Brit/pol/ - Kayleigh's back! Edition
>Reminder /OurGal/ Is running in the upcoming UKIP Election

G20 Face to Face talks today

>May to press G20 on terror financing even though shes in bed with Saudi Shitrabia

>Trump and Merkel shit talk eachother at G20

>The retired judge who will head the Grenfell Tower inquiry "lost the room" when he met residents and survivors, according to a community group member.

>UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market because they need more poles to work illegaly and fuck up the working class

>UK starting salaries jump as Brexit vote hits staff supply - REC

>(((Pope))) hopes to have Charlie Gard sick child to Vatican to join his harem of young boys.


>UK house prices finally falling

>Uck spreading STD's

Other urls found in this thread:


Our girl

Nick's being more cynical than usual tonight. Always a good listen, especially if you don't have anything better to do.

>Vote Leave chief who created £350m NHS lie on bus admits leaving EU could be 'an error'


You have 3.1 seconds to name a single benefit of Brexit without saying hyperbolic meaningless buzzwords.

>inb4 muh global trade despite trading globally already
>inb4 muh freedom despite still having to adhere other international rules, regulations, and treaties in or out of the EU
>inb4 muh immigration despite the majority of immigration coming from outside the EEA
>inb4 muh superstate redscare neoreactionary nonsense
>inb4 muh wage suppression despite 30 out of 32 EEA countries having wage growth, many of which having higher immigration than the UK



>caring about economic success when the freedom of Britain is involved

Thanks for the reminder senpai


What's your favorite kind of bisuit lads?

>niggers in almost every advertisment
>race-mixing higher per-capita than fucking AMERICA!!!
>paki rape-gangs have been on a rampage since they arrived here, calling them out is racist
>two of our political parties are 2 sides of the same coin and will do absolutely fuck all to improve the white demographic, one wants to genocide white people (labour).
>our version of Trump; Nigel Farage who is a (((civic))) was bombarded to fuck by the media and people hated his "fascist" rehtoric
>waving st. george's flag (flag of England) is racist in many parts of England and almost a death sentence in big cities e.g London.
>no guns for normal people,meaning government can get uppity uppity if white people decide enough is enough


Reminder that despite being attractive, Babs is quirky and weird.


>st. George's flag (flag of England)
Thanks for clearing that up.

listening now

Air biscuits

Christ almighty.

Nothing can be done.

I sometimes imagine how we will recall the last decade of current affairs in the future, it all sounds kind of nutty when framed like this.

We'll start with the 2008 housing market crash, getting bogged down for a bit in explaining what a Credit Default Swap is "Yes, yes, investment banks insured bonds issued by public companies, no they couldn't afford to pay in the case of wide spread defaults, yes they were still allowed to do it despite that, yes the governments of the world did pay the bondholders by proxy, we called it a 'bank bailout' for some reason. It sounded mad at the time too."


The best choice.

He must do this for the replies

Then we'll go on to explain the aftermath: "The governments of Europe tried a few things to kick start their struggling economies, they decided the central banks should give the governments money by buying lots of government bonds with new money the central banks created on a computer. No not like bitcoin, I suppose an accountant wrote a figure like one hundred billion in an Excel spreadsheet somewhere and then stopped and admired his work for a while. We called it Quantitative Easing, a term no-one really understood and even less people understood how Quantitative Easing was supposed to create jobs and make necessities more affordable. This happened across Europe and the USA did it too. Meanwhile public spending was cut back, this was known as 'Austerity', that wasn't like the tabloid nickname for what was happening, the British government at the time literally had a fiscal and monetary policy that was referred to as 'Austerity'. I know it sounds mad, can you imagine today if the government said it was time to employ the strategy of 'Grimness'? There would be riots. So yeah, governments were doing a roaring trade selling bonds to central banks while cutting back public spending, we knew this was happening at the time, it wasn't a secret or anything, they talked about it on the news."

Then we might mention David Cameron, the man who presided over the Austerity government. When describing Mr Cameron many will be a a loss for what to say, he was to some extent non-descript, most will settle for the obvious class related descriptions, "Toffee-nosed", and the like. Those with some insight might mention the key points of his prime pinistership as follows.

Sup Forums what are the key things to mention about Cammy's time as PM?

Do you know about Enoch Powell?

