American independant Jurnolists attacked by antifa in Germany Because some faggot tweeted out their location telling people they are nazi's
Tim pool struggles to seduce Lauren Southern (and fails)
Journalist who was attacked:
American independant Jurnolists attacked by antifa in Germany Because some faggot tweeted out their location telling people they are nazi's
Tim pool struggles to seduce Lauren Southern (and fails)
Journalist who was attacked:
These bad actors are so annoying
Twitter of the guy responsible for the beatings.
At least watch the second one where the faggot pool squirms badly as he displays failed wit and alpha behavior in an attempt to fuck L Southern.
L Southern
when will you basic bitch civic nationalists realise to antifa you are nazis?
we are the only ones who will protect you and not cuck, you can go and interview spencer or jared taylor on the altright and it will be safe
white liberals/commies are going to get you all killed for their utopian dream
I became gay just to try to fuck Lauren.
Tim ain't got shit.
pool actually smashed pettibone though.
>im pool struggles to seduce Lauren Southern (and fails)
it's futile
Lauren is pure
Im not really a civic nationalist. Nice pic btw, the guy looks very angry.
Watch her give that little faggot every chance to hold a stable flirtatious conversation and watch the faggot fail every time.
I think the only reason she was even playing with him was because shes in a foreign country and wants to keep her cannon fodder make shift body guards ready and willing to take a punch for her.
Bet he kept his cap on the whole time.
Who was ore popular at the time, him or her? I struggle to believe anyone could be attracted to this little weasel.
Its not even about his looks. Hes behavior is so fucking try hard around girls it even repulses me... I cant imagine what a girl must be experiencing with her heightened acuity to these kinds of things
i wasnt assuming what you were u spud it was in general to the spastic normie cunts lurking
correct its not his looks, its his vibes he gives off the mr nice guy, girls dont like sneaky
>that fucking ass
God damn it I want to breed the fuk out of that brahs
im literally shaking right now
my underwear is longer than her shorts
ok il put out a guard.
Meet DEXTER the thread guard.
Picture highly related. Its DEXTER (Dex for short if you are so inclined )
We have similar looking girls here in Aus.
Trade you one for one of your finest Petite froggys?
I have a weakness for french women..
You people are fucking faggots.
Tim Pool has been doing this since 2007.
These nu-pool e celebs steal the show,
Look into how Luke stole we are change.
He's literally a Cuck instead of defending her he tries to distance himself as much from her as he can. What a spineless bitch.
Her voice is too octaves below his.
He's awkward as hell.
But if he smashed Pettibone I guess I have to respect that because Pettibone > Southern, because Pettibone seems at least somewhat normal.
>aussie women
You got yourself a deal, bud.
link me something.
im not gay dont call me gay plz
i also dont care about him i just find it amusing to dribble shit and stir people up who are about to rage about lauren or muh right wing e-clebs, tim seems ok i still wanna bully him though, and that luke guy who i care even less about and will not bother looking into shit about him looks like a total faggot and a slimy prick post a basic gestalt of the cunt in info graphic form
lol he is actually called Soeren
I thought this was a fucking meme.
A lot of the civ-nats (not Lauren I think, visiting Paris was a great redpill for her) are liberals at heart who truly believe in multi-culti and just see Islam as a spoiler. They're just as much of an enemy as the commies.
Already tweeted the cunt
Lauren southern is a Jew . somebody needs to shave her head and force her to stop deceiving people with her fake blonde hair. this bitch is making $5000 a month how ?
Hahaha you have no idea what you are getting youself into..
Stop reposting this shit, nobody cares.
Girl got scared, nothing happened.
You have been trying to get this lie to stick for months and no one believes you. Try another angle, retards.
most liberals are commies
whats interesting is the fence sitting youtubers always get revealed to be left wing extremists
also the majority of the anti sjw losers who are vocal but counter signal against the alt right are non whites - thats a huge redpill
people like lauren or styx or moly seem like the better part or the civic nationalist side they are not there to sabotage us and control the narrative
>shes a kike
>pic related
That video is painfully accurate. If you want an idea of the scumbags we have here this video is for you.
You think I have it bad, pal?
Lol get the fuck out of here, is he really that badly bald?
A dude with game could get around that but he's way too much of a beta to pull it off.
Another attack. Germany is literally a hell-hole.
>$5000 a month
Holy shit that's wild. That's like manager of a tire store baller money. Bitch is really living high on the hog.
I know Pettibone personally and she's the type of womyn to smash you because of your personality more than your looks. I thought she was with a man though so that is kind of weird if true.
Yeah but i really cannot stand to watch moly anymore.. He is wayyyy too self aggrandizing and arrogant. Also turns into a little bitch whenever a girl with a hot sounding voice is on the phone.
I mean Pim Tool is getting bullied by the dick show fans so lol
True. Game wins above all else. God its so good to be a male and not have to worry about looks so much. Most guys have no idea though and think that girls care about the looks as much as we do.
Tim Pool seems like the type of nice guy that has loads of female friends but never gets laid or has a girlfriend.
A sad existence indeed.
When I saw the thumbnail of Timmy and Lauren side by side the first thing that came to my head was how people are going to accuse him of trying to fuck Lauren and calling him out on his beta behavior around her
Seriously, what a jackass.
Yeah thats pretty bad but we have razors. Try shifting the mentality of a female in the country home to the mot stubborn feminists on earth.
Also watch this fucking video!
Its quite accurate
Lauren has a cute personality and is very attractive.
I just want to dominate her and splash her face.
Yeah but this guy is a weak fuck. I mean maybe they think he is standing up for his beliefs in the face of high adversity which would probs turn them on...
