clubbed by white cop



Hi. How are you?

Can't complain. It's raining and I'm about to watch Se7en. How are you?


Non-White person flailing arms in traffic causing dangerous situation.

Lethal force authorized.


Yeah, it's all good. just browsing the chans. just got done prepping for a wedding tomorrow.

have you seen Se7en before?



He did the right thing.

Damn, you can hear the baton thwack off her lard-ass thigh from way across the intersection.

Like the shockwave through the fat is breaking the sound barrier or some shit.

That was good police work. He got her without putting a bullet in her.

Se7en is an excellent choice of movie.


are people really like this in america? that bitch is nuts.


Is it legal to club a full grown walrus like that?

anahiem was a filthy place back in the 90's i don't want to know how it is now.

the serial killer john doe kills mill's wife at the end which fulfills the 7th sin, wrath, on behalf of mills, who executes John doe thus fulfilling his entire metaphorical crime spree.

Good cop, fuck spics.
> /thread

This is better then clubbing seals. I can't even watch that. I do enjoy niggers getting clubbed.

Okay, it was a good hit.

What's in the box, tho

how come cop cars are black and white in the west

There's thicc and then there's obese or morbidly obese.
This is the latter

>T H I C C

you mean fat right?

Would you have been happier if she got tased?

She attacked the Police. Whatever she got, she deserved.

Enjoy your sword dildo entertainment you sick fuck.

As opposed to..?

what did she mean by this?

Why happened, why did she chimp out? Nice politics, btw.


She's fat not thicc, obviously on something

solid color

Its Longbeach. Its a county next to Los Angeles and her accent is a hispanic accent. That is how ALL poor latinos in Los Angeles County, Long Beach County, Orange County(mainly Santa Ana and Anahiem) and southern California sound like. Those people barely passed English class.

I'd have no patience for this scum whatsoever props to cop. For me instant tazer into heart

I don't understand, if a Latina shoots a black guy he's white, but if a Latina get beat up by a cop he's Latina?

This looks like something out of grand theft auto.


Pls post picture

Even the Bro with the cam was tired of her slow azz.

should have just shot the bitch

Never been to the US but I've seen some spicy Latina's, is this what they truly look like out of the media?

whoa she got fat



Oh shit, wonder woman just got fucked up by a cop

a smaller box which contains the secret recipe

Hmm. Not as intimidating imo

Just gibs


COP showed more restraint then I would have

He probably enjoyed hitting her fat legs with that baton.

your muslims are really chill

Yes almost as loud and bossy as the she boons date at your own risk most still have their shitty ghetto habits

i want her to poop on me. mommy baby want poop poop!

how about this



>Zero Emissions Vehicle

.......................................................and you wonder why people loose faith in humanity

She is going to go back.

i just want loose stool in my mouth

I live in Orange County(about a 40 minute drive to downtown LA), and the spic-city of OC is Santa Ana; It depends, the poor ones are either church goers going to school to try to help their family get ahead, some fat degenerate chola like the one in the video, or some wannabe Instagram model who happens to be a slut and will have a tattoo that says "Familia" or "Only God can judge me."
The fat ones are usually fat because: they already have boyfriends, the lardy food their 55 year old grandma prepares, or they know that they have many men who are willing to put up with their FUPA and her whole extended family.

How can I defend that? He didn't beat her to death. Fucking slacker cop.

This is so depressing. The West is becoming third-world and the transformation cannot be stopped. How do you Americans feel about the fact that you could be living in literal paradise if it weren't for spics & niggers?



This, she was holding up traffic

>niggers/spics/chinks not being civilized

I'm so surprised. Really guys, I'm quite socked.

Shame he didnt shoot her. I know I would.

His wife's head

No way

Latina and Latino are the same word, dummy.

What do the church goers look like?

no. you defend this shitty meme first.

> dumb spic bitch causes disturbance that could get her stupid ass killed and maybe others.
> cop shows extreme resistance only using police baton to bap her legs a few time.
> takes her down on the ground with reasonable force and the rest of the cops show up and put the stupid cunt in the back of the squad car.

Stupid bitch probably was hoping suicide by cop or excessive force for muh police brutality buxs. Officer handles it in the absolute perfect way and its absolutely hilarious when she realizes she won't be the next Michael Brown and starts panicking and freaking out when reality sets in.

I don't want to even imagine how some libshit would spin this. Sadly we can't say the proof is in the pudding anymore because of these sjw faggots.

the serial killers then become the president of the united states. and he is very clever doing politics.

Have fun tomorrow ;)

I would have grabbed her boob once she was on the ground. Maybe both boobs of no one could see me do it.

How to tell that this was in America

dumpy =/= thicc


You posted this video already.

Mexicans have several burger stands, I forget what they call the burgera themselves but they're very tasty. They use ham instead of ground beef

You're right, should've shot her

>Gianna Michaels will never accept her genetic destiny
Why even live?

does she even pr0n anymore?

Taser would have been faster.

someone post her latest video(s) pease. im asking for a freind.

I am his friend, can confirm it is for me.

Should have shot her

Either older and illegal people praying to God thay their city remains a sanctuary city who force their anchor baby grandkids to attend school, or people are "looking for God" after they were released by I.C.E. for getting caught doing illegal stuff.
They are usually fat and devout, but the catholic churches are crowded during Easter and Christmas filled with people who are deal weed, are cholas and cholos.
The exception are the ones 20 year olds who attend church by choice (without bieng forced by their parents), who are usually volunteering in church/school/latino community events are usually the ones who are focused on their future on trying to acheive the "american dream" and get accepted into UCLA, but that is only a handful.

this, just connect her to some high voltage white man invention

>Random white person shows up to help the officer cuff her
God bless him.



You mean... fat.

>defend this
What is suposed to be wrong, nigger?

Are you Houstonian by chance? It was raining here when you made that reply

Defend what?

Should have smacked her across her bitch mouth with it. She refused to comply, acted with aggression and assaulted the officer, seemed like a reasonable use of force to me.

jews invented that word to give indians fake heritage

Disappointed that no Jap flags have showed up yet. They love whale poaching.

A THICC lady has a very slight belly, a large waist with love handles, mega milk and thighs that chaif.

She has nice jugs.
The ass isn't all that great.
The stomach has too big of a muffin top.