And u thought you had problems. Bruh my car so hot reeeeeeee
Welcome to HELL AZ Edition
Just be glad you're not in Europe. They consider air conditioning to be witchcraft, and ice to be a valuable commodity.
AZ is a white man's paradise.
I have an AC in mz room whille drinking a 2l cold bottled water so suck it spic
lighters say don't store above that temperature
do they blow up?
i would just straight up die.
its 26 right now in the UK and its already too much
Save us Jesus
I'm not sure about that, but I do love our gun laws, or lack thereof.
I'm from the midwest and was told "it's a dry heat out west it's not that bad." Well i went to Vegas in July and nearly died waling from my hotel room to the Luxor. Overs are dry heat too.
I wouldnt be able to function in that heat. What is life like in 116 degrees.
103 here in Idaho. fuck this nigger weather.
Ha it's 82 where I live in Florida right now
whats worse that shit in dry heat or humid as fuck around 100? I went to DC a few years ago and it was around 100 but low humidity, I live in houston and it feels like a sauna half the time.
>living in phoenix
Why tho? Go live in the Verde. You still might be able to catch some snow up around Jerome even right now.
I wonder if they bitched this much back in 1957
Did the morons who settled Phoenix show up in the winter or were they exiled Mormons with nowhere else to go?
AZ is dry, so 110 is like 80 anywhere that actually has water.
t. Just left Phoenix and moved to Portland
that's insane.
how do people live there?
At least it's dry heat. Here in the DC suburbs we got 100 degrees and like 70% humidity. Shit's brutal.
>live in the middle of nowhere, it's nicer!
No shit.
Baghdad hit 120 a couple days ago.
I had the best time of my life living in Camp Verde. Best place on the entire face of this planet IMO.
If it's so obvious, why don't you move?
If it's too pricey you could check out Cottonwood, still in the valley, although it's pretty damn hot there too.
Id take 100% and 30% humidity over 85 and 90% humidity.
Also they dont have mosquitos....or cold weather...the price they pay is that its hot as shit in the winter because...its a fucking desert....
And what's that in non-retard units? I cant believe thats celcius. Fucking impossible.
AC, white shades over the windows, sleeping through the day and drinking shit tons of icewater
I was just waiting for some fag to bitch about not using Celsius. Fuck. We have the internet. convert those numbers
Maybe in Serbia things are different, but I just went to London, Paris, Geneva, Milan and Rome and "air conditioning" at its best was like a hairdryer blowing over a cool glass of water and it seemed like you had to beg people to put more than 4 cubes of ice in your drink. And then they would add one more.
I was told in Paris that only the 5 star hotels had real air conditioning. So, $600/night would get you cool.
All of this during a heat wave.
Other than that peculiarity, good trip.
I think my grandparents live in Cottonwood.
I haven't been there in a decade, at least.
Pretty nice area, though I dislike AZ heat.
>tfw you live in phoenix arizona and your water pipes run through the roof so you have hot and hot running water
Move slowly from one air conditioned place to another.
Running is out of the question.
Kay, i'll do it for you. Since i'm not lazy. it's 46.66 C
ITT white people complaining about a little bit of heat.
Why the fuck do you post with a dixie flag? We're not confederate faggots, we only had one battle in the state and it involved 20 or so people. Don't suck cleatus cock and embrace Arizona supremacy instead.
>26 (78)
FFS, 3 weeks ago it was 90 in London. Riding the subway fucking sucked.
Man my pipes run through the ground and I still can't get running water below about 80 deg
Fuck you. Be proud of your redneck heritage.
We don't have redneck heritage here, unless you live in a trailer park in the shithole northern alpine regions.
This is an American website. Fuck off with your cuck units
Can I get a monsoon?
When were you there? I lived in CV from 08-13. Fun but lots of druggies and retards.
Stupid faggot that's not even a lukewarm 120 like they just had. Fuckoff back to CA and die.