I get turned off when he keeps quoting Churchill or how heroic Britain was in WW2. Haven't actually listened in ages because he has all the Kosher people from Rabbi Media and the alt-light on.
wow what a faggot, she was trying to be flirty, and he didn't reciprocate at all. He was either scared or disgusted at this harlot, probably scared though.
When are you going to flee your country as a refugee? Which country will you flee to?
If you are white you are welcome here.
How do you know he fucked Pettibone?
Wow this video is really bad. Around 10 minutes she says she gets texts asking where her and Pool went, where are you both? LOL like she took him back to her place to take him to the bone zone and he pussed out.
>that flag
>calling normal women harlots
just admit you hate shaven human women
I don't I'm mildly skeptical about it since I know Pettibone and she seems like a breddy traditional gril
look at this shit seriously
Go to 8:40
This cunts arrogance is far too much to handle. This is the video that killed him for me. Since this i have not watched another video of his.
Another one that i cant find, i fell asleep with the computer on and was woken up by him singing in the fucking gayest voice i ahve ever heard.. I almost smashed the laptop to make it stop in my semi-conscious state.
And his facial expressions while she is talking. Dude is such a tool. I hope he gets beat up by some anfifag before he leaves. Be our martyr, baldy.
I have some great news! Rageafterstorm has been soundly defeated! She was doxed and reported to the local authorities. She took down her videos under threat of legal action. This is why she doesn't wanted her videos mirrored or reuploaded.
This is a good day for the right
muh dik
Tucker isn't powerful enough to "name the Jew."
Really, only Rush is but (((they))) probably got to him years and years ago with new-rich-party sexual blackmail or whatnot.
damn guy is 20 years younger than molymeme but has even less hair
Lol fuck her. She was a pandering bitch anyway.
Although if the alt right is to become a normalized movment we are going to need females. We all know they have never come up with anything original but thats just their nature. They join already strong and established things. its a good sign when you see a few females joining in.
I am not welcome there, your government does not want me.
I will either got to Ireland or Italy.
Lauren is honestly growing on me desu and i really fucking hate women
She's been moving further and further right since the start of this year, she's gotten out from under (((Rebel))) media, she's actually frontline reporting at protests and stuff rather than the usual snarky 'i make comments about how silly these leftists are' Youtube videos.
I hope this serves as a wakeup call and she realises that she needs to ditch her Civic Nationalism and look towards her fellow Whites to protect her.
Tim Pool is a left wing cuck who thinks he is above everyone.
Although he states he is "centre-left" he still pretends to do non-partisan reporting. I've noticed everytime he criticizes the left he has to shit talk the right, yet everytime he criticizes the right he doesn't shit talk the left.
What are you qualifications?
Iv'e been to italy and it is a fucking beautiful country but it looks like it the africans have already beat you too it.
Why does two countries? You like the similar flag format or something?
We need quality females. Not these narcissistic rent seeking whores. Anyone under 30 or who doesn;t have kids is just an opportunist trying to cash in on a movement they did nothing to build up
I don't have any qualifications really. I never went to university.
I have allot of certifications for shit relating to the maritime industry like lattice boom crane operator.
Id be happy to see her get with the Austrian Generation identitare guy. I though it would happen when they were in Sicily. Is she still fucking with that indian guy or what?
Fuck learn to code or something. You will like it here if you are white mate. Aussies like South Africans
He actually looks like a man without that faggy beanie on.
jesus this thread has turned into shills with the usual girls fucking people gossip shit even one of the tards i thought was ok at the start is having some weird thought process where he discusses to himself who he would like to see fuck lauren hahahahahah oh man.
by 'fucking with' do you mean 'had a picture taken stood next to?' Because that's all i've seen of it
Not trying to be Lauren defence force because i'm not particularly sold on her yet, but i remember there was a picture of her with a black guy so of course shes been in a 14 man gangbang with all blacks etc
I don't imagine she'd keep a relationship going well with all the travel and shit she does, but she probably fucks a lot of dudes as she travels
Where is pic from?
Lol I want to see her make a good example by getting married to a respectable white male rather than gallivanting around with niggers and poos.
No White male will ever be good enough for the alt right.
God I hate you nu/pol/ betas
Fuck europeans know how to dress. i want one of those sexy coats
Kagney Linn Karter.
>calling her Jewish in the hopes that your misinformation will slip by
God I hate lying shills
>Pool fails to seduce Southern
Lmao ok glad I am not the only one who watched that and thought Pool was trying to do some extremely beta virtue signaling and engaging in cringe-tier faggotry trying to appeal to Lauren.
This is the sexual game of a centrist everybody.
Who wouldn't want to get a piece of Lauren's sweet ass? Why you hating on baldy Pool for trying? I don't most of Sup Forums would even have the balls for trying tbqh.
To me it sounded like he was trying to distance himself from her and her Identitarianism
She has a french face
Sounded like he was trying to say "I have my own beliefs because I am an independent person (see I exhibit alpha traits), but I will ALWAYS fight for YOUR RIGHT to say what YOU BELIEVE" like an absolute faggot.
Acting fake+gay as fuck.
Because he fails so fucking hard.. He is not trying. He is attempting to slip in under the radar.
She actually looks like a spanish blonde.
She has the pointy mouse like face (cute). I've seen many french females with a similar facial structure. Its just and anecdotal observation though
I want her to step on my back with high heels and spit on my face
Not exactly the same.
That thigh gap bro it's all in the thigh gap and because a worthless piece of shit
how tall is lauren?
Please migrate:
Our chance to destroy Antifa!
(Chat from Antifamembers:
Part 1 of 4
>American independant Jurnolists attacked by antifa in Germany Because some faggot tweeted out their location telling people they are nazi's
Golden opportunity missed: Infiltrate and "out" leftists as Nazis so their own violent mobs attack them.