I see owning one as a classy way to show a girl you are superior. If the girl asks "are you like a neo nazi or something", you can say no im just a history buff, and i appreciate great engineering". She will immediately identify you as a based ubermensch, and you will get laid.
Ps.. im going to buy a bunch of lugers to profit on this scheme but im lazy. If any of you fags buys a luger before i do i will smite all of you.
Are nazi lugers about to explode in value?
Other urls found in this thread:
>identify you as a based ubermensch
you sure?
>identify you as a based ubermensch
im not so sure
>buying things primarily to impress a female
>claims other than ubercuck
more like
>What a nerd
I mean pretty much anything of historical value with very limited supply will become more expensive over time, won't it?
Where do you even buy one of these
I'm no german cuckboy, get me an american revolver
Anywhere. Gunbroker.com to start
Serious question; are Lugers a good handgun by modern standards? What are they like?
I own one. My uncle gave it to me and his dad gave it to him. His dad took it back from Germany after the war, he was a GI. The thing is really fucking awesome, used it once with my uncle but never shot it again. It's one of my favorite possessions.
this may be a surprise to you, but this is what men do
They are apparently pretty good, but I would rather a Walther PPK or a Broomhandle pistol.
No and too complex fragile and un-ergonomic. They were good 100 years ago but the horse and buggy were good transportation 100 years ago as well.
>a girl is going to recognize a Luger
>having to buy one
I own a nazi luger one of my grandfathers looted in WWII.
I also own a walther p38 looted by my other grandfather from another dead nazi.
when anyone asks 'why do you have those' i reply 'because they are war trophies from my grandfathers.
now... all the other nazi stuff... i inherited from my nazi loving, collector father
>t. already bought a pile of them and desperate to make money back
No one is going to fall for your shitty Jew scheme faggot
>buying a historical gun to impress a female
Why bother? There's a 90% chance she won't even know what the gun is and won't care. OP is an idiot for thinking any woman will know what the gun is, what time period it was used and where it was from.
Years ago when my girlfriend was searching through my books she just happened to stumble upon Mein Kampf and explaining that to her was a bit awkward, but still, it didn't impress, she didn't think really anything of it considering most the books I own have to do with history
Lmao, no they're not.
>I see owning one as a classy way to show a girl you are superior
>implying he will have a girl to show
>I see owning one as a classy way to show a girl you are superior
This is the cringiest fucking thread I've seen in a while. 0/10
>fucking random whores
>messing with girls that arent ok with nazis
Shame to the race
What does this have to do with politics? This thread is just about some faggot beta nu-male cuckboi larping about buying lugers and believing he will ever get laid.
she wouldn't know a luger from modern hundgun
>i appreciate great engineering
they weren't even that good.
Plus ugly as fuark which you can't refute.
>Naziboos in America actually buy a cheap gimmick MP40/Stg44 that's set using a 22.cal
What a bunch of fucking dorks...
Do you eat as much shit as you spew?
Lugers are fantastic.
I like this post. Well thought out and reasonable. Nothing women appreciate more than quality design, engineering and workmanship and a keen sense of the value of craftsmanship and pride in ones work. Truly a recipe for female seduction par excellence.
larping on the budget senpai
I guess I'm kinda surprised then. After all, the 1911 is still good. Wonder why the Krauts made all that good high tech shit but their sidearm was junk. Maybe it was a case of somebody being paid off to accept it. Hell, I don't know, it's interesting stuff.
I always thought they looked really cool, like that MP40. I'm in my 40's. Back when I was a young kid I always read those WW2 comic book like Sgt. Rock and a bunch of other ones. There was Weird War, that was good for keks. I realize most of those were published by jews etc, so they were biased history, they were still fun to read though
Haha. Nicely done.jpg
Jews hate lugers you false flag kike shit eating faggot
/k/ nigga damn
are they legal to own in the states? i wanted to get one here in mexico but it seems its just not possible unless you are in the military and while i wouldnt mind training, i dont want to become a dog of this "government"
Fuck no. I won't even fire mine. My wife and I just take it out and jack it off with hoppes every 6 months.
I wont accept anything less than the real deal, but I am struggling to find an authentic Stg44.
It's not a bad gun, they are just being retarded. Also...
>on Sup Forums in your 40s
>why not Walther
I own four Lugers. pic related is one of them
>1908 Navy Commercial Luger, fucking MINT
Feels good man
>Are nazi lugers about to explode in value?
What? They're already prohibitively overpriced for most Neo Nazi untermench to buy.
Hi spic boy!
I have a hot jew gf.
Her iq doubles your whore mothers.
Keep slavin away for 50 cents an hour at the dildo factory paco, you get free dildos to pleasure your mommy with but youre still a spic loser without the balls needed to join the cartel and profit.
Honestly Lugers look pretty cool but don't they jam constantly? I'd heard they were actually a pretty shit pistol
They were pretty damn good for their time but outclassed in almost every way by modern browning tilting lock designs.
the other 3
1939, 1912, 1915 dated
>great engineering
lucky bastard
not explode in price, just explode in general
Where did you buy all this shit?
Snap biatches..
Then she'll show you the polymer 80 Glock 19 she built herself with her arts and crafts tools and you'll go back to cartoon porn
always wanted to make an integral silencer out of one of these. But now Maxim-9 exists, higher capacity than some german cuck-pistol with like 7 round mags.
No, for it is not a soldiers gun.
It is not reliable, nor is it accurate.
Lugers are already crazy valuable you autistic loser. What's it like being a no guns in America?