103 here in Fresno supposed to get up to 109 tomorrow
nice mild summer, all things considered
Another burger commenting about things around the world when he hasn't even left his state in the last 10 years.
Mid '16 to early '17. More of those types in cottonwood. Never ran into anyone you wouldn't like in CV. Completely safe at night.
I just got back from there!
East Valley reporting in, some exploded in my car yesterday
yeah humidity is way fucking worse like this idiot who will be locked in his house for all of mid-July
Reminder that the hotter a country's climate is the more likely it is a 3rd world country.
This probably says something about people who live in hot locations.
>tfw 5 years ago it was 112 in Wisconsin
Except that in addition to scorching heat, we had high humidity as well, something you're fortunate to avoid where you're at.
Nigga it got to 119 in the desert southwest of CA. Last week we had a streak of days like that, but those are the birthing pains of summer in August here where it's regularly 118+ (up to 125 sometimes) during the day, and no less than 105 at night.
>1 bar of cold
Can confirm, itd about 117 here
neither. they were gold diggers who settled back from California. If you've seen the Grand Canyon, you'd find lots of pyrite, fools gold. Also was a US Fort for supply chains.
Get out of the desert you dumbass sandniggers.
It's 12 Degrees where I am and it rarely gets hotter than low 20s and average is around 16 degrees this time of year. Pretty comfy climate here and we don't have mosquitoes here either.
>we don't have redneck heritage here
Sure thing, Paco.
t. Scottsdale
Not him but holy buttfuck that's hot.... it's 23C here in Canada and people are hiding in their basements sweating balls haha
I live up in Canuckistan and would take weather like that over -30 any day.
Count yourselves lucky.
Speak for yourself it was 32 around where I live on Wednesday and I was out drinking beer in it.
Fucking love the heat.
haha this was great
I lived in Phx for a couple years, moved there from Oregon (nice and cozy overcast 55 most the time).
You know that feeling when you open an oven and catch a blast of hot air in the face? that's what its like when you open the door from your air-conditioned house to the outside. Then you have to actually step out into the oven.
People literally just go from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned where ever and back again.
Cactuses grow there naturally, its a literal desert.
it was 120ish last week
Not anymore
Now learne the superior metrics
So I went to Crete for the first time, in late June/early July, in the middle of a heatwave... big mistake.
"Superior" is used by the people of the world's foremost super power.
Inferior is used by countries in South America, Africa, the Middle East, etc.
Kansas is a goddamn wasteland
They used to close school when temps hit 120°. Saguaro Wildcats!
Tucsonfag here, you are absolutely right with the oven analogy. I have no idea how all those Jews did it
*bursts on fire*
Can't beat needles, I live in the LA area but Needles is always the hottest.
Heeyyy a fellow hell dweller
Phoenix is literally flooded with somalis and hispanics. Now the nice parts of town? Say Scottsdale, Chandler, Gilbert, PV? Much better
Dry heat is better because at least your sweat works
I lived in Arizona as a kid and I remember the feeling of cold showers being so refreshing. I've been in Alaska for the past 25 years and the cold water here is cold as shit. I can't remember what it's like to enjoy a cold shower anymore.
Vegas reporting
was 114 today and I didn't notice
going to go swimming tonight and that HOT/COLD contrast between the air and pool water is fucking paradise
I can't even take a cold shower. It's either hot or hotter.
Any ASU Anons?
I spent a few summers in India - same temperatures, except with 70-80% humidity, the occasional torrential rain, and dust that'd turn a white shirt brown after a 10-minute walk.
Standard weather for AZ
>ermuhgerd wercum tur herr
So hot the lungs can't exchange gasses properly. Scrabbling up Mt Lemon for a little air.
Good luck. Isn't it on fire?
at least it's not humid..
It's 120 where I'm at. A couple of hours away from Phoenix, in Imperial County.
Storm coming in from east now tho over superstitions