Don't be a mong

Cameron's government didn't nothing for 6 years, and the country continued to decline. He'll be a hard-to-remember Prime Minister in 50 years time.

Anyone got a link to that depressing youtube video showing the decline of Britain? The one when we used to moan about it being posted on here because it was so crushing.


Please, don't take, MY MAN

chocolate hob nobs


Not clicking that dodgy looking link.


This the one?

>marries a single mother
>she wants a child, he doesn't
>she divorces him
>gets engaged and knocked up by a literal Hollywood kike within 2 months
>she asks Gary if she can move back into his house while pregnant
>he agrees, paying for the upkeep of another man's unborn child

Gary Lineker, the literal c.uck.

>the jabberwock

and the unforgettable flash of the gash

Yes please

>More Germans have a positive view of Pooptin than Shariah May


It is sweet and right to die for your Hitchens

Yes cheers.


How would we deal with these antifa?

Germany is getting help from Austrian forces at the moment

Pretty bad biscuits 2bh, I'd rather have a Pink Wafer and i'm not even gay

if the person from the last thread is here i watched that Nick griffin clip he is basedgod

Where's the fella who's having trouble writing?

Yeah enjoy it you masochistic bastard.

By A.E. Houseman:
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

I'm here.
Watch this video.

wafers are peng most biscuits are good aslong as they arent fig rolls


>Germans like Marcon twice as much as the French

It's just txt lad, i'd screen cap but you have to face your own fears and click it user

We've got a new lad who's just arrived last month. Going to crush his soul. I cant watch it again. Tear up at the Floyd song at the end.

Watch/listen to bowden
Like griffin but intelligent

>you have to face your own fears and click it
Is this what it feels like to be groomed?

>We've got a new lad
Oh goodie

One downside Wafers have though is they're not very good for dunking in tea because they just desolve.

Though i'm not much of a dunker at all as I take my tea unsweetened and most buiscuits after a few dunks sweeten the tea

You're a pleb lad, you probably don't even like garabaldi biscuits

good evening senpais...

here. thread died when i was going to reply.

Just watched hooligan legacy on London live what a crap film that was. Didn't expect much but got less than I expected

I feel like we're radicalising him.

Does his makeup in his room
Douse himself with cheap perfume
Eyeholes in a paper bag
Greatest lay I ever had
Kind of guy who mates for life
Gotta help him find a wife
We're a couple
When our bodies double


People watch that channel

>>you have to face your own fears and click it

could be lad, take away the C in click and the sentence has a whole new meaning


Post a few lines of what you think is you're best and worst bits. I'm genuinely interested. Never get to read other people's work.

Post things that make you think.

You're right I don't like raisins in crackers

They have good films on it sometimes desu desu if I can be honest por favour mis familia senpai


I posted that link, it's just a place you can put text online with a hard link. I could use pastebin I suppose, but that doesn't allow formatting the way does so I'm not in the habit of using it.

>not liking a biscuit named after an Indian revolutionary



Up your shitter

Gets me harder than a BreXXXit


im new here about 2 months around the time before the election (((19))) also. always heard Sup Forums was le faggots from plebbit

>her character falls for peter kay

man that show is a fucking reach

>No Titty Patel

Not worth watching 2bh

That's sexist and misogynistic!

I closed the tab. I've got trust issues about strange people on the internet though.

>a fucking reach

Wtf does this even mean, I wish young people would stop saying new things

this looks more like a horror film desu


whats he been saying?

>Pianne Faggot

What does this mean?

No migrant quotas. That's the main reason we left. Let the boats sink. Kill niggers.

a stretch basically, its shite. "its reaching"

>tfw noticed by rimmersenpai

>liking these only based on their names
If that were the case Hitler ice creams would be doing a roaring trade

look it up grandpa.

Sat here getting drunk and watching this. I think I should stop and save it for another time.


>Tear up at the Floyd song at the end.

i went to the pink floyd exhibition at the v&a today
top notch stuff and no mistake

Anyone here work in telemarketing?

Thanks Nbro

He's been listening tonight more than usual, but he thinks Jacob has absolutely no chance of being the next Tory leader for one. He thinks people will be put off how posh he is. I think though that Jacob is so posh that it's like a cartoon and it ends up being an embraced asset

this is sickening i actually fear for the future

The nerve of these people.