The p08 luger was a pre-WWI design, the walther p38 is a really excellent handgun. The basic mechanism lives on today in the beretta m9/92 guns.
yeah they jam thats why they were carried in those fannypacks instead of real holsters
It doesn't matter I'm in my 40's. I don't hang out on Sup Forums for fuck sakes, even though that is how I found the place originally.
Sup Forums has really really up to the minute news on it, plenty of good discussion on it and anybody can learn a lot from it no matter who you are. Of course there is a lot of retarded crap. But I'm really interested in news politics, history, etc and I'd rather use this place here as an aggregate then go to our glorious state broadcaster CBC or CNN. The place can be entertaining too. I have a TV of course, but this is more interesting when I'm on downtime.
>implying a girl would recognize a luger as anything special
>implying she'd be able to tell you whether it's a revolver or a pistol
different places. Auctions is where I get most my guns.
Helmets, hats, medals, uniforms n such I buy from other collectors on online forums.
>Knights Cross is fake, but everything else in photo is legit
>classy way to show a girl you are superior.
just stop dude.
Right on, I didn't know that.
See that ? Let that be a lesson to you. There are lots of oldfags here.
Good to see there are non-degenerate Gen X'ers.
Tfw Luger's are .01 inches (or around there) too small of a barrel and banned
Fuck this countries gun laws
Can only buy "artillery Luger's" but those are $3k+
All your grandfathers killed nazis, and their descendants all love nazis. What the fuck man. Its all so sad.
But if she does know and cares, you propose marriage right fucking then and there. Its the male glass slipper.
Nice stuff man, I have a 1944 springfield M1 and a complete and original front seam M1 helmet with netting. Got a mosin and a brno k98 too.
Love me some surplus.
Do you have children?
Cheers to you senpai...
What country do you live in? Do you ever suspect you may have been put on some kind of 'list' for purchasing all that?
My dad has one, a former agent of his took one off a dead German in WWII and brought it back. Gave it to pops as a gift shortly before he died, and one day, it'll be in my hands.
Remember your here forever.
Nice bro. I love the Garand, good rifle, I have a 42 Springfield.
No, not worried at all. Nothing illegal about hoarding guns and collecting Nazi stuff.
It's hard to find friends my age that are interested in more than sports and Family guy if you get my drift. But it seems that way in pretty much all age groups. And around where I am, the vast majority of people who take an active interest in things like politics are a bunch of cappuccino suckers, bagel biters and arthouse faggots who think that the more immigrants we can bring in and the more faggots that can be recruited, the better.
Oh well, whaddaya gonna do.
im gonna laugh when you kys like that faggot from band of brothers did
please tell me you wear that sometimes during heterosexual BDSM romps
Respect your elders you clit sucking feces masticating trollmosexual.
Theres nothing better than ppl in their
40s wrecking fags like you.
Btw you are obv poor. Wash your trailer.
Do you? post their nudes with timestamps
It's a P-08 you fucking Burger. Call that beauty by its proper name!
Pawn shop, but it's sat on the shelf for a while it was Hitler's it'll run you about tree fiddy.
U rustled, little girl?
No unfortunately, and the window is closing. I've had a couple of serious relationships. But it's really hard to find anyone that I actually would really want to be the mother of my kids. I had a really good woman but it didn't work out, I wouldn't convert to being a Christian. I just wouldn't lie to her and pretend I was one. I have nothing against Christianity, only against some Christians. The problem for me was that I couldn't find the faith, I couldn't by that the story was real.
Don't explain yourself to the boy.
I'm sure he is still young enough that he says shit like "I outgrew ______ years ago."
More like basement ubermensch.
Dast nazermensch hast droppenhauxen der hammermeister!
Muh fucking (((boomers))) and (((Gen Xers))), why would you think I'm poor? My dialect isn't unique to fucking povos.
>40 and no children
Christ, 20 years to find a lover to have children with and you couldn't do it. THE DEGENERACY OF THAT! You need to find a woman in her fucking low to mid 30s to have quality children now.
You sound just like me. Where are you located in Canada? I'm in Northwestern Ontario. Fairly based in rural but still too many fags and libs for my liking sometimes.
Also where can I purchase a luger in canada? I have my restricted already...
Dude if you honestly think smart people (much much smarter than you) who are in their 40s wouldnt gain anything from surfing pol then i would literally estimate youre iq at 90.
Maybe try to kill yourself. Only good things would come from that, little girl!
Explain more user. I was just wondering where/if I could get my hands on one in Canada... I have my restricted.
>and i appreciate great engineering
>appreciates the luger, one of the most mis-firing sidearms ever made.
You wot?
They're actually pretty terrible firearms. But they are AESTHETIC.
I'm not the one hiding behind a flag
I'm in BC, fairly rural.
>Fairly based in rural but still too many fags and libs for my liking sometimes.
They have nearly taken over, this place is absolutely nothing like it was 25 years ago. Being Canadian we have a lot in common even though we are probably 3000k away from each other.
I guess I would have to agree with everything you said.
wtf is wrong with you
Maybe his current girlfriend is as stupid as
Your mother, and he feels like it would be a disservice to bring another screaming baby with your 90 iq into this world.
Or maybe his kids wouldve had double the iq of you, but he just didnt want to have kids.
Either way, your response shows that youre a disrespectful little girl and the only way you will get into heaven is if you kill yourself within the next 24 hours.
Because God hates you, but he will respect that you did your duty and removed the inferiority.
Balls in ur court, little girl!
This, in the 60s they were selling WWII 1911's by the pound at the hardware store, hard to get a vintage one for less than a grand even if it's tatty.
Don't get me started on Colt Single Action Army models.