Dems have already lost. The next generation is a Trump generation.
Prove me wrong.
Dems have already lost. The next generation is a Trump generation.
Prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
Tits or GTFO
make it so
we have had enough
what a ridiculous slut. America is over.
Trump's a russia controlled cuckold.
>I love you Vlad.
Meanwhile russia is laughing at how easily controlled he is.
Russia cucked the USA and now they're laughing at you.
As is the rest of the world.
>Russia First: Trump statement.
“We look forward to a lot of positive things happening for Russia and for the United States and for everyone concerned,” Trump said. “I’m delighted and it’s an honour to meet you, Mr President.”
>Trump accepts Putin's claims that Russia did not meddle in US election, says Russian foreign minister
>Moscow and DC will set up joint cyber-security group.
>Tillerson: Trump, Putin reach Syria ceasefire agreement
if your butthole is pink you can stay. If its brown get out of town
I wish we had the new /r9k/ stick on this board too
post boipucci
I'll take pink or brown buttholes.
Hey there doll, hows about you and me make sex great again
this one
You are a Rothschild controlled cuckold.
Fuck off this is an anonymous board. Dont post pics of yourself for attention
>Crimea sanctions remain
>Embassy still closed
>Syrian airbase obliterated.
yeah, teh russian puppet really getting lots of traction, CNN?
good idea cunt.
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
>rural white voter
>"the travel ban is racist...islamophobic"
not even trying ay faggot
Hey Merkel, is your cunt as busted as your face, you barren old hag?
>Denying Trump's cabinet is filled with Rotschild bankers. :^)
I wish. Please tell me where I can sign up to be paid to shitpost and share my opinion on Sup Forums. Give me the link please.
If I can get paid for this that would be awesome.
>Trump generation
Anyone who's still supporting Trump is nothing but a dumb, Jew-loving, pseudo right-winger. Or an insecure 14 year old such as yourself that recognizes how hip and different it is to be part of the (((alt-right))) internet community nowadays. Fuck I hate what this board has become, it should just burn already.
So the next gen of kids are autistic Trump fags? Great, this nation is done.
Gen Zyklon is like 15% conservative the Youth hasn't been this conservative since the generation that fought ww2.
It's as busted as Donnies asshole is after today.
I'm just posting Trump statements. You don't like them? Reconsider the kike you voted for.
He looks like the retarded pepe
Found the baiter.
>level; barely amateur
:^) kek
sounds like ur a fag.
Is she a spic or a "white" american?
Looooool fuck you commie scum. Trump is literally saving the West from marxists like you as we speak
Your whole argument
>Trump isn't CNN
What the fuck did you expect him to do? Punch Putin in the face and hold up a WWE belt?
>I hate what this board has become
crybaby gtfo
LOL... wow nice try shill. you're from a big city ill bet you aint no rural folk
Why don't you lay right back and whip out that feminine penis of yours for me?
sounds like your from California, fag.
>shooped letters and a nonwhite roastie
Get off of my board.
There were studies that said GenZ is the most conservative since WWII (easily found on Google), but they were (((debunked))) by outlets like Buzzfeed and Gizmodo.
Why do you think (((they))) were always forcing kids to talk bad about Trump during the campaign? Why do you think (((they))) focused so heavily on his "meanness" and how "dark" his speeches were? Why do you think (((they))) described him as a "bully" so often?
Kids these days are into people getting roasted and mocked. Cringe compilations are some of the most popular videos among normies, and they are usually SJW cringe videos. They got a real kick out of Trump verbally destroying all these stuck up politicians, and the establishment got really freaked out by it.
GenZ is going to be the fucking wake-up call of a lifetime. Rest assured, they are seeing this venom and this hatred being spewed at Trump and they can see who the real bully is: the media and the establishment.
Alcohol does some weird things.
Based spiclet.
sounds like a self hating nigger, fuck off
Learn to read Ahmed.
>American intelligence agencies: Russia influenced the US election.
>Putin: No we didn't.
>Trump: I trust Russia.
He's a coward and a traitor.
The pendulum of stupid cunts will swing left again.
We already have irrational buttmad right wing sjws and alt-lite faggots springing up everywhere. It'll take about 8 years but the left will be the reasonable side again. It never ends, people are fucking dumb.
show belly button and go to bed
I dont suppose you've got any proofs?
of course he has none, just look at his flag.
Who are you trying to seduce with that outfit, you whore? Somebody put a hijab and robe on her.
Fuck off concern troll. It's more professional than most I've seen but seriously fuck off. Your posts are cancer.
Trump is a cuck. He's making America a joke and destroying the right wing for decades to come.
>American intelligence agencies:
That turned out to be a lie.
It was actually a panel of handpicked left leaning "experts" from 3 agencies, not 17 willing to sign a piece of paper.
They never offered anyone any evidence and were working in collusion with the media and the Democratic party to control damage to the party's reputation following wikileaks.
Trump didn't believe them and neither did anyone else who was paying attention and everyone was vindicated.
Who cares? You got Macron! xD
Proof of what exactly? Ask a question and I'll post.
He's baiting... Are actually this retarded?
fucking attention whore go post this cancerous shit on the_donald holy fuck this shit thread
>1 post by this idea
Don't forget to sage faggots
Kayla is still bestfu
Post butthole or go away!
Source me on that bro.
out out out
>Trump's a russia controlled cuckold.
Yeah I'm SURE Putin loves America undercutting his gas sales to Poland, right? I'm sure he loves Patriot missiles in Poland, pointed at Russia, right? Please keep this narrative going, you're guaranteeing Trump wins in 2020. Never stop.
