"Trollcakes" bakery hunts down trolls and feeds them cake inscribed with their own hateful words

>Ever wish the anonymous jerks who comments on your online life would be made to eat their words? Wish no more, Trollcakes is here.
>The bakers also operate a private investigations firm. Send them a link to your hateful comment and they will track down the perp, inscribe their words in icing atop a delicious cake, and deliver the cake-hate to the troll's door.
>They also have a special "Tiny Hands" offer whereby they'll "send a Troll Cake of your preferred Trump tweet to the White House."


How do we get in on this, guys?
>Each cake is a dense, moist, warm chocolate chip brownie with whipped frosting and assorted colorful sprinkles and icing.

Other urls found in this thread:


>wouldn't smash

How hateful.. :'((((

What if I were to smash that cake in their face?

>send trolls free food
>that'll show em
Only a liberal could think up something so dumb. I'm hungry now. Fucking cunts.

Always archive

>shitpost constantly
>get rewarded with cake

>troll someone
>free cake
I'm okay with this.

OMG those cakes look so disgusting, like Hillary's face.

(use the backdoor when delivering)

I'd love to eat a "Hitler did nothing wrong" cake. And as an added bonus I'll send my "based gay black friend xD" in a wheelchair to pick it up.

>Sloppy butt
Top Kek

That is fucking awesome!
I get to relive my retarded online jokes and I get nice free cake? I don't get what they are trying to achieve?

My birthday Is in a couple days. Can one of you report me to them and send me a cake that says "Kill yourself, faggot"?

Vanilla if it's an option. I'd love one of these cakes.

There has to be a woman behind this.

>ywn eat a "gas the kikes race war now!" cake

y live

nice marketing faggot, your gimmicky business is garbage and wont last a month

Wouldn't we have to dox ourselves for free cake? Maybe a po office ir apartment building would work.

Sure thing! Post address please.

> smart and sophisticated city people.

Piece of toast with frosting

these seriously all seem super normie-tier "trolling" (i.e someone on the internet said something which slightly offends you, because thats totally what trolling is right gais? )

I would love to see them make cakes for every mean thing said on Sup Forums, 1 fucking thread would out them out of busniess

>Hear knock on door
>answer it
>There's some limp wristed poof with a shitty attitude and a van loaded with cakes saying POO LOO.


if you need to rely on a gimmick to keep your business afloat then it wont stay running for much longer

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

Shh-shut up! Oh noooo... Don't send me free cake with spicey memes inscribed thereupon. Please? Especially not a "traps are gay" cake, ok?


Are those frosted pop-tarts? They certainly don't look thick enough to be a cake.

Maybe if you manned up and shared your little opinion on Facebook or twitter with your full name you could!

How do I sign up? I get free food for insulting libshits on the internet?

>bake delicious cake
>eat it
>some retard paid you to eat cake

>sorry you're such a hateful person, beth

Where do I know this from?

>The bakers also operate a private investigations firm. Send them a link to your hateful comment and they will track down the perp, inscribe their words in icing atop a delicious cake, and deliver the cake-hate to the troll's door.

I'm betting their "private investigations firm" is a guy who googles the troll's screename and sees if a facebook account pops up. What happens if they're dealing with a non-retard and can't find shit?

i guess the thing to do is find something that they would refuse to put on a cake
then sue them

yay cake

I'd like it if someone sent me a cake with the word faggot on it

>say mean things on the internet and get a free cake

this sounds awesome, where's my fucking cake you faggots?

Then it's Putin's fault

>someone says something mean to you
>buy them a cake

so this is the power of american intellectuals....whoa

How this will turn out
Hi you were mean online.
Nigger get off my lawn I'm meaner in person.
Oh... ok... well... sorry sir.

>Eating STD-ridden shit baked by a literal it that has probably guzzled cum, piss, and liquid shit

Don't do it

my fagbook account got deleted

>coincidentally it was for hatespeech

Norway bro, on the job.

>$35 for a cookie, $60 if you need them to track down an address to send it to
I wonder who could be behind this...

Literally feeding the trolls

... what prevents a literal bot from doing that, and being fast enough to be the first post?
Oh right, the captcha. God knows I get them wrong half the time.
... but you could buy a Sup Forums pass. Hum.

Fresh from the oven.

If any of you have faceberg, go to some crazy black profile, look for a "FUCK WHITEY" or something like that, screenshot it and send it here

>private investigator firm and bakery that hunts down trolls and sends them cakes
>bakery that hunts down trolls and sends them cakes

I think it's time we did something about them and introduced them to our dear friend and expert on dealing with bakeries.

Yeah, this is winning. Free cake all because you triggered some whiny, sensitive crybaby. That sweet, sweet taste of satisfaction.


Hell yeah I'm gonna shitpost even harder!

these are actually pretty funny

one of you americans give me your address

We should all send them each others posts. Anons all get free cake for life.

>Crash in a plane

It's 30 dollars for a "cake" and 30 more dollars for the investigative work. They're basically running a gimmick scam operation.

Three worlds.

Ask for the "6,000,000 Jews" option, and tell them to preheat the oven.

>call someone rude
>say sorry, but you think they are a hateful person
>130 people agree with you
>YOU are the mean person

how much do you want to bet that Beth is the chick who started this little operation

>Sorry you're such a hateful person, Beth
Did silly nummy goofy sweetums baby mommykins report twitter trolls for this?

>be black
>call someone a nigger
>receive nigger cake
>sue for racism

A modern take on ¨let them have cake¨? Hopefully it ends the same way like before. with executions. that'd be nice.

baking to fight the patriarchy?

ok at least someone's in the kitchen

Oh well. The cakes look pretty rank, anyway...

>implying this isn't a two way street
Report those liberals, they can be just as bad. These comments are obviously taken out of context so it'll be easy to do the same against "leftists"

>Eat it
>Sue for a billion dollars



Do you seriously think anyone is getting any cake? The premise of the whole thing is that the people paying don't actually know who they're targeting so if they ever ask for proof these guys can easily fake it. Meanwhile they don't have to lift a finger in the majority of cases.

>get cake
>give to orphans
>Facebook virtue signal about turning hate into love
>orphans get diseases
>orphans die
>liberals inadvertently killing orphans over shitposting

>call someone a faggot
>get free cake

Boy, that sure taught me a lesson.


hmm free cake or send to a lab anything shady sue the fuck outta them win win?

>get them to inscribe nigger on a cake
>have them send it to you
>have their company publicly destroyed for sending a cake with "nigger" on it to someone

kekkles brilliant
extra points if they send it to an actual black person who was trolling

So liberals are again, stupid? That'll just get them sued



>craving delicious brownie
>call some fat cow on Twitter a fat cow
>get free desert, inscribed with the tweet, reminding me of what I said
>laugh while reminiscing about the incident, and enjoying the brownie with a nice big glass of whole milk
So I get to troll people and get a free brownie out of It? Looks like I'll be trolling a whole lot more now.

Witnessed. Don't do it lads.

>"Your mom is obese"

Well that one just seems like a casual observation to me.

>You will never get a cake that says I hate goddamn faggot niggers
Why even live?

Send to Sup Forums.

The Jews always win.

I have a tumblr from my commie teen days that is now filled daily with hateful language that gets me an anonymous "kill yourself" messages every three weeks. Where the fuck is my delicious "OF COURSE it was the kikes!" cake?

This seems like borderline stalking and harassment.
Isn't this the sort of thing that the left constantly whines about?

This would actually be a great business idea for Sup Forums autist....

Is this a thinly-veiled attempt to get us to come out from behind our 7 proxies in the hopes of receiving delicious frosted brownies?

>Crash in a plane

>30 bucks
Actual cake stores offer much more aesthetic cakes for that money

Free cake for being mean? This is not how you do positive-reinforcement

Nice try drumpfy

Cool. I'd just wipe the icing off and enjoy.

So I can make a few twitter accounts, argue with myself like a schizo and then they'll send me free pastries that say "gas the kikes, race war now?"

Where were you during the Sup Forums meetup with these words of wisdom?



Can't wait for my happy merchant cake desu