Germany can't be THIS degenera-
Germany can't be THIS degenera-
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>He's never fucked a bitch on a fourth floor balcony while watching a riot
Are you even trying user?
But atleast they don't stea-
that's a scaffolding, and that's a black man.
>some random nigger just pounding away at some whore
if u think theese r germans u r dumb af..
literally 70% come from italia, spain, greece all thoose beta countries
its even a black guy.
germany is just a living meme these days.
they guy isn't even white
haha this is like a black riot in burgerstan, germany lost today what a shithole
germany is a fucking joke
Honestly this is hilarious. I wonder how many leftist were foaming in their mouth looking at the misogynistic white pig fucking a bitch on the balcony on their precious riot.
Holy shit, that's degenerate
Krauts, you're only option now is to open your borders and let the Russian army enter your country and liberate you again.
>its not just the niggers anymore
Until they saw it was Jamal and suddenly they were ok with it.
If I had any German blood in me I'd just kill my self at this point
This is fucking hilarious. My country just gave a couple million to a terrorist, Germany is eating itself, America's president is a living meme.
Time to go live inawoods
>we don't guns
Btw can someone explain why they're rioting? They have a leftist govt who wants to destroy europe and hate whote people, isn't this what antifa want too? Am i missing something?
haha diese verflckten Hurensöhne.
Lets find the one in Blue and ruin his life.
Holy Shit dude Get out of there before its too late!!! Wtf are you waiting for!!??
useful german idiots
as always
This is so progressive and tolerant. Well done, Germany!
That snap-zoom made me kek heartily
except it was a schwarze, hans...
they probably were cheering
It's official. GERMANY IS NIGGER TIER. Gas them all or Nuke it now. Their White status is revoked
They out Sweden the Sweden.
You know that statements like this require proof?
You're the one trying to pull people away from seeing your country as a fallen state of retarded people
>a fucking leaf
now put this scenario into pre-ww2 germany. You are a fool if you dont feel disgusted and dissapointed
>Poles laughing about this
How the fuck do i even have ancestors from baden germany pre ww1 holy shit should i just off myself ?
Where is the freikorps?
Communists are worse then niggers.
Dont act suprised.
A nigger doesnt knows better.
They do and still do it because they have no morals.
I love what diversity is doing to Germany! More migrants please :)~
Absolutely Weimar.
I can't wait for the day your country destroys itself. Way things go right now, that will happen soon.
Truly a perverted, disgusting country
oh wow, my taxes hard at work
How is this actually happening in Germany right now? I've never seen shit like that before. Who are those people? Why are they fine with theft and destroying property like it's nothing? I don't understand.
Why doesn't the German police stop them?
Pls explain. I can't find an explanation to this. There must be something they want / are upset about? Or have they literally become white kaffers?
Wow that's pretty hot to be quite honest.
>>its not just the niggers anymore
Socialism is nigger-tier gibmedat economics, so these blackblock faggots are honorary niggers. Even more so since they're engaged in looting.
The barbarians are at the gates lads
>all those white guys looting
Sup Forums lied to me!
Says the American. Country hast to have at least 98%to be considered White country. Everything else is just fake.
>Their White status is revoked
To think that someone want to be part of union governed by THIS...
Fucking Fag or useless Commie Thot detected
You know what would help against these riots in Germany and the black riots in America? Good ol' Rooftop Koreans. Germany's importing the wrong race into their country
>The German police are the ones fucking on the balcony
We are reaching levels of degeneracy which should not even be possible.
Fucking Akira did not manage to invent such pictures in a cyberpunk-dystopia fantasy.
I genuienly feel pity for you guys. I'm under the impression though that Hamburg is more left-leaning than the rest of the country?
Literally Africa now
...holy fuck...
>antifa cucks
why are korean americans in cali more based then the whites?
There's no (((reason))). That's what left brainwashing and abolishment of any rules does to the masses.
Weak man create hard times and so on, you've probably heard it already.
more than that, aryan! the cleanest of the clean xD
that's a dude fucking a dude
Hamburg has a lovely river
KYS Nigger
>They out Sweden the Sweden
Even for a Swede
fuck man
I've never seen this amount of fucking degeneracy
Some random whore getting blacked at a fucking balcony during a fullblown destruction of a city by communists and anarchists
what the fuck
you're scaring me
you're outdoing fucking malmö wtf
Literal germanics
They are 5th column communists, and they are working hard to turn your nation into a neu-sodom.
Flee while you can, because in twenty years, the Germany you know will be unrecognizable. A morass of "diversity", crime, and degeneracy.
OP Get a slingshot and start shooting those faggots
this desu
white people acting like niggers lmao. Germany to prove germans are subhuman degenerates
Wow. Leftism is literally destroying the world. I sure hope a new hitler rises somewhere, we need an extermination.
Abgesehen von der Wirtschaft ist das ganze Land völlig am Arsch, der Geist der Menschen ist entweder schwach und gebrochen oder vollständig verdreckt und degeneriert, die halbe Welt hasst dich und steht dir aggressiv gegenüber und zusätzlich gibt es dieses mal auch noch große Minderheiten die zusätzliches Zündpulver in diesem Fass voller Scheiße sind
Schaut so aus wie wenn die Weimarer Republik zurück wäre, Bernd, nur dieses mal gibts keinen Adolf
you can't be 100% certain the guy is black he is in the shadows. Could just be the lighting.
Degenerate either way, but it's difficult to tell just how degenerate it is
What the fuck is even going on?
I heard that Antifa imported their shitskin friends from France and shit to become many more. I guess that's true considering the degeneracy taking place.
I'll see you guys on the other side. Screencap.
>murrica calling others nigger
Get out while you still can.
dude... i know.. i love ur countries policy.. i literally live 5 km next to your country... looks like i have to move to poland like in the 40s hehe
anyone have the chimpout levels? Germany is at least a four of five today
literally as bad as mexico, rip Europe it was nice knowing you.
[degeneracy intensifies]
Denkst du die Schluchtenscheisser wären besser dran?
kek, no shit.
From the city. The collapse can't come soon enough.
how can you tell he's black? the image quality is so grainy I actually cant tell what color his arm is.
Could just be a farmer's tanned white guy, as far as i can see.
>you will never have cheeky riot sex on a scaffold as absolute degeneracy swirls around you
why do shitskins do this
during the london riots my black next door neighbours had very loud sex directly against my bedroom wall. i shouted at them to stop and they did, but then they came to my flat and forced me to let them fuck in my bed. i also had to turn off the riot coverage because it was racist. fuck blacks, never relax
Fuck degeneracy.
I reject this.
White? They're German.
post yfw right now
i dont think thats a nigger
Time to let Breivik loose in Hamburg.
Jesus fucking Christ, Germany. Do something.
Just the thought of Hitler returning to Germany now and beginning the purge/rebuild is enough to cause an erection last for more than 3 hours.
The Weimar Republic is back I see