Sorry, I can't.
Tits or gtfo.
>All these nu-polkekistanifags replying to obvious shop
The next generation is majority shitskins.
This gen z conservative meme needs to die.
Not fucking happening.
>On Russian hacking and influence.
"I would highlight much, not all, much of what was in the intelligence community's assessment, for example, on the Russian efforts against the U.S. election process in 2016, was informed by knowledge we gained through (Section) 702 authority," Rogers said.
Rogers said allowing the statute to expire on Dec. 31, unless Congress votes to reauthorize it, would degrade U.S. intelligence agencies' ability to provide "timely warning and insight" on a variety of criminal and national security threats.
>On Russian electoral hacking
"This is the most assertive, most aggressive and most directly impactful of any engagement that they have had in our elections," Clapper said at the event, in Cambridge, Massachusetts just outside Boston. "They have to regard what they did as a huge success. They've been doing it in France and they'll do it in Germany."
>what the fuck happens to females when they go to a liberal college?
I swear to christ you faggots will NEVER touch a woman or have a family.
“The [intelligence community assessment] was a coordinated product from three agencies: CIA, NSA and the FBI, not all 17 components of the intelligence community,” said former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper during a congressional hearing in May. “Those three under the aegis of my former office.”
fyi some of the intelligence agencies we have wouldn't be involved even if Russians "hacked" the vote. For instance the chair force.
>Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years
Reminder that James Clapper lied under oath twice.
A minority on the political side of the internet doesn't indicate a trend. Most of Gen Z is still degenerate. Being too broke to go out drinking or engage in too much casual sex doesn't make you conservative, it just makes you broke. This whole Gen Z being the most conservative generation in decades is a fucking meme.
Yeah. So? I never said it was seventeen? Here's what Clapper also had to say about Russian hacking.
"This is the most assertive, most aggressive and most directly impactful of any engagement that they have had in our elections," Clapper said at the event, in Cambridge, Massachusetts just outside Boston. "They have to regard what they did as a huge success. They've been doing it in France and they'll do it in Germany."
gen z are coal burner trash
It's not a shop. She sitting right here with us, faggot. Do you think girls aren't real??? Lol
So wifey material is still out in the world. How rare is she?
It will be funny if us older guys end up fucking younger women because our generation of women is all a about feminism and equality. We end up with young qts and they end up single and crazy
Fake as fuck.
stop hanging out with shitskins that wear nigger shoes you stupid spic
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
The russian hacking meme has always been and will always be a nothingburger. It's not possible to hack our votes remotely, as Obama pointed out.
The only thing you can do is register as a dead person and vote illegally, in person.
Stop taking pics of your underage sister. Make sure she marries young and has many White children.
the future is for us the democrats
get your gay asses ready for 2020,drumpfkins
this might be the ugliest girl ever. Show her vagina or get the fuck out
theres fucking lynx on the sideboard. This is clearly a guy's room and it's probably the boyfriend asking his girlfriend to hold this shit. This is beyond pathetic.
You are now a "Copy Pasta" meme.
You will live in infamy here for the centuries to come.
>import redditors
>get redditors to reply to pics of le trump girls
>infinite (you)s
I'm going to pretend you're not LARPing.
Literally who is beating Trump in 2020?
Democrats have never been less popular. They're associated with lies, corruption, violence, petulence, and garbage in general.
So, how exactly do you win in 2020? I'm honestly curious.
Do the right thing, user.
Show us her booty hole.
Do the right thing.
plz be my gf
Another mixed race qt.
Sad, but also p cool.
idk. I'm not racist and think everyone but the mentally deficient have a right to live, but I'd prefer if we saw more pure people being great.
More of the same liberal democracy Republicans and Democrats garbage. Everything in this country are two sides of the same coin. We need a massive change in the system.
I think this guy is fucking with us. He doesn't really mean what he's saying. This looks like bait.
>Google search
>Find nuanced explanation
>Mostly false claim taken out of context
>Quote was simply rendering information in The REPORT and not all information itself.
Later clarification by Clapper:
>'I don’t know if there was collusion or not'
Clapper was asked if he agrees with Trump that the Russian investigation is a "witch hunt," to which he replied, "I don’t believe it is."
Instead, Clapper compared it to a "dark cloud" that would continue to linger until the investigation is complete.
If I was a trump supporter however I wouldn't do that. The process would be.
>See something I don't like.
>Fake news cuck.
What a fag
>Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life.
Go fuck yourself libtard. You most definitely did not vote for Trump.
You work for CNN dillweed?
Considering it all started with a lie "all 17 agencies agree, Russia did it"
and what they claimed is impossible
And the CIA, FBI and NSA are famously corrupt.
And the media who constantly gets exposed as liars backed it.
And propaganda is now legal and Project Mockingbird is a thing.
You'd have to be a fool to give it any credence without hard evidence.
Personally, I don't think you have to be a Trump supporter to see sour grapes in action.
Not bad.
>hey sis, wear this hat, hold this gun and notebook
>everyone is conservative now
>libs utteryly btfo
What a faggot. Like white genocide is going become reasonable, the left will always be cancer
I can only imagine him saying: Shut it down.
Why hasn't this thread been deleted for lack of tits?
post 9/11 the right wing was the unreasonable side.
We had the "war on terror" and flags everywhere and christ-cucks attacking video games as hard or harder than any feminist.
Live a little longer faggot.
The left will lose their stupid ideas to gain popularity while the right will become complacent and add more and more retarded shit to their idealogy.
This isn't b.
We are here to discuss